I am due to take my MTX dose today and had a thought. I also got my flu and pneumonia jabs today. Anyone know if ok to take on same day?Haven't taken my folic acid today as per usual .
Methotrexate : I am due to take my MTX dose today and... - NRAS

I'm sitting in the gp surgery and about to have a pneumonia jab. I did my mtx injection this morning so I'm hoping for some positive replies- or I'm stuffed lol 🤔
Well I did that one year, and I'm still here.
I'm just back from my pneumonia jab- ouch! I asked about mtx etcon the same day. The reply was that as I have mtx every week and we aren't waiting for a window- then it's gine🤗 The main concern was as to my general health today re colds etc.
What I did forget to ask is: do I have to have a pneumonia jab every year as I do the flu jab?
No. it's 5 or 10 years, I forget which.
I was led to believe the pnuemonia vacination is one for life
This is from NHS info on pneumococcal vaccine:
"People over 65 only need a single pneumococcal vaccination, which will protect for life. It is not given annually like the flu jab.
People with a long-term health condition may need just a single one-off pneumococcal vaccination or five-yearly vaccination, depending on their underlying health problem."
Thank you I will look into this as I had the pneumonia vaccine over 10 years ago due Ito asthma and was told it was a one for life. Now I have RA I need to ask about it again. I'm due to have the flu this week but not sure If I will be able to have it as I have a chesty cough at the moment. I'm seeing my gp first so will ask if I should have the pneumonia as I'm prone to chest problems. Had a chest infection last year.
Hope you are keeping as well as can be.
Those in at risk groups & under 64 (for us long term health condition) once should be enough. For those over 65 a type of pneumonia jab called pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is used, this is a one-off. There are certain conditions/occupations where a booster every 5 years is recommended. I've been advised to have it before starting leflunomide & as I don't fall into the categories for warranting the booster jab I expect to only need to have it the once.
Don't know about the jabs, but I was always told don't take folic acid same day as MTX.... different Rheumatologists, different advice.
I've not had my pneumonia jab yet but I had my flu jab when I had my drug monitoring bloods done on the same morning I'd injected MTX & didn't have any problems.
If it is of any help, I had a pneumonia jab when I first started Mtx and was told I only needed one for life. However, I had pneumonia a couple of years later and was in hospital for a week quite poorly. I asked my GP if I needed a pneumonia booster and both my GP and the practice nurse said "No", however my Rheumy has insisted that I have a booster every 5 years, so I have now had that. So my advice is to check with your Consultant or Rheumatology nurse.
I asked Rheumy nurse before I got mine and she said absolutely fine...and I'm 2weeks on and I was...fine I mean! Lol M x