Feeling really rubbish at the moment. This bout started Thursday when i had a dizzy spell and was sick. I do have menieres,but i didn't think it was that. I have also had the delly belhi which is making me think i have a virus going through my system.
I haven't been really well since the wedding we went to,that floored me for days,but there is nothing i can point to that can say that was the cause. The doctor called Thursday evening and checked me over and said she thought it was labrythitis,me i am not so sure,but we will see how i am tomorrow. I will call 101 tomorrow if i am not feeling any better.
I have trouble holding my tempreture thanks to fibro,but i am cold one minute then the next i am sweating like mad. My tummy is full of gas as well because i haven't had a lot to eat becuase of my tummy.
It is VJ day and there have been a couple of parades and i will have missed both as i am not feeling well enough to go to. There is another parade tomorrow and hopefully i will feel bright enough to attend that one. God bless all our troops past and present.
Hugs everyone who needs one.xxxx