Hi, last December 2015 l damaged my back at work. (nurse) . I went home in agony. The next day was horrendous. So much pain. Then the net day l got out of bed and nearly fell over! My leg was numb as was my foot. I thought l had a stroke. Went to gp that afternoon with foot drop who sent me home with pain killers. The next day l went to a physiotherapist and she said l had no response in my toes and to return in a week which l did.She told me to go back to gp and request a mri which l had 3 weeks later. URGENT REFERRAL it said on results ....like 3 months later and miles and miles from my home as my local hospital could not see me. By then it was too late,,said the consultant. Not actually believing him l managed to get an appointment at my own hospital where that consultant said the same thing. AN occupational health doctor told me my gp should have sent me straight to a&e and this could/would have been rectified ie surgery....People are now telling me its medical negligence but l am worried about suing my surgery! What do you think???
GP and FOOTDROP: Hi, last December 2015 l damaged my... - NRAS

Go for the money. Being disabled is a VERY expensive business if you want to enjoy life a little - taxis to the hairdresser; going to the cinema; having a few hours a week of home help - it all adds up. My opinion, anyway. Jay-bird
Hi Blacktabby,
This is awful for you and I'm so sorry to hear of your predicament. My sister has the same problem as you but her foot drop and numbness were caused by a surgeon who severed an important nerve during an operation. She has also had pins and needles in her foot for 18 months and been told she will always have them as there's nothing they can do.
The reason I'm telling you this is that she started down the route of suing the surgeon/NHS but it became so long and drawn out that she, in the end, gave up and didn't see it through. (The unsuccessful surgery also left her with other health issues but I shan't go into those for fear of worrying others who need an operation.) Because of her other health problems she didn't have the energy nor strength of mind to pursue the claim and hasn't even had an apology from the surgeon involved even though her life has changed beyond recognition. All I'm saying that if you do decide to go down the 'suing route' just be prepared for the long haul.
Love, Legs x
I would certainly go for the money too. Why should you have to suffer so much by other people's negligence ?? Like Jay-Bird said, it is very expensive being disabled and having to give up work as well, I wouldn't hesitate. Have you thought of going through one of these companies who specialise in these situations ?? Maybe talking to CAB or your own solicitor might help.
You might even stop other people from suffering this neglect. Somebody should have been reprimanded at least for this incompetence.
Good luck with it, I do hope you decide to go ahead xxx
Hi Blacktabby14
I had a not-dissimilar situation occur, in that I went to see a GP after waking up unable to walk following a previous slipped disc and footdrop. The GP let me go home with a (private) referral for three days later. When I saw the surgeon 3 days later he was absolutely furious I'd been allowed to leave the GPs surgery on foot (well, crutches). He said I should have been sent straight to A&E in an ambulance and operated on that day.
It seems there is a serious lack of understanding amongst GPs with regards the seriousness and urgency of this situation.
For me I had a good recovery after the initial surgery (although subsequently had a recurrence and further surgery), but then I didn't have to wait 3 months. 14 months on I am still recovering and still have a footdrop on one side although after a lot of hard work (and pain) I am finally starting to get my balance and some ability to walk back, but it will never fully come back and the footdrop I have is likely permanent.
As for whether you should sue, I can't say. If I was you I would do some research into local, good legal firms and take their advice. The last thing you need is to alienate your medical team at this stage for no benefit to yourself. On the other hand, if you are suffering due to someone else's mistakes then you deserve recompense IMHO.
Good luck with your decision.
Hi Blacktabby14. I have just read on Health Unlocked 'PAS' Pernicious Anemia Society an administrator 2 yrs ago mentioning that B12 Deficiency can cause Foot Drop. I remember telling my friend this a year ago this connection. Sorry I have no links, but might be an idea to check this yourself ?
This is the link I have been given nhs.uk/conditions/foot-drop...
Peripheral neuropathy as a cause of foot-drop and peripheral neuropathy is a symptom of B12 Deficiency (and other conditions)