Didn't have a particuarly good day yesterday. Did some gardening not a lot by my standards. This morning i got up and i still feel off and not well. My back is sore and my hands are particuarly sore as well and my eyes look awful too. Hubby has rung the drs. and has got me in at 11.30am. So here is hoping the dr.can sort me out. I am not sure if my chest infetion has gone or not.xxxx
Going back to the doctors this morning...... - NRAS
Going back to the doctors this morning......

Hello sylvi x sorry ur feeling poorly still, I hope the doc can help but hugs to you in the mean time xxx
Aw hugs X your low after the chest so catching loads of little things easily , rest up X
Hi Sylvi. I'm sorry you're feeling poorly. I hope the doctor can sort it out quickly. Do take it easy.
Cas xx
Have had to have a chest x-ray and blood tests. The x-ray because he heard something on my lungs,the blood tests to check what is going on with me.xxxxx
Sorry you're not feeling well. Beautiful photo
Let us know how you're getting on. Hope things clear up. xx
You are in the wars again.
You really must rest up until you are back to better health and leave the garden alone for a little while.
It's not long now till you go on your next holiday and you want to be able to get around and enjoy yourself.
If you can't sit still we will have to get someone to tie you to your chair-- lol.!
Hope the blood results are ok.
Take care and hope your feeling better soon.
Aww darling you know how to make a girl smile darling.xxxxx
I am glad I have been able to bring a smile to your face Sylvi.Its horrid when you are feeling so poorly.
I am a bit under the weather today.I went along with my husband to Cardiff yesterday for the ride as it was such a nice day.In exchange for my company I persuaded him (well pestered him actually) to let me go to IKEA.I had got my scooter in the car so to go all that way and pass right by it would have been rude not to go in there!
But today after spending the best part of 5 hours sitting in the car yesterday I am paying for it. I am really very stiff and can't believe how tired I feel.A day of near normal activity equals a day of payback.
I hope you feel better tomorrow,but stay out of that garden!
Take care.
Its going to rain here tonight so i probally won't go out there. So what did you get at ikea darling something nice i hope.xxx
Well first of all I am going to arrange to hide your wellies.I am not taking any chances that you may sneak off out there !!
As for IKEA.well the ordering system drives me skatty for a start.And after all that I only managed to spend 11 quid.Can you believe it? I think my husband was quite relieved.I Ended up with freezer bags,spice jars and a plastic food spatula.There were quite a few other things that I fancied but they really wouldn't fit into my home decor.Maybe in the next trip.........?
Time you were thinking of handbags for your next holiday Sllvi.........you can't come home without one!
I have ordered a handbag for my holiday already,it is pink of courser,but it is a bag that will hold a lot and if i need to i can wear it on my back.
I have never been to ikea so i don't know what the place is like.
I don't wear wellies darling so if you come and try to hide them you will be stumped.lol.
HOw are you feeling after your day out darling.xxxxxx
Good on ya Sylvi- theres nothing as good as a handbag as a remedy.Perhaps they should be issued on prescription !! Now there's a thought.
I have had a good nights rest and I Spent most of yesterday being a lazy old bean so today I am feeling a lot better thank you for asking.
Have a good day...............
You too darling,though with a hubby with his grumpy knickers on because he doesn't feel well i don't think that will be happening today darling. lol.xxxx
Oh dear,sounds like it could be a long day Sylvi..........get your colouring books out and keep your head down.
Hope his knickers untwist soon
And both your results are ok.
In the meantime take care, well as much as you will allow yourself.xx
I hope you're feeling brighter soon Sylvi, your x rays are just a precaution & nothing like mine when I was sent straight from my GP's! x
Hi Sylvi how did you get on at the Drs ? How's your hubby doing after his angiogram ? I am still coughing although not as bad. I felt better yesterday but then like you did a bit of gardening, well planting up some pots, not my favourite hobby. I don't feel good this morning, do we ever learn !!! Anyway back to Drs today for a check on the chest and to have my arm looked at, hopefully the steri-strips can come off. Have a good day xx
Morning Mary,hubby got on well at his angigrm and he doesn't have heart problems and his gp is going to get him a mri on his back to see where the problems lay. I have had to have x-rays and a blood test to find out why i still don't feel right. I have had a rough night last night and am so tired this morning. So no gardening today for me.
How do you feel now your up? xxxxxx
I am not too bad, still coughing but not wheezing so much. Steri-strips been left on for a few more days but it looks like it's healing ok. I hope you soon feel better, take care xx