I first posted on here 8 or 9 months ago after being diagnosed with RA, I was in desperate need of some feedback and I suppose comfort.
And I had some lovely responses that gave me hope that in the long run things would get better.
Well its been over 12 months since the pain started in various parts of my body, I`m sad to say that a day hasn't gone by that I've not felt pain.
Sorry if I'm whinging on as i`m sure there are lots of you who have gone through similar?
2013 had not been a good year for me, first i lose my health then my job and sadly my mother passed away.
I was glad to see the back of 2013 and move into the new year with a fresh outlook!
So far its not gone to plan, I've been on and off methotrexate with liver problems and was put on a low dosage.(7.5mg)
I finally managed to get up to 15mg and thought at last I`m getting somewhere, I then develop a rash on my chest.
Nurse told me to stop taking mtx and see my doc who i managed to see the next day.
I was told it was some kind of infection and was given a course of antibiotics, while all this is going on my pain was unbearable somedays tramadol was doing much for me.
After the course of antibiotics finished i went back to see my rheumy she looked me over and wasn't convinced rash had`nt cleared up.
Told to go back to docs and until rash is sorted I'm to stay of meds, All this is only delaying the meds a chance to get into my body and hopefully give me some relief from pain.
So now I'm thinking does it really get better in time,sorry for the long winded whinge but i had to get it of my chest.
I live alone so i don't have anyone to distress too lol! Phew done it!!