hi can anyone tell me what mtx injections are like and what the side affects are i am going for my first injection on 12 june and feeling very nervous i dont know if it is theinjection it self or having to learn to inject myself that i am most nervous about.
mtx injections: hi can anyone tell me what mtx... - NRAS
mtx injections

Hi someone told me recently that doing the injection does get easier. I just had my 3rd and they are right, in fact I wish I could do my other like this instead of pen because you are more in control. I inject my stomach, more fat, using a mirror as I can see past my lumps in front, and strangely I don't feel like I am sticking a needle into myself as much as looking directly at it! Good luck for the 12th you will be fine and give yourself a pat on the back after for being brave.
I have been self injecting for months now and it really does not bother me. the only problem i am having at the moment is when my right hand flares up and I cannot plunge the plunger down. I had to ask my husband to do this for me on Friday, and he nearly threw up, said he did not like the thought of hurting me.
I was not very good on the tablets, and i would say I wish i could inject for all the tablets I take.
Good luck for the 12th June
thanks been ok on tablets for first year but then started getting more flare up consultant said my body wasnt absorbing the full mtx dose i needed so to move onto injections i think it is just the thought of needles i dont like them and i hate having my bloods done
I injected Methotrexate for two years before it stopped working for me. FIrst couple of times I did it with my nurse close by, was a bit nervous , but had no reason, it was really easy. I injected in my tummy and you really don't feel anything so don't worry. ( not like giving blood ) My only gripe is that I hate the smell of the alcoholic wipes...... really silly I know. You will be fine, I got a good couple of years of it working better than the tablets, you will probably end up preferring injecting to taking the tablets and you will really proud of yourself too for being brave!!!! Hope it goes well and it will! xx
It definintely works better for me, quicker med response, the side effects I tend to get are dry reaching, headaches, bad tummy, extreme fatigue day after,but no problem injecting, best of luck and you wouldn't be normal if you were not nervous, so don't be hard on yourself. Hugs, Jane. Plus the good days are much better energy and less pain, never noticed it so much on tabs.
Another side effect of Mtx is mouth sores but taking Folic Acid helps stop them.
Good luck D-A,
thank you all starting to feel better about it.
HI Dawn-angela
I have been injecting for the last 7 weeks and it is fine, it is better than having weekly injections at hospital actually. I do suffer side effects tho like nausea, headachey, bad taste in mouth and not forgetting the mouth ulcers, however the mtx does work so it is worth putting up with the side effects. Good luck, my nurse signed me off after two weeks to do it myself so it can't be that bad..
I started injecting it last September, not because of side affects because I didn't have any, but because my RA wasn't behaving itself and if it's injected they know that you are having the full dose and none is lost like it can be with tablets.
A nurse came to my home from Healthcare at Home, told me what was what about things and then asked if I wanted her to do it or did I want to do it myself. I may of been a little silly here, but I did think that I would of had some sort of practice run on something before they let me loose with a needle. I decided to have a go.
Asked husband to watch, just in case one day I couldn't manage it due to hands/fingers. When I have my bloods taken it doesn't bother me the needle bit, but I still can't bring myself to look, turn my head away and ask them when it's done. So there I was sitting on my settee at home, nurse hovering over me on one side, husband the other, waiting for me to perform...... me with the needle in my hand ready to do it. I was told,to pinch some of my fat (never mind pinch and inch, I can pinch a foot), then came the moment..............I did it and was amazed just how easy it was, honest truth I never felt a thing. Nurse then asked if I wanted her to come the following week, told her no, what was the point when I could do it myself, so off she went, the whole of her visit lasted about 30 minutes. Tip here, pinch the area you are going to do it for at least five seconds before you do it. I think this numbs it a bit, the needles are really thin, nurse did say the thickness a strand of hair.
At the moment due to high liver readings I am having my dose reviewed and I am having to go to the hospital every week until they decide what to give me. It is a pain in the you know where. Can't wait to going back to doing it myself.
Someone mentioned the alcohol wipes, I've never used them, none came in the starter pack.