Omg ๐ฒ I am in soo much pain with my hand soooo swollen again not gonna be much sleep for me tonight soooo ๐ด aswell
๐ค hand: Omg ๐ฒ I am in soo much pain with my hand... - NRAS
๐ค hand

Oh bless your sweet heart that looks painful. Have you tried alternate icing and heating It? Epsom salts in warm water can help some people. Good old-fashioned heavy duty drugs are always an option. My hand did a similar thing last December and it was excruciating so I know what it's like and I'm so so sorry. Huge gentle hugs
Thank u hunni it's killin me can't sleep for the pain xx๐ซ
Can u buy Epsom salts from any chemist?? Xx
Do you have any painkillers? I was given tramadol and sleepers (amitryptiline -spelling not my strong point) which sent me into a very strange pinkish fluffy place where it didn't hurt but I didn't function well. I'd be banging the GP's door down!
Try.... a nice coldpac for 10 minutes then a hotpad to bring the blood back - that usually helps my hands!
Take the painkillers beforehand & hopefully some sleep will come!
That looks so painful ! Have you tried compression gloves? There was a period of time where my hands were so swollen I thought the skin would burst and the compression gloves ( on all night) alongside dehydracodiene and an anti immflamatory helped loads and allowed for some sleep .
I really hope you find some relief soon.
Hugs darling.xxxxx
Know just how you feel! My hand been swollen for months - it was mostly how I was diagnosed as by time I got to rheumatology it was huge!
Pain never really lets up but heat bag helps a little. I'm on methotrexate added sulfasalazine 6weeks ago and top up with cocodomol. Wrists splints help the most! Hope you got some sleep in the end. M x
Im in agony with it xx
Have you had any steroid injections in them to relieve the pain , i had 2 in each hand 2 months ago and relieved them for a couple off months but have worn off now but that might help a wee bit
In the middle of the night I wrap a tea towel round a bag of peas from the freezer and have fallen asleep like that. Sympathy and a big hug/