For the last few days I have noticed that my hands were swelling up between the wrist and the knuckles. This morning I can't straighten my left hand. Has anyone got any ideas for helping me? Thanks.
Can't straighten my hand this morning.: For the last... - NRAS
Can't straighten my hand this morning.

I usually put my hand in was water and I find it helps my hands stared off like that six months a go I can no longer make a fist but the pain is much better so lam hoping they will get no worse
Hi havent been able to make a fist with my left hand for at least a year now - not swollen though at the moment - gets a bit better during the day. I try and do exercises and massage my fingers but not a great help. I guess its the tendons not just the joints? Look forward to reading replies.
Hi Jacqui,
I had a similar bout in my left hand back in March when on Wednesday pm I reached across for a pen at about 4pm and I thought "ow that hurt" and by Thursday am the wrist was hot to touch and opening the hand was excruciating... I went to my GP as my rheumy has got me down as 'inactive RA' so I wanted the flare recorded. GP renewed my naproxen (as its as required and I like to keep some in hand) I hit the inflammation with 2x500mg tablets for the first 2 doses and then down to 1 x500mg table 3 X a day for 3 days the dropped down to 2x a day for 2 days ( not quite the dosage recommended but figure if hitting newly diagnosed RA. aggressively is the was forward then doing the same with a flare aught to do it as well!)
It's not come back and I'm back to ticking over taking my usual turmeric, ginger and plenty of water to help keep things down to an acceptable level except my left shoulder which is bugging me but that's a muscle tear and of course due to the MTX it's healing slowly!
All the best
Hi ali, I read in your reply that you take turmeric and also MTX, I have purchased the turmric with black pepper but was not sure if I could take it with mtx and I am also on 5 mg of steroids daily. How is it working for you and how long did the turmeric take to work? Hope you don' mind me asking.
Kind regards
Thanks for the comments. Cold and heat give me temporary relief. It is beginning to ease. Hopefully I will speak to my Rheummy nurse on Tuesday, I am down to see her on 9 June. I only hope that my hands and shoulder lets me sleep tonight, I am working tomorrow. Thanks for the support.