Working and disability allowance in uk: This is for uk... - NRAS


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Working and disability allowance in uk

holly2812 profile image
12 Replies

This is for uk people really, I was wondering if many people receive disability allowance as they can't work. I'm looking into claiming for it , but I wondered if any one had any advice?

I'm 23, I had been working full time since I was 19. I started training as a nurse, but after a year due to my RA and fibro getting worse I had to leave, my old job is still available, but it was working with brain injured children with horrible shift work and manual handling. I still work bank shifts, but I can only work 15-20 hours a week, as its to hard on my body. But the problem is indeed a job, but I can't work full time any more. I keep trying to not give in to my problems. But it's making me worse. So has any one got any advise in what I can do. Xxx

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holly2812 profile image
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12 Replies
FEARN2261 profile image

Hi Holly, DLA is changing to PIP. You might be best speaking to CAB? At the moment you can claim dla whether you're working or not if your disability affects your daily life & you need extra support. CAB could advise you on the best thing to do,xxxx

juddo39 profile image

Hi Holly, I tried to make a claim for DLA last year and spent a horrible 2 hours with a 'doctor' in my house assessing me.... He deemed me to be a fit lady!! Therefore for my claim had absolutely no chance. I would never subject myself to the humility again. I am lucky I suppose I have a supporting working husband but god knows what would happen if he lost his job. I was diagnosed in early 2011 and tried to keep working but I just couldn't. I am now at home full time and although I keep so much better RA related money is tight.

Judith xx

shirlthegirl profile image

Hiya Holly, I haven't tried to claim DLA, As everyone has said it isn't easy and i would want to be humility nether, I also have a very supportive husband, but we are finding it hard at the moment as i have been of sick since July, My SSP is running out at the end of this month, so i have applied for contribution ESA, This only includes my income not my husbands,and it is worked out from my National insurance contributions, I have been working over 35 years so i have a lot in the pot,as they call it, I haven't anything from my claim at the moment so i will let you know, i have also found out that when i am able to work they can put me on a back to work system, which helps me for a while until i can get back to doing my normal hours, but have a chat with the CAB and i am sure they will let you know what you can claim for,

Take Care Xx

Wolf52 profile image
Wolf52 in reply to shirlthegirl

Hi there, even though you may have worked for over 35 years and put a lot in the pot, you will only get contribution ESA for one year. They changed the rules last year for this, and then if your husband works over 24 hours and/or you have savings, the chances of you applying for anything else are very slim. I know this as my husband and I are in this position, I work full time, have some savings, and my husband hasn't worked since August 2010 due to medical condition and is currently not entitled to anything. Nina

oldtimer profile image

Have you thought about re-training to do some nurse-related less physical work? Health visiting, health promotion, even general practice nursing all require less physical work.

Just a thought, it might give you more of a future boost than thinking about having to stop work altogether.

There are advisors in the job centre's that you can make an appointment to see, or get some information from the Nursing Council?

in reply to oldtimer

That's right. The Job centres have specially qualified Disability Advisers who may be able to point you in the right direction.

holly2812 profile image

Thanks , i forgot to add that im currently managing to work 16 hours a week as a nanny, but i can reallty do much more.

Im a bit stuck at the moment, as i cant work full time, but i need to start thinking about moving out and buying a house.

The thing with nursing training, i have to be able to do everthing and then be they decide im 'fit to work'. after i might be able to work, but i physcially can not get past the training.

my advice is go to an advice shop if you have one or as suggested cab as they can help you with any forms you have to fill in and you will probably be assessed by an independant GP who doesn't know you and the advice I was given many light years ago is to give a description of your worst day and not be saying to the assessor oh I can do this and that please appear to be on your worst day and you just might get an allowance of some kind the DLA as it is just now is non taxable and not taken into account as income GOOD LUCK

earthwitch profile image

You can get DLA even if you are working, but what you need to be aware of is that DLA is given for permanent and ongoing disability, so if they think you are going to improve (on different meds, etc) then you may not get it. Its definitely worth getting advice on though, and as has been said, the disability welfare officers at CAB are the best ones to go to to get help to fill out the forms. Don't try to fill them out yourself either - you need a lot of advice, because your answers have to be worded just right otherwise its very easy to get turned down. You do need to be quite graphic in describing your disability, but be careful about describing just your "worst" days, because if your "worst" days are only occasionally, you could be seen to be exaggerating your disability. The biggest problem that people strike with the forms though is by accidentally saying something that makes the assessor think that you are coping better than you actually are, even if that is in the middle of a whole lot of description of how much difficulty you have.

earthwitch profile image

Just another thought - if you are only working part time, but working more than 16 hours a week on average, have you applied for working tax credit? That can sometimes make a huge difference.

Vonnie55 profile image

Hi, I would definately try to claim DLA, PIP, you are entitled.

As earthwitch has said, you have to be so careful doing the forms. I usually ask my consultants and other health pro's for letters relating to how you manage, well before anything has to be filled in. That way you can send all copies of as much info as poss, better to bombarde them, than not give enough info.

As the others have said, always best to seek pro help from all the various bodies.

Have a look at Benefits and work website, nothing to do with government dept. Very informative and they point out all the loopholes that you need to watch for when answering questions. Sorry i havn't link, just google them, lots of free info.

Wolf52 profile image

Hi Holly, you can claim for DLA whether you are working or not and it is not means tested. Get as much support from your GP and rheumatologist as you can so your claim be correctly reviewed.

I work full time and also get DLA.


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