Advice Required : Sorry this is long So I've had a... - NRAS


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Advice Required

wilbertjellyfish profile image
23 Replies

Sorry this is long

So I've had a rough summer. Initially really tired in evenings, rang the GP...was told at 46 I'm probably menopausal and what do I expect.

A week later my leg swole. I went in said I thought cellulitis, different GP thought more likely clot so scans and anti clot stuff and a basic antibiotic. No clot on scan.

After five days not better phoned different GP.. have to finish antibiotic. Two days later get the first GP he gave me a better antibiotic...after debate. No pain relief from any of them.

Cellulitis cleared up and now leg and foot aren't swollen like a balloon.

Now I'm knackered past five days sore throat, achy all over, sleeping alot, can't do much but feel unwell.

Thought Friday not to bad did 20lengths in pool (normally 40) slept rest of day.

This morning felt nearly normal went to church, 1st hymn thought was going to faint or vomit. Rest of day on sofa.

Drinking ok not really eating.

COVID negative.

Does this sound familiar??

I need to go back to work on Tuesday and and felt dismissed by GP so many times think ringing is nearly pointless.

F2f consultant in a month

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wilbertjellyfish profile image
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23 Replies
Amnesiac3637 profile image

How miserable for you. Sounds like you’ve had some sort of virus which hasn’t cleared or you’ve picked up another one which is making you feel so rough. Keep on ringing GP - their job is to see you and treat you (and most of them do) - and get some answers . Sympathy in spades and hope you feel much better very soon.

Blackberrywine profile image

Have you had a heart check? Docs are paid to help mot ignore. I would phone again.

Gnarli profile image

Your doctors' job is to treat their patients. If none of us went to see them a/ wouldn't that be marvellous and b/ they'd have nothing to do. I expect they are paid a premium because you have a rheumatic illness. Please don't be shy

springcross profile image

Hi wjf. I would ring the GP again as others on here have said. The cellulitis may have cleared up but you still feel rough so you need to be seen again. Hope you can get it sorted pdq! Good luck.

springcross profile image

Is it possible this could be due to the 2 courses of abs I wonder. One can be bad enough and mess with the gut if you're unlucky but two! Maybe try some bio yogurt to see if it helps. 🤔

Akaka profile image

Hi, I think I have/had something similar. I initially thought the tiredness was my body recovering after my knee injections and the fact I slept so much better for the first time in months. Then all of a sudden I felt like I was going to faint, incredibly tired and felt ill with a bit of a sore throat. No appetite, achy etc apparently border line anaemia but have been for ages so Dr ruled out that and said he didn’t know - age 😡perhaps 63 ? I know my body and I know something isn’t right, but the tiredness is awful, I fall asleep and want to open my eyes and wake up but can’t and it’s 6.00 in the evening. My lungs are clear, heart beat normal but just feel awful. I’m hoping it’s a virus that will disappear, on top of ra it is no fun !

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to Akaka

Yes this feels viral but my heart last night was 110, this morning it was 45. My chest is sore if I take a deep breath but I had bad pneumonia in December. I took extra prednisolone this morning because my adrenals are a bit underactive. That might help.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

oldtimer2 profile image

Go on complaining if you don't feel right. Those who persist get the best treatment. If you don't say how you feel, they think you are OK.

Unfortunately, 'feeling tired' makes a doctor's heart sink - it can be nothing or almost anything. Look critically at your body and write a list of what's gone wrong and arrange them in order of when each symptom/sign appeared. That should help the doctor to work out where they should be looking. Best of luck!

wilbertjellyfish profile image

I know, I'm not a natural complainer and I just keep thinking I should be able to suck it up and live this, usually I do but just at the minute I can't. I don't want to be one of those people cluttering up the doctor's when it's something minor. So far I feel brushed off.

Amnesiac3637 profile image
Amnesiac3637 in reply to wilbertjellyfish

Can I assure you you will not be ‘cluttering up the doctor’s’! I am a retired Practice Sister and you would not believe what clutters up the doctors. People whose antibiotics have not worked within a day, people who have had false eyelashes not sticking properly, people who have eaten unwisely on too much curry and booze and been sick once, people who smoke and continue to do so with a racking cough on top of a cold, hair extensions too tight, people who have a wart on their finger, a verruca on their foot……….I could go on.

You have a serious auto—immune disease which at any time could throw a curve ball and cause you a real problem if not investigated. You are on some heavy duty drugs and if your doctor is not available to you when you’re ill then there’s something very wrong. Persistence pays; if you are immune compromised then tell the receptionist as you should be seen that day and if not ensure that your GP is fully aware of your diagnosis and you are seen within a day or two.

