I am on 4 weekly Tocilizumab infuses (since 2 years) and also take 6 pills of Methotrexate every week (since 3 years). A neighbor of mine was also on Methotrexate pills, prescribed to her years ago. Her doc has stopped working in the meanwhile and she just kept taking them. Now another doc has warned her off the Methotrexate because it would be dangerous. I don't know the exact circumstances though.
My mother has now read a bit on Methotrexate and found that it can cause some kind of cancer even. Apparently the cancer would disappear when you stop with the pills, but still. And she also read that normally for RA only 3 pills per week are being given, while my doc prescribes me 6 pills.
I was wondering if anyone here gets the pills in addition to a biological and how many pills and if your doc has said anything about it being dangerous. I have an appointment with my doc every 2 months, but just had one last week. So I am to see him back only in September. I do am a little bit in doubt now what to do. Continue until I see him in September and then ask my questions (continue with 6 pills, lower to 3 pills or stop with Methotrexate)? Or try to take contact with him before? I guess when taking them for 3 years already that 2 months won't make a difference? I do have to say I once spoke with him on Methotrexate when I heard someone claim she got cancer from it and he said it was all bullocks.
Thanks, Evy