Knees sooo sore again today the right 1 again had to resort to using my cane in the house don't know if it's the stress from waiting in results from pip assement 😮just ache all over on a morning like I have flu then need to sleep on a afternoon 😔fed up
Knees: Knees sooo sore again today the right 1 again... - NRAS

My knees have been hurting a lot too. I thought it was because of the weather but I haven't been out for days since I went to the shops so I think I walked too much. It is stressful isnt it waiting for decisions on things that can make a difference in your life. I have almost finished my renewal for DLA. It has taken me over 2 months to do. Thankfully the DWP sent me the form 4 months before it was due to end and I just have to get some more evidence before I can send it. I feel like a pawn in a game that I dont know the rules to. It has affected my mood terribly and my poor Husband has been on the receiving end. He better get used to it as I am still waiting for ESA to be sorted out (I sent my form in Feb) and then I will have to wait for DLA next. Then they will probably send out PIP form. Its like a constant battle or trying to walk through treacle. I hope you get some good news soon and your knees feel better. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

Aww poor u I must say the assement wasn't as bad as I thought she was a lovely lady very polite with me even got me tissues when I got upset don't push u to do anything u can't physically have u been awarded ur pip ? Or are u renewing from dla ?? As i was on dla then got the forms to fill out for pip my dla wasn't due to end until August but got mine 4 month before no news is good news they say well haven't heard anything yet I'm dreading the postman every day but what will be will be I hope u get sorted soon Hun take care dee x
Hope you hear some good news about pip soon. I am on DLA due to end June 15 and DWP sent me renewal form for DLA in Feb. I just get the feeling that when I send my DLA renewal they will send me pip form to complete so they can drag it out. Its the ESA I am concerned about as it is my only income since losing my job through ill health in Feb. Its out of our hands so silly to worry I suppose. Let me know how you get on. Take care. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

As soon as I know Hun will be getting in touch it's a nightmare I know that we have to fight for what's ours xx

What sort of evidence have you been able to get? I have asked my Rheumy, my Occupational Therapist and my GP and pretty much hit a brick, wall, they just don't seem to want to help and I don't know where else to get any evidence from! xx
I did t take any evidence with me what I did take she didn't ask for tell me about gps????? I'm fuming with mine x
Hi Dogrose. I hit that brick wall when I first applied for DLA which took 2 years to get through because my original GP wrote that I was self caring and didnt need help and I couldnt get any other officials to write something for me. That didnt help at all and I was turned down because of GP notes but I appealed and was turned down again so did a bit of research and took it to upper tribunal on a point of law and got awarded high mobility. It helped that DWP had sent someone to the tribunal and he could see I cannot walk far. Trouble is now I have to go through it all again as I have just had to complete my renewal for this and again couldnt get any dr to help so I paid to get my medical records from the hospital and have included as much as I can from these. I dont think the professionals like to get involved. I say this because when I saw rheumy last month and told them I had lost my job through ill health she discharged me back to my GP saying I was refusing medication. This is untrue and I have complained to my GP about it. I think the thought that DWP would contact them scares them. Why is everything such a fight? Medical notes cost me £50 because I ordered them from the hospital but I think you can request to see them on screen. I also ask for copies from my GP of any letters he receives from rheumy or blood tests etc to be printed off. So far he hasnt asked me for payment. I think you can also get copies of computerised notes for £10. Check out how to access your NHS medical notes on Hope this helps. Gentle hugs Joolz.x
Aww that stinks 🙍🏻did they not give u any indication at the assement ??? I dreading the mail,coming everyday at min just wanna know been 2 weeks next tues x