Hi all just wondered if anyone has had a reaction to the pneumonia injection I had the flu and pneumonia injections at the same time and have felt terrible since nausea headache tiredness also very sore arm just wondered if anyone else felt like this X
Pneumonia injection: Hi all just wondered if anyone has... - NRAS
Pneumonia injection

Hi Tillie.
The pneumonia injection is a one off you won't be having a tepeat of this one.Its the flu jab that gets repeated every year.
It was a few years back that I had mine both together and really ca t remember what happened but I don't think it made me poorly just a stiff arm for a day or two.Perhaps having the two together has been a little tougher on your system.
I still have the flu jab every year.This is not a live vaccine so you would not usually have a reaction in normal circumstances.
My arm is a little stiff and uncomfortable the following day but this would be a common reaction to most vaccines not just the flu.
At my surgery after you have had your flu jab you are asked to wait for 30 mins before you leave the surgery.Any adverse reaction you were going to have to this injection would happen within that time.
However if you have any concerns about the reaction you are getting then contact your surgery to alleviate any worries you have.
Take care.
Headache is a common side effect of the flu vaccine & nausea & tiredness both side effects of the pneumococcal vaccine. Both can leave you with a sore arm but that should pass. I had mine a couple of weeks ago & my arm was achy for just short of a week. If your temp isn't raised I wouldn't think you need attention (unless they become severe) & your symptoms will pass. Rest up, nausea & headaches will make you do that though I would think. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Hi nomoreheels thanks for the reply beginning to feel a bit better still tired I dont think I will have the flu jab again I had it about 20 years ago and was ill then as well shoul be back to normal tomorrow I hope X
Don't give up on the flu jab. After all even a couple of days of feeling awful is so much better than a full blown dose of the flu that could potentially turn into viral pneumonia. Also, the reaction really does depend on what is in this year's mix. Last year I found a real breeze with absolutely zero ill effects. The year before it was mild, and the year before that a reasonably bad reaction for a day or two - so you really can't predict what your reaction is going to be.
I'm pleased you're feeling a bit better, I hope a nights sleep helps too. Do think carefully about whether or not you have it next year. Each year the jab protects against the most virulent forms, it's not the same each year, I think it's likely to be coincidental that you feel the same as 20 years ago. You don't want flu (any type) on top of RD believe me! It's up to you but a couple of days feeling rough compared with a week prone in bed properly poorly & several weeks recovering, it just isn't worth the risk. Being on MTX I believe we need to ensure our lungs are tip top too. If you're still unsure next September do ask for advice. x
Hi- it's been suggested that I have a pneumonia jab. I had my flu jab Saturday and have been fine. I've asked my doctors about whether I can have it and haven't heard back yet. Is it normal for us RA lot to have it?
Hi moomin8
I wish I had my flu jab a couple of days before the pneumonia jab I thought that I would have it as we can suffer with our lungs but see what your go advises c
Who suggested that you had the pneumonia jab? I'm taking 20mg mtx (an injection ) weekly and 800mg sulfasalazine daily.
Criteria for who gets it seems to vary a bit from region to region, but generally if you have a chronic condition, and particularly if you are on immunosuppresant drugs, then you will be invited to have the pneumococcal jab (once only) as well as the annual flu one. If you haven't been asked, then worth phoning your GP surgery and asking the nurse whether you should be on the list.
Had a friend who had both and it really knocked her too this year (and she doesn't have RA). I havent had mine yet, but only need the flu one anyway.
If you don't mind me asking earthwitch, why do you only need the flu jab? The nurse didn't know - I asked her when she did my blood test this morning. The receptionist has left a note for my gp to decide.
The pneumococcal one you only need once, or every 10 years at the most. The flu jab you can have every year. I had both when I was first diagnosed many years ago and had no problems. Since then I've had the annual flu jab, and also had no problems - and no flu!
I have had flu once in my life pre-RA and it was awful, lasted for a long time and took several months to recover. I don't want that again.
Yes i had exactly the same, i have never had any reaction to the flu jab but had exactly the reactions you mention with the pnuemonia. But the medicos say it shouldnt happen because neither are live vaccines.
I was advised to have both injections but to have the pneumonia one a few weeks before I started mtx. I don't think you are supposed to have that one while you are on mtx due to immunosuppression. I had a dead arm for a few days but was otherwise ok. Flu vaccination usually causes mild headache etc for a couple of days. Well worth it in my opinion .
Hi, I have just had both flu and pneumonia jabs, feeling tired but often do and have sore arms but apart from that am fine. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow. As others have said - better than getting flu.
hi zip1
Thanks for the reply feeling a lot better today but tired almost back to normal thank goodness X