Hi, is anyone on Enbrel injections ? I've been on this now for a year & half, and lately m having flares again. Not sure if it's extra work load ? Also my bloods keep coming back for repeat as showing infection ! Anyone have the same problem ? Thanks all x
Enbrel: Hi, is anyone on Enbrel injections ? I've been... - NRAS

i have not had any problems with Enbrel and have been on in it about eight years. I am surprised you have not been called back to see your consultant or, at least, GP. Maybe the dose needs changing or you need another medication with it or instead of it. Hassle them!
I've been on Enbrel for about four years, firstly with methotrexate and now with Leflunomide. Lately been called back for repeat bloods, mild anaemia, low calcium, moderate anaemia and now low neutrophils. Don't know why but suppose I should be glad they are taking notice. Hope all goes well with you.
I've been on Enbrel now for 6mnths and as soon as I reduce my steroids down below 10mg a day my body goes into melt down and I believe that the enbrel is not working. I have only recently had a blood test because they kept forgetting to send me the documentation for the nurse at the gp clinic so I have no idea what my bloods are like.
I seem to have blood tests every 2 weeks ! Also I am being treated with a severe rash which I've had for a very long time ! It comes on my ankles & inner thighs it's so itchy ! I scratch the area repeatedly as it's unbearable. My consultant continously said it wasn't medication causing it, so was referred to a Dermatologist who diagnosed it as the Enbrel causing it so have creams to apply, it seems to be helping at long last :).
I agree, rather belatedly, with Magglen. I've been on Enbrel injections since July 2014, but always with Methotrexate and 6mg of Prednisilone. I've had minor flares but nothing unmanageable. But it hasn't helped as much with the fatigue as I had hoped. For the past three weeks, I've been off both MTX (25mg) and Enbrel, because of a chest infection. I have certainly noticed the difference, even though there would still be some in my system.
By the time you read this, you may already have spoken with your rheumy, specialist nurse, or even GP. You clearly need something else to get it under control.
Good lick
Needless to say, that was supposed to read Good Luck! I've been thinking too much about dogs, I think!