Constant problem.....: Hi guys, Hope you are all... - NRAS


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Constant problem.....

freckle71 profile image
13 Replies

Hi guys,

Hope you are all feeling well!??

My question is this- does anyone else suffer with constant constipation??

It doesn't seem to matter what I do I am always like it!! Am I the only one??

It's got to the stage now that I'm bothered more by that than th RA!!

Please help?

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freckle71 profile image
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13 Replies
Angela123 profile image

Hi there. I'm not sure if it's connected, but it can can definitely make you feel sluggish and miserable can't it. Have you done all the recommended things like drinking more water and eating more fibre? If all else fails, have a word with your chemist to see if there's something gentle you can take to help things along, and check it's OK with your other meds. I know what causes my problems - it's the calcium tablets I have to take as I'm on long term Prednisolone. Best of luck. Angela.

nomoreheels profile image

Hiya freckle71. I don't know which pain relief you're prescribed but codeine & co-codamol are meds well known for causing constipation. I'm prescribed BuTrans 20mcg/hr & 30/500mg co-co's which I use for breakthrough pain, both can cause this problem. Also some supplements for OA can cause constipation, Adcal-D3 is one I take & the chewable tablets make my mouth ever so dry so it stands to reason it could have an effect on how I go! My GP is obsessed with my bowels, always asks each time if I'm suffering constipation to the point she prescribed 4 boxes of Macrogol as I don't think she believes I'm ok!! She suffers constipation if she takes co-co's & because she knows the discomfort it can bring is her reason for her concern. I've had just one sachet in nearly 3 months as I've been ok, just more compacted but she said if it gets worse to use them & not to strain. I don't know if it makes much of a difference but I take a 1000mg cod liver oil capsule daily too.

It might be worth looking into your diet as well, see if there's something causing constipation there, too little natural oils or good oil or fibre used in your food & prep. You may find you can make a difference just tweaking it to help you go.

If you've real trouble going to the loo I'd ask your GP if he/she could prescribe something to help you.

I think definitely look into your diet. The received wisdom of fibre, fibre, fibre in the form of wholemeal bread, bran etc. doesn't work as well for me as loads of fresh vegetables regularly and some fruit and also a couple of pints of water daily. And to see lasting change can take time i.e. weeks of the right kind of food ... and then keeping up with it.

Regular exercise is key too, I believe. For a quick fix, up to a pint of warm water - hot as a cup of tea - also works I find. My impression is that we sometimes have to 're-educate' our bowels sort of thing! So perseverance is key. Not worrying too much is also helpful.

Yeah, sometimes there may be an underlying problem, so best to see your GP if nothing changes. But my personal view is that the main problem is usually the things we eat or don't eat and if you're anything like me you might tell yourself a few fibs sometimes, along the lines of 'nothing wrong with my diet!'. I thought that, but taking the time (more time than I feel I can spare some days) to eat very well indeed has helped my overall health tremendously I'm sure.

allanah profile image

I think RA drugs as nmh says can be problematic. But also when u r inflamed you tend to be very hot and clammy or sweaty so drink plenty of water to replace this lost fluid and of course increase fruits and veg but with the increased fluids. Hope you get a result! Soon xxx

Many pain medications can cause this, so you will need to chat with the GP. He may change the group of medication that will not cause as many problems


wishbone profile image

As Bob says, pain medications can be the cause. I suffer a bit if I need to take tramadol on a regular basis. I find prunes to be pretty good.. they taste good too.

BoneyC profile image

A GP recommended flaxseeds (linseeds) available from Holland & Barrett. They have a very high fibre content and can be sprinkled over cereal, yogurt etc., or put into a Nutribullet drink. The best advice a GP has ever given me! Good luck.

pippin_fort profile image

Try golden li seeds soaked in apple juice overnight. About 2 tablespoons. You can either just swallow it down or add it to fruits etc to make a smoothie in the morning. If taken every day it should improve. It is bound to be caused by the meds. Good luck.

Hi Freckle

I feel your pain! I've been prone to getting bunged up since I started on NSAIDs in my teens but really got to be a big problem when I started calcium and vit D supplements 11 years ago I've been on 2 movicol sachets a day since. I eat huge amounts of fruit and veg and drink lots of water but I'm still bunged up. It's the calcichew tablets. My gp said he'd never heard of anyone being constipated on them but I stopped them to prove to myself and ended up having to stop the movicol. Don't you just love gps sometimes. My rheumy wants me to take calcichew for the rest of my life so I am resigned to the fact I will have to stay on the movicol sachets. I also take a probiotic which helps.

I would talk to your gp.

KiKi x

Fcrooks profile image

Hi freckle71, I dealt with constipation for years and tried many things and then changed my diet to include more fibre, vegetables, water. The most important advise given to me was to make my own flax granola and have with my cereal / smoothies / salads etc. and I use it daily and now I can safely say I have no more issues when I'm using the flax granola. Here is the basic recipe and you can add raison, almonds walnuts, dried cranberries etc. in the last 10 minutes of baking.

1 cup whole flaxseeds, 1/2 cup water, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves to taste optional: vanilla extract

-mix above, refrigerate overnight. Spread a thin layer on a baking sheet and bake at 275 degrees for approximately 1 hour, turning several times to dry out. Makes 2 to 3 servings.

Note: at first I didn't like it all but it grows on you and when you know it works it's like a miracle for me, a clean sweep (hehe).

freckle71 profile image

Thankyou so much x

Opiate based pain meds e.g. codeine and tramadol are known for this. Be careful with upping your intake of fibre because certain type of fibre can make it worse but I never remember which one. I am on a low fibre diet due to a stomach condition so my poor bowels barely work. :(

NeonkittyUK profile image

Hi Freckle .. as has been mentioned ... transdermal pain patches/opiates constipate big time. I am not really on any anti-inflammatories at the mo but Fentanyl 25 mcg/hr patches can do it all by themselves! My old doc used to say a few semi dried figs each day were a much better way of treating the problem rather than a mild laxative .. another med to take. He was/is right. (However once when very much in discomfort I was prescribed Lactulose liquid, which I found very gentle and does not have you charging off. Not at all. I am aware we are not supposed to advise on specific meds .. this is just something which had a very gentle effect and was taken for a short period of time to alleviate an acute problem. I do not think you are able to get it without prescription anyhow. Constipation should always be discussed with the doc. One can make it worse with over the counter/supermarket things.)

I too prefer to go down the natural/lots of fresh fruit and veggies option and have a fresh fig each morning which I adore and lots of fruit and I find a good yoghurt helps too. I find meat (and especially red meat) does not help at all, so don't have more than three meat days a week . . often two .. and never big portions .. a little lamb or chicken mostly. Just what is needed to help keep iron levels up. I do confess to being very sensitive to certain things and constipation. Caffeine coffee is one. Also drinking water and my fave freshly pressed apple juice helps. I also think as RA/RD sufferers are not always able to move as much or as fast as others ... this also tends to be why we could be more constipated. I know when I can move more I rarely have the problem. Figs figs figs I say ;-) .. but introduce them gradually if you are not used to them. I adore them. Specially fresh ones.

Nk ;-)

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