I got up this morning to find my ring finger was a little bent, and in a bit of pain with it too not a happy bunny today, never had this before, i hope it goes back up straight, just wondering has this happened to any one of you guys, i am thinking it might be to do with me being back at work.
got up this morning: I got up this morning to find my... - NRAS
got up this morning

Hiya Gwen. Do you mean bent toward your little finger or bent toward your palm? x
it is bent towards my palm not too bad today but full off pain killers again today
I'd show your Rheumy next time then gwen & see if he will offer up ideas. Little pointing letting them get to an op stage if he can intercession treatment. In the meantime I'd see your GP, he may suggest increasing your anti inflammatory. As much as you can try & rest your hands when you get home from work but you may find when you wake they'll start locking more the longer nothing's done.
Yeah every morning my fing finger is bent over and stuck in position. My middle fingers clunk and pop in that position to. I wear finger supports at night now to stop them getting stuck as its very painful to unfold. Been like ut all year. My rheumatologist seems to just dismiss it
What you have is Trigger Finger Pipcat. My (now retired) GP dismissed mine in 5 months ago & when I saw my Rheumy in July she confirmed my suspicions & by that time it hadn't released for about a month so had become permanently locked. As it had been left untreated she said it was a severe case & injected hydrocortisone. That eased it within 2 days & it's now fine but did warn me that if the steroid relief was short lived a little op to cut the sheath would be necessary. As Nildesperandum says the cause is swelling of the tendon sheath due to inflammation & if you feel in a circular motion around the base just onto your palm you may feel a nodule (painful!) which will move as you examine it.
I'm on long term low dose steroids & NSAIDs so guess it can happen even if inflammation elsewhere is reasonably well controlled. If your Rheumy continues to dismiss yours & leaves them untreated they may become permanently stuck in either a straight or bent position. I would push for him to examine them or see if your GP will attend to them.
I had that with one if my fingers before I started treatment. It was like it for weeks. Apparently it was swelling in the tendon. As soon as I started steroids and mtx it went back to normal. I don't think it would have gone back on its own. Hope that helps! Sally x x
I had that with my middle finger, right hand. I was offered a steroid injection but didn't fancy it. I am not on any medication apart from cod liver oil, 4x1200mg a day. It rectified itself.....procrastination rules ok!
Hi, yes its called Trigger Finger and I get it too. Usually anti inflammatories help so check with your GP and/or Rheummy xx
Hi there yes I've had lots of this over the years. I agree with others to see your rheumy. In the meantime rubbing an ice cube on that finger several times a day will help with the inflammation. Also anti inflammatory tablets. I've had a few of mine injected and it works a treat. I too wear night splints. My wrist are particularly sore at the mo. Can't wait to get to clinic on 30th to see what they can do for me! Lol.
thank you guys, my little fingers have been like this for a bit now, but my ring finger was ok when i went to bed on Friday, but when i got up sat morning it was bent,. i rubbed it most of yesterday and it seams to be a bit straighter today,
I've told my rheumatologist I've even show her pictures . My finger even triggered in front of her and she just says im too young for trigger finger. No nodules at any of the bases of my fingers tho
Babies can have trigger finger, though to be fair it is more common from age 40 but it is more prevalent in females. I think as you've had it for some time now I'd be asking another GP to look at yours. You posted 2 months ago asking for help about yours when I was questioning my GP telling me mine wasn't trigger finger. The longer it's left the more problematic & painful they may become. The nodule isn't always visible but will be there & painful if pressed at the MCP joint. My Rheumy tried to unfurl mine & it wouldn't move so considered it severe having been left so long & couldn't understand why my GP disregarded it.
when you say nodules? do you mean little hard lumps just before the centre of your palm? i have one on my left about an inch under my middle finger, and two on my right hand about the same from my middle finger and one next to my little finger. they have been their for some time too,
Yes, exactly. If you press them they'll be painful. Place a fingertip on it & move it in a circular motion (not in a circle) you'll feel it, like a knot.
yep that's what i got then i find mine hurt when i use a fork at work mixing things, looks like some thing else to ask the doc, when i see him in a few weeks
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