Hiya just a quick couple of questions, I have my second appointment with my rheumy on Wednesday, As i have mention that the MTX hasn't been working very well for me so i know i will have to discuss my Meds, Do you know if they will do X-rays again, Also i have A big dent in one side of my buttocks where i had my steroid injections :((((( , I think it could be to do with them, could i be right? Has anyone else had this before? It does also feel a bit bruised, the last one i had in my buttocks was in January and i just noticed, what am i like,xxxxx
2nd appointment with rheumy.....: Hiya just a quick... - NRAS
2nd appointment with rheumy.....

Hi Shirley the dent in your btm is a known side effect of the steroid injection, I was given thiss info before I had each of my jabs, Good luck and let us know how you go on.
take care cris xx
Thanks Cris, I wasn't told that, it is quite a big dent as well, Hope you are well and thanks i will let you know how i get on XXX
Unlikely to do x-rays again so soon. It's usually no more than once a year. Hope goes well. Polly
good luck shirl ... hope it all goes well ,, ive got an appointment today with my rheumy nurse too ,,, i wouldnt think there will be wanting some more x rays ,, but will be looking at your current meds and see if there working or not ,, as for the dent on your ass ,, ive no idea .. but wear posh knickers , just in case the doctor wants a look ...
good luck ... xx
Good luck with the appointment, take loads of questions with you, and yep I have dents !! As Polly says they only do X-rays once a year. axx
Thanks Allanah, It is not lots of little ones, it is one big one it looks like a big fat scar, It is properly because they put the injection in the same area all the time, Thanks again XXX
I was diagnosed three years ago and have it really bad in my neck and shoulders......I haven't seen my arse since then!!!!!!
Glad you got a laugh out of it. Laughing makes you feel well doesn't it? X