HI. I have been on Methotrexate since October 2022 and was changed to the Methotrexate injections 7 weeks ago. Since then, my cough has got considerably worse . Has anyone else noticed this?
Methotrexate: HI. I have been on Methotrexate since... - NRAS

I'm feeling 'chesty' since changing to injections. I feel it's helped my RA symptoms but for part of the day I feel like I am coming down with a cold (sore throat and slightly runny nose, headache and general myalgia) then the sore throat and runny nose go and I'm left with generally feeling fatigued/achy. It's always worse the day after injection but is not just limited to then. I am just not sure whether to go back to the nurse or to suck it up because my RA seems a lot better and at least I can move now.
contact your rheumy team or your GP. If you look at the leaflet that comes with your MTX it tells you to do so with a cough.
I developed a cough and shortness of breath last year, albeit some years after starting taking mtx (and having RA). Breathing tests identified progressive pulmonary fibrosis, caused by the RA, and not by the mtx. They can determine the cause. It’s no fun.
Get it checked out…ask your gp to refer you. There’s not a lot the rheumy can do until the cause is identified.
Hello Lady's Mantle
I agree with the previous post, you need to contact your RA team, a persistent cough can be caused by MTX and may be an issue. Before anything else develops, make them aware asap.
See, you were right to ask!
Best wishes
Been ok on it , sometimes I feel a bit nauseous but otherwise ok
Hello. I was on Mtx injections for 17 years. They normally switch u to injections if your dose has increased and to protect your stomach. Or if you have a lot of side effects as the injections are better tolerated. If you are noticing an increase in your coughing (that’s not a side affect that I had) then you should speak to your Rheum team to review if injections are right for you.