Hi its me again. I dont know if you remember my last post but I was trying to be a man about my condition (stoped taking my meds and all that involves) anyway i'm happy to report i'm back on the program. Had to see dr as the pain in my right shoulder was/is realy bad. He up my painkillers put me back on hydroxychloroquine/methotrexate/folic acid. I also have appointment with nurse for bloods and appointment with rheumatology next month(october) thaks for listening.
Men v woman update.: Hi its me again. I dont know if... - NRAS
Men v woman update.

Everybody is different, we all would like to throw the drugs out the window but sadly we need them. It took a while to find the right medication for me and at times didn't want to stick with it. Did stop my methotrexate one time and was told not to do this but to talk to my rheum you team. Anyway now my melds suit, still have flares but feel like me again. So stick with it, don't let the disease beat you or get you down, fight the bugger. Good luck with the future.
So pleased that you have taken this step, I always worry about the possible damage that can occur if someone goes off all their meds. Not that I haven't been tempted! !! I just hold on to the belief that despite all the side effects, failures and traumas, we are really fortunate that there are now so many effective treatments to try, and that we have a chance of leading a fulfilling life, even if it's a bit different. 30 years ago rheumatology units were full of wheelchairs, and people with crippling disabilities. I'd definitely persevere with the meds rather than end up like that!!! M x
Well done you, I think rheumies are well used to people struggling to stick to the meds and well used to trying to encourage people to keep at it. As Hatshepsut says, we actually are lucky to have these drugs.....although we don't feel lucky do we? I too remember how things were before, I did a stint as a student in a rheumatology hospital.....it's gone now, we don't need a whole hospital for us anymore thank goodness. Hope you soon see some improvement.
Listen we've all done it at some time or at least threatened to do it......we have all at some time too been on all sorts of cocktails of drugs, infusions or injections, lets face it it can get you down. Also, like you, we have had to face reality and go back on them again. I diid it recently with steroids. I just heard so much about them that I refused.....I don't need to tell you the out come of my mini rebellion! I trust my Rheumy Team, everything they have told me has come pass, they know what they're talking about so I just leave it to them. If I have queries, concerns or doubts I know I can talk to them. So don't be so sore on yourself and I hope you are feeling much better. Take care of yourself. Jean
I understand completely. You sometimes just get so tired of all the pills! I often wonder how in one year I've gone from taking just one prescription pill a day (thyroid medication) to having a row of pills sitting on the table. It gets me down, but then I remember that they are helping me so I continue to take them.
Well we all know how you feel. Last year I decided that the very qualified rheumy had it all wrong & I didn't have RD at all, silly man. Stopped taking the meds,three weeks later I couldn't walk, I was in agony & as I can't take painkillers it was all down to the prescribed meds. A lesson learnt!