Hiya all I have just seen my Dr and he wants me to go on injections. I am very scared at the thought of it, what are your views on this please
Mtx injections : Hiya all I have just seen my Dr and he... - NRAS
Mtx injections

Go for it! I was totally needle phobic and it took me a long time to work up the courage, but I am so glad I did! Much better, and soooo easy. Give it a couple of months and like me you'll wonder what you were scared of!
Only repeating helix comment, go for it, I really dug my heels starting the injection and got myself in a state first time, the nurse talked me through it and I burst out laughing after because I could hardly feel it!! I use the pen but I think they have stopped needles? As for side effects, much less than before 😁
I started last Wednesday. The Nurse went through it and did it for me. Could not feel a thing and it looks simple. Going again tomorrow to do it myself with her guidance.
Big plus last weekend was the first time I have not had the nausea since starting tablets.
The pens are easy good luck .
It's so easy, I was struggling with nausea and tummy upsets on tablets so they changed me to injections . I've never looked back ,it's so quick and no pain at all, takes less time than getting the tablets out of the foil packs! Give it a try you'll wonder why you worried about it afterwards, I did.
Good Luck!
Also go for it...first couple of times I got in bit of a state and made hubby sit with me and read out the instructions. Now completely fine...as someone said earlier when you use the me to jet pen the needles are so fine that you barely feel it. Good luck
P's it has helped me with nausea
It can be a scary thought but once you've been shown how to do it I'm pretty sure you'll be like the majority who've changed over & be fine. I moved onto them when nausea became too much & started with prefilled MTX injections but by now I would think those have been phased out & you'll go onto pens. I was taught to inject my tum but found it awkward with the pen so tried my thigh, mistake! Many say they're easier to use but I'm still not overly keen but needs must, better than the thought of reverting back to tablets!
Now that they have gone over to pens I find it so easy. Make sure the skin is warm before injecting. Also, if you go abroad for holidays don't forget to get a letter from your doctor. Good luck with it. In a few weeks you will wonder why you were worried.
My advice would be....dont even think about it they are the simplest syringes you dont even see the needle, it just does the infection by a slight pressure on the tip (rounded plastic end) and then slight depression of the yellow top end... so quick and so easy. I think it is more absorbed by the body and doesnt go through the gut (which is always good) less side effects too if you suffer from nausea. Go for it!
There's nothing to fear. The pens are so easy to use and honestly you don't feel a thing!! Best thing I ever did. I'm on 15mg and so suffer from a bit of nausea and tiredness the next day but a vast improvement from the tablets. Good luck you won't regret it! Xx
Hi, i have 20mg once a week, still get nausea, not as bad though, I cannt inject myself, makes me nauseas just thinking about it, my boyfriend does them for me, I never feel any pain n they are over very fast, I would sooner have these than tablets anyday 😊x
I had MTX injections last year... very easy and painfree and quick... sadly didn't work for me... so wish you luck with the injections.
The pens are easy go for it the best thing I did x
The jag is easy & painless to do - I had pre-filled syringes. Unfortunately, I had horrible side effects & had to stop them, but most people seem to have less problems than with the tablets.
The good thing about the injectable Methotrexate is that I don't have any systemic side effects like nausea, diarrhea or mouth ulcers. You can get used to doing the injections, although it is never pleasant. It is just necessary sometimes.
Take care of yourself, Doreen