Been down here all night as i struggled to turn over in be,so i came down here at 1.30am and i took a naproxen and sat with my tablet playing games for an hour and settled down until six thirty,but my back is crippling me........ Hugs to you all.xxxxx
Compressed disc causing me no ends of suffering... - NRAS
Compressed disc causing me no ends of suffering...

Hope you're already feeling loads better and sleep well tonight!
Oh Sylvi, poor you. I've got a slipped disc in my neck and I know it's agonising, although I'm over the acute phase. Take it very easy and be kind to yourself. Xx
Get well soon xxx
Try a good osteopath mine is £25 for 30 minutes but great. Worth every penny and also try a bag of frozen peas. Its not as comfortable as heat but increases blood supply and relives pain. On for 10 minutes, then off same time.
Take care Sylvi, I hope you get sorted soon xx
I am a major computer gamer, so if you can't sleep, computer games are the way to go (at least for me). Hope you are feeling better this morning..
We share the misery.
Hi Sylv, my back is hell to, compressed vertebrae,keep popping pills for pain,it's agony isn't it.Seeing rheumy tomorrow, hoping for referral to osteo clinic,see if they can sort it.Have a lovely break despite the pain.x
Seeing your comment and reading the others reminds me just how many of us there are out there, I had to laugh as it took me 2 hours to actually get out of bed this morning, I was thrashing (gently) around like some beached whale to get into the right and less painful position, god knows what I looked like.
If you don't laugh you cry, my neighbour always says I make her laugh and some of the conversations I have with my brother about the effects of some medication (codeine) cannot be printed, but if anyone knows the side effects they will understand :).
We all have to smile and continue in the face of adversity, fighting the DWP doesn't help us at all, but then they don't care about people only money.