Does anyone else suffer neck pain? I have been suffering with neck pain for couple of weeks, feels like I have laid funny or pulled muscle in neck, I have tried removing pillows so I sleep with one now and taking pain relief but it remains there. Not sure if it is anything to do with my RA or something else.
Neck Pain: Does anyone else suffer neck pain? I have... - NRAS
Neck Pain

Hi Rosielea i have had neck pain for years crunches when i move it.Doc gave me an injection into the back of my head it works for some people but not for me.It goes numb up the back of my head maybe not the same as yours but hope it gets better for you
Hi beeckey thank you for replying, my neck does not appear to crunch just very painful when moving head up down and side to side. Tried using hot wheat bag in a towel on neck last night did not appear to help. I think I might try to get GP appointment to have it checked, probably tell me muscular!
I have had bad neck pain for the last couple of years. I have also developed a lump at the base of my kneck, at the front. Have had it scanned, and it is inflammation of the tiny joint between the neck and shoulder, caused by RD
The pain is just like you describe, can be excruciating. No relief so far, even a steroid injection can only be done using xray to find the joint. .... didn't fancy that!!!
Only hope seems to be to get the RD better controlled. Sorry! Hope you have better luck! M x
I had this pain quite often. These days I place my pillow under my upper chest/neck and rest my head on the mattress. It might not be for everyone but it (usually) works for me.
I had a similar problem last week - it felt like I'd pulled a muscle near my shoulder blade and the pain went up into my neck and around my ribs, it was horrible! Painkillers didn't do much good, I was taking co-codamol and Celebrex.
So I tried heat in the hope it would relax the muscle - it worked! At night I placed my small electric blanket so my shoulders were kept warm all night and then during the day I kept warm and rested. After 3 days it had loosened up and by 5 days the pain had completely gone.
I don't know if we have the same problem, but I hope this helps.
Hi ya,
get yourself in front of a physio, theyll be able to assess your posture, advise on sleeping position and may even gave a manual therapy to provide symptom relief. Its always worked for me
I have had the same problem with the crunching as described for a long time. I saw a physio consultant who gave me exercises and suggested a heat pad. The exercises stopped the crunching. I then saw a physio through work and she massaged my neck and shoulders and I was pain free for several months after that. Unfortunately the physio had been made redundant so I am suffering again now. Hope you get yours sorted. X
yes I have a stiff neck, and get pain after sleeping and sometimes out of the blue it feels like its clicking out, I nearly pass out with the pain when that happens, I too have RA.
My friend had a really bad pain in the neck she divorced him and it vanished x
I have experienced a lot of neck pain and recently took a break from doing suduko and crosswords as was busy with moving. Interesting, my neck pain significantly improved. Are you doing something that could be putting pressure on your neck ?
I suffered from neck pain for 6 weeks thinking I slept funny I went and purchased 3 different types of pillows as well thinking it was that. I finally went to the dr and said something is really wrong. Off I went for x-rays and blood work. Had a call later that day that I needed to schedule an appointment at the doctor. I was told that the results basically shows I need to see a specialist because my levels in my blood show I have RA. I have just seen the specialist yesterday he is sending me for my blood work just to rule out anything else but he is 98% sure I have RA. He started me on Celebrