methotrexate: Hey has anyone else heard that... - NRAS


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kalel profile image
51 Replies

Hey has anyone else heard that methotrexate can make you age prematurely. Has anyone seen a difference in there hair colour since being on this drug or even found that they have had grey hairs/wrinkles since starting this medication?


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kalel profile image
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51 Replies
Sunflower62 profile image

pain will give you wrinkles more than anything

grey hair will come within your genes.... solution colour it xxxxxxx

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toSunflower62

I don't disagree with you but the Chinese herbalist that I see has told me that being on drugs like methotrexate can cause things like grey and when I looked online a lot of people have said that there hair became thinner when they started this drug and there hair colour changed.

Just wondering if anyone else has experience the same thing?

There are many reasons why someone can get Wrinkles but they are also a sign that someone might not have a healthy gut. :)

Sunflower62 profile image
Sunflower62 in reply tokalel

on a positive note grey hair thicker lol... i didnt know that about the unhealthy gut....

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toSunflower62

if you look up someone called Kimberly Synder she talks about why we get certain wrinkles on our face and what that means.

I know that most Chinese herbalist also look at our face because that is often a sign about what is going on in our body.

Grey hair can also mean that we have a mineral deficiency. :)

bodunchar profile image
bodunchar in reply tokalel

Hey one of the side effects was listed simply as "death".

So yes, it does make you age.

nomoreheels profile image

No & to be honest I'm 55 & I'm growing old disgracefully. Grey hairs aren't bothering me overly either as it's not a full growth more a smattering plus the shaft is thicker, a bonus as it boosts the overall texture of my fine hair. I can expect wrinkles at my age, they're just a map of my life & I've earned them! Steroids can weaken the skin, make it thinner so I'm on a hiding to nothing anyway!

There are many people on here who take MTX & it has made a big difference to the way they move, work, love. I would like to think that they'd agree that if it is proven that it may cause a few premature wrinkles & grey hair it's a small price to pay for control of a disease which has the ability to shorten our lives.

It's not clear if you take MTX. Have you noticed any changes?

This link seems to disprove premature ageing Maybe it's the disease itself not MTX which causes wrinkles, inflammation stretches the skin so it would make sense.

ElaineL1988 profile image

I've been on methotrexate now for 8 years. I have no sign of grey hair, or wrinkles, but it has definitely made my hair more fine and it has a tendency to fall out easier. Something my husband hates.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toElaineL1988

Sorry to hear that have you thought about take supplements for your hair I'm in the process of doing this myself.

I have not tried this myself but apparently castor oil is supposed to help thicken hair . Apple cider vinegar is also good for hair loss. Pumpkin seeds and making sure that you don't have any nutritional deficiencies like b12, zinc.

I have heard that viviscal sea protein is a good product.

Jora profile image

My hair was completely white before I started. It is now not exactly yellow, but sort of baby blonde, as you might be able to see from the photo. it has also gone from straightish to very curly. Fortunately, I am not very wrinkled and of course if i was, the steroids would fill them out. i'm just a bit worried about what happens when i finish the steroids. will i look like a deflated balloon, I wonder. But there's nothing I can do, and I'd sacrifice anything to be free of pain, i really would.


kalel profile image
kalel in reply toJora

hey Jora I love your curly hair and colour looks great to. Well I've finally come off steroids and am eating a high carb, lowish fat diet. My weight is very stable at the mo but since I've been eating this way I've certainly lost a lot a lot of weight round my face. If anything I don't like the fact that I've lost my chubby cheeks but I don't look like a deflated balloon.

I'm using things like a vitamin c serum, aha etc for wrinkles.

as far as being pain free if you want me to I can private message you some things that have really helped me out. (If anyone else wants me to message them please let me know)

Jora profile image
Jora in reply tokalel

I'm sure that any tips on pain relief would be welcome, either on the Community forum or by Pm.


kalel profile image
kalel in reply toJora

Jora I have posted a few things on the forum but will message you tomorrow cause I must go to bed soon.

On a personal note and everyone is different but I have found that I have had to be very patient with myself when I first started changing my diet and trying to heal my body.

It has taken me a bleeping long time to get the stage that I have but so far it has been well worth it.

Talk tomorrow, night. :)

If anyone else wants me to message me some videos that I have about digestive health then let me know. :)

Jora profile image
Jora in reply tokalel

Thanks, Kalel. I have watched the video Food Matters, and one by Clint Patterson ( I think that's his name) . Jora

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toJora

Jora I have heard that Clint Patterson has helped a number of people. I am actually going to try out his food programme for a month and see how I feel. I currently eat a plant based diet. Have you ever listened to any of his podcasts they are very interesting. However I do know that he says that there are certain foods that we should not eat. I am eating lot of raw food at the mo. I have been told to stay away from night shade foods because sometimes we can get a flare up after eating these foods. I was also told that foods like white potatoes and rice can be acidic to the body so I now try and eat sweet potatoes. I will send you other links when I get home later.

Jora profile image
Jora in reply tokalel

Thanks. I already avoid all the nightshade group, gluten , white rice. I have cut down on dairy products, but need some for the calcium as I have osteoporosis. I have sweet potatoes too. J

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toJora

I have just messaged you but forgot to mention If I do the paddinson programme I will let you know.

This talk is only available till sunday but you might want to listen to it .

Very interesting in my opinion.


Jora profile image
Jora in reply tokalel

Thank you so much. But I couldn't open the link, some reason. I'll look at my PMs now. J

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toJora

Jora I just clicked on link and it seems to be ok but I will send it in another message.

Gem83 profile image
Gem83 in reply toJora

I believe calcium is added to soya milk. If you're UK based the best I've found is sainsburys long life one on into isle. Reasonably priced too. T he Alpro natural yogurts are great too.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toGem83

Gem please be careful with soya it is not as good for us as people think it is. longevity-and-antiaging-sec...

Ra35 profile image
Ra35 in reply tokalel

I'd love to find out more about your diet! I'm really struggling with eating healthily and maintaining weight and would appreciate your expertise?

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toRa35

Hey Ra this is kind a the way I eat.

The starch solution is also supposed to a be a good diet.

I know that there are certain foods that they do say you should stay away from if you have arthritis.

Also I don't know If you get stressed at all but try not to because that won't help with weight etc.

if it helps you out at all since I have started my plant based diet this has really helped my arthritis at one point I was getting knee flare's every two weeks and I have also been able to reduce the medication that I was on and I have not put on any weight.

dobsey profile image

Yeh I went quite grey and hair fell out My mates always teased me about having no grey hair or very little

Once on methotrexate loads of grey and thinning big time 😞

They are loving it now 😂

kalel profile image
kalel in reply todobsey

thanks Dobsey for replying to my message I am currently taking he shou wu and some other Chinese herbs for anti aging/ grey hair. I am going to see how they work for me.

However I have been told by my Chinese herbalist that until I get rid of the rest of the inflammation in my body my body will age quicker than it is supposed to.

have you noticed that it is only hair on our head that goes grey. I think that unless we have a shock to the body like a heart attack or something like that the rest of our hair on our body never goes grey and you never seen animals in the wild going grey.

Anyway I am going to shut up now. :)

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply tokalel

I have the odd grey eyelash which I find quite funny. My h's chest hair is grey, was before open heart surgery. Each of my dogs have grown grey hair on their muzzle the more elderly they got.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply tonomoreheels

thanks for sharing nomoreheels, of course everyone is different.

dobsey profile image
dobsey in reply tokalel

Do get the odd one going grey else where 😂😂 just the odd one though 😂😂😂

Make sure you get your bloods done every month without fail

Methotrexate can damage your liver , so you need the tests to keep an eye on it

Don't think anything can stop hair going grey ! Don't waste your money 😊

Dogs and cats do go grey Natural process

Apes do as well


kalel profile image
kalel in reply todobsey

You should look up someone called Ann Wigmore. For sure I have my blood work tested every month.

Azabat profile image

While, my hair has turned purple, blue, and now red. It's still white underneath :) My skin does seem a little drier and rougher, but I'm still recognizably me.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toAzabat

Azabat I don't know if you are interested in skincare products but if you can buy the micro fibre cloth from this company it should do wonders for your skin.

Also, like I said to someone above using products like a homemade vitamin c serum, aha', pineapple peelers etc can really help soften your skin.

If you need me to tell you how to diy a vitamin c serum let me know.

also make sure you use a moisturizer and cleanser etc with a god ph balance.

debcarlcharles profile image

Yes Mine has gone white.sulfasalizine also bleaches the hair.

nomoreheels profile image

I'm starting to wonder if you started this thread to promote your healthy eating/mostly non drug/pm help way of life! I can only speak for people in the same mindset as me but it's not recommended that alternative treatments are used alongside traditional meds so all I see is promoting giving up meds. Just saying. ;)

kalel profile image
kalel in reply tonomoreheels

nomoreheels believe what you want. If you read the thread above I was only asking if people have had side affects from taking methotrexate. Why do I need to promote a healthy lifestyle. When firstly that it is not what I do for a living and secondly any links that I have sent have either been on this page or I have researched stuff on you tube.

Peace and love.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply tokalel

So are you finding MTX is making you age prematurely & causing you to go grey?

But you are promoting a healthy lifestyle. All your links/replies are suggesting "natural alternatives". Who's to say we don't all try to eat healthily, I for one continue the Mediterranean way I ate for 15 + years!

kalel profile image
kalel in reply tonomoreheels

nomoreheals believe what you want. I am not carry on this conversation with you or do I believe in getting into arguments or whatever you want to call it. Eat what is good for you but please do me a favour and stop replying to my messages. Thanks for understanding.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply tokalel

I'm not starting an argument, it's an open forum & I'm responding as others have!

Hi all,

Whilst we do not discourage people from trying complementary medicine just remember that many natural products contain very powerful drugs in themselves and it is always best to check with a HCP before taking them with prescribed drugs.

From all the evidence that we have, for most people the best course of action for controlling their RA is to take DMARDs. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. A healthy Mediterranean can help most people but individuals certainly may find that some foods aggravate their symptoms.



kalel profile image
kalel in reply to

Beverly I don't disagree with you but I have to say that if I had not changed my diet and done certain things I doubt that I would of felt as good as I feel today. Of course we are all different and some doctor might not like there patient going down the alternative medicine route. Of course what works for one might not work for someone else.

Jora profile image

I found your PM but nothing was there. Then below was a YouTube link but that wouldn't connect. Thanks for trying, though. Jo

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toJora

Jo if you can't look at the you tube links tomorrow let me know and I will either send them again or email them them to you. I have been listening to the paddinson podcast and I think I might try and find an alternative health practioner. The diet that he promotes seem to be kind a similar to the way I am eating at the mo. However I will let you know who I go and see and how things work out for me.

Jora profile image

Got them! Thanks a lot. I'll look at them tomorrow. J

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toJora

You still up too Jo? I hope you're not in too much pain. x

Jora profile image
Jora in reply tonomoreheels

My body clock is very awry Heels, but as I live on my own, it doesn't really matter. a friend was helping me yesterday afternoon/evening, and after she left I fell asleep from 7-11pm. Pain then woke me up, so I typed that post whilst waiting for the Tramadol to take effect.

With very very cautious optimism, I'm thinking that the Methotrexate is finally beginning to take effect. It was my 8th dose yesterday, so it's about time. I'm still on 7.5 mg Prednisilone, until I see the consultant on 7 September. X J

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toJora

When it's like that you need to pay heed to it otherwise it becomes difficult. My problem is caused by amitriptyline, I nod off in the sooo comfy recliner & wake at silly o'clock then stumble down to bed.

Fingers crossed the MTX is doing it's best for you & gives some long awaited relief. Have you also restarted the Enbrel too or is another anti tnf to be discussed on the 7th? x

Jora profile image
Jora in reply tonomoreheels

Well, it didn't muck up my night's sleep. Slept soundly. Both Mabel and I were in exactly the same position at 8am.

No, not Enbrel. It seems to make me too prone to infection. Discussion on the 7th. X

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toJora

Oh good. Luckily I also usually sleep soundly when I actually get into bed.

I hope it's a simple changeover & the next one us 'the' one & doesn't leave you open to infection. Do update when you can after the appointment. x

shareasmile profile image


In response to your initial post, I will say that I definitely looked and felt older while taking MTX and then leflunomide. Both medications made my hair fall out at an alarming rate. My rheumatologist changed my med to a biological because of these side effects. I am thankful for his sensitivity. I feel younger again since changing and my hair is growing in again. It became almost totally gray, also, but at least I can cover that up!!=)

All the best to you!

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toshareasmile

I am pleased to hear that things finally worked out for you. True at least you can cover your grey hair. I have been told that inflammation in our body can cause us to age and being on drugs like methotrexate.

All the best to you to.

Keryn profile image

From the OP yes at the beginning when i was first on mtx my hair was falling out in clumps. I would sit in my bathroom crying with clumps of my hair in my hands. My hair is naturally very fine but very thick since being on treatment it has become alot thiner and dryer. I found if you use a good shampoo and conditioner and also once a month rub coconut oil into it. It hasnt gotten any worse my rheumy also suggested i up the folic acid whicj has helped aswell. I find the mtx has dried my skin out terribly and now have to use moisture on my hands and feet.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply toKeryn

I am sorry to hear that you went through this. I would also cry if my hair fell out. Have you spoken to your doctor about this, thought about taking vitamins for your hair and making sure you are not deficient in anything like zinc. Most doctors should give you a standard blood for zinc, calcium, b12 etc. I have been told that viviscal is good for the hair but I have also heard negative reviews about this product. Try using coconut oil on your skin, or baby oil is good for the skin. Or I am pretty sure you can moisturizing sprays online. I spoke to my doctor about folic acid because it has been known to cause cancer etc and we agreed folate is the better thing to take.

binboda profile image

Yours is the first post I've seen about this and honestly I was thinking the same. I've been taking methotrexate since February this year and I've developed new wrinkles around my neck and under my eyes. I'm only 24 so this is frustrating. I was wondering maybe Dexamethasone (corticosteroid) contributed to it too but I've stopped taking it for over a month now but the wrinkles under my eyes are still deepening.

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