If we all back off from going to the GP when we need to the NHS will continue to be run down . It’s the GP’s job, that’s what they do so please, go if you need help and I hope you get over this bout of misery very soon.

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to Amnesiac3637

Gosh. I really don't want to be someone running when there's nothing wrong, then you do convince yourself to ring and get told your menopausal. Thing is I'd be telling anyone else to go ...need to take some of my own medicine.


lupus_01 profile image

I used to find that if I picked up a bug it would wipe me out but hubby used to just feel a bit meh. Possibly a combination of peri menopause, AS and bugs has brought you low.

Hisue profile image

I’m in the USA.

Had similar issues. Rheumatologist told me “It’s part of RA disease”.

So I went to a integrative dr- turned out I had fractured my tibia when moving 6 mths ago & had reactivated CFS/ME (w/debilitating fatigue, so bad that I had to lay down after applying lipstick & any simple task).

I’ve been on a regime of supplements & walking that integrative dr recommended (in addition to JAK inhibitor)- finally getting my strength back….

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to Hisue

Glad you're starting to feel better

Hisue profile image
Hisue in reply to wilbertjellyfish

Thx - I had a series of bad rheumatology drs for years -in the USA University Medical system.

If you don’t want to be a dr “on call”- be a rheumy or derm.

Telling a severely ill RA patient “‘it’s part of the disease”, “case closed”, doesn’t help us heal, stop joint damage, or relieve pain. (And rheumy drs that refuse to prescribe sedatives or pain killers, because “they’re addictive. Well, I know that.)

Don’t be afraid to “shop around” for a good drs.

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to Hisue

I live in northern Ireland so we have the NHS . You get who you get and there really isn't any choice or options unless you can afford private which isn't an option. However if I continue to get no where I might pay for a private consultation with a rheumatologist. I just want is being in daily pain the best I can expect. I'll try the GP tomorrow, they were all off today and see.

Hisue profile image
Hisue in reply to wilbertjellyfish

Now we usually have to wait 3-6 mths for a rheumy or gp appt here in the USA & then take what you can get😳. (They like to send you to the A&E all the time: on weekends, holidays, & after hrs.)

I finally went to an independent integrative private practice for the RA fatigue, CFS/ME.

I have good medical insurance- so the drs are making “big bucks”- but frequently giving poor treatment. I get the impression that most USA medical professionals nowadays just don’t care- I’m just a “number” that supports their upscale lifestyle…..

Sounds like a good plan to go outside NHS & private-pay for a second opinion.

vivgibbs profile image

Get them to check your CRP

Flinda profile image

If you can't operate as usual then clearly there's something wrong. not just menopausal. I had similar symptoms 6 months before having full blown RA, and they just kept telling me it was stress, to slow down, try mindfulness, or just not believing how debilitating it actually was. I too slept most of the day, for weeks! So, although I'm not medically trained at all, from just personal experience, I'd say there is something brewing, which could be picked up with a few of the right set of tests. Good luck.

Knora profile image


Definitely don’t be fobbed off.

I had a major bilateral pulmonary embolism in January and I was exactly like you described before. Apparently I had had a dvt but I have so much leg pain normally tgst I didn’t notice. I had not redness or swelling.

I was so exhausted that if I did anything I ended up on the settee again.

I then had another clot in the top of my leg and then realised what was going on. By now , what I thought was asthma wasn’t! My pulse was 110 and I couldn’t walk up stairs without feeling like I was climbing Everest.

Short story is that if the consultant who I saw in ambulatory care (Day after going to an and e ) hadn’t followed a hunch I could have died. I was seriously unwell with bilateral embolism in both lungs, top to bottom. This was causing the breathlessness and fast heart rate. She said I didn’t present in the normal way but wanted a ct angiogram to be certain. She was shocked how I was still walking about.

I went downhill that day and was seriously I’ll for over 2 weeks.

I made a good recovery but I’m still amazed that I didn’t know how I’ll I was.

Please get this checked out. Your pulse is high for someone resting a lot of the time.

I hope they find out what’s going on and that you feel much better soon. Take care.

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to Knora

Omg. Your a lucky lady. So glad they got you sorted.

Knora profile image
Knora in reply to wilbertjellyfish

Thanks. X

Stills profile image

I get it. I have days like this where I feel afraid to sleep in case I don’t wake up. Note my diagnosis is Adult Onset Stills Disease which for me manifests as rheumatoid disease. Sore throat was the herald of the illness and over 40+ years had never abated. No GP had ever shown any understanding at all ever.

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