Hi I'm Amanda,
I've had RA since I was 18 years old I'm now 30. Things aren't the best I'm due for a knee replacement operation on both knees. I have a infusion rituxmab and I take methotrexate. I also take predisione which I hate taking so much. I was wondering if I could ask for advice. I'm really struggling with weight loss I gain a bit but it's all in my face and tummy. I only eat 3 meals a day but one minute I'm 3 pounds lighter next I'm 4 pounds heavier which is upsetting to me. Any advice on diets? I'm have a lot of flare ups due to my knee I'm not sure if the extra weight is due to the inflammation on my knee. I can't really exercise at the moment as I need a crutch or wheel chair to get about. Just need advice on weight and if any one else has had knee replacement as well and how it well. Thank you 😊