Women v men: Hi all. I was told a few month back i had... - NRAS


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Women v men

frechfield profile image
15 Replies

Hi all. I was told a few month back i had RA. was put on meds. Now me being a male thought i dont need my meds so stoped taking them. Now i'm regretting my choice. My symptoms are worse. Ive been told by my GP i have to start all over again (bloods,ect) my point being is not to be proud and what will be will be. Thanks for listening. M.

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frechfield profile image
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15 Replies
hatshepsut profile image

I think we all can react like this, whatever our sex. Thank goodness you came to your senses fairly quickly, some people take much longer!

I t is important to get treatment asap, to prevent further problems and ptotect our joints,

Hope you swiftly get seen and treated

Docome back and keep let us know w, how you get on. M xx

magglen profile image
magglen in reply to hatshepsut

I was very reluctant to go on the medication as well but my consultant told me it was more damaging to leave the RD untreated so I succumbed. After 10 ten years I am grateful I am back on my feet and wish I had started treatment earlier to prevent the deformed hands and feet I suffer.

oldtimer profile image

I don't think it is anything to do with being male!

Suddenly being told that you have a long term illness for which there is no "cure" only "control" is just like a bereavement. Denial is the first impulse - "It's not happening" - and that includes not taking the meds, because, well I don't need them do I! Then comes the rage, then gradually, oh, so gradually, the acceptance and getting on with life as it now is.

allanah profile image

Lol , all been there! It's normal to think they are wrong or I can't be bothered. But the meds will stop your joints worsening in the long run I think . Hope you get back on the " regime" soon ! Xx

Mall profile image

Nothing to do with gender more to do with lack of knowledge and understanding of this disease when first diagnosed. You will learn loads from this site which will help you understand how to best cope and get a better understanding of how the drugs help control and prevent further deterioration. In the early stages it's really important to absorb as much info as you can. Whilst you are googling RA maybe you should look up some info on gender issues and equality, "men v women", tut tut.

All the best hopefully your GP will get your symptoms under control again, if not don't hesitate in asking him to refer you to a rheumatologist.

frechfield profile image

Hi mall.thanks for info. Ive read all there is to know. My prob was there was/is no comunication bettween my dr and my hospital. Nurse at my local surgery couldent even take bloods from me and i had to go to my local hospital (5 miles away) supposed to be shared care?

Jeanabelle60 profile image

Good man, takes a lot to admit you were wrong and to pass on your experience to other who may be of the same frame of mind. None of us like the idea of having to take medication for the rest of our lives but 'needs must' as they say. I hope you find the meds that work for you. Keep on posting on this site and let us know how you get on.....as I said already, well done.

norfolkjo profile image

I get you totally xx its a denial mechanism x men or woman x

buddie profile image

Well done, and I hope that the medication is giving you relief from pain. Please do continue to be diligent, and reap the rewards of perseverance. I have taken my meds

regularly. They have worked wonders. My rheumy doctor tells me that I am now in remission. I hope you get to that stage soon. Best of luck.

annmariedalziel profile image

Don't be too hard on yourself and also take advice from the forum. Husband diagnosed 11 years ago has had a few nasty flare ups and a couple of medicine changes. But has been a great advocate of exercise and looks better now than he did 11 years ago (of course a nagging wife helps):-)

Karen77 profile image

You don't need to be a man, I made the same painful discovery that the MTX was actually doing some good when I decided to quit it cold turkey last Spring. :P

tone13 profile image

Trouble with us men is knowing when to say something is defeating us and we can't do nothing but take lots of drugs, to fight it or just slow it down, fighting spirit is good. I am now on leflumide 10mg , hydroxychloroqine 200mgX2, methatexarate subcut self inject ,omeprazole 20mg,naproxen 500mg, co-codamol 30/500mg, start Enberal self inject biological,next week , yet i still hold down a job on royal mail ,not a nice inside duty , but out in all weathers doing a pretty phisical job for the last 4 years since getting R/A ,anyway what i'm trying to say is Life go's on and it would be nice if this disease would just go away but at 56 i think its just getting started on me, so keep takin the meds, i think we lucky there are some good meds out there even if half of them will do more damage than good they should slow the" Thing" down, so Men & Women were in the same boat just don't let go of your paddle?

Im a bloke too. Proud and stubborn, but I still do as the Dr tells me rather than trying to do it alone. Here if you want ot private message (not sure if that possible!) but I'm here any way.

frechfield profile image
frechfield in reply to

ThanK you salixG. Would be good to share but like you dont know if possible?

in reply to frechfield

it is possible! Click on my little icon, look at my profile and find link that says "Message"

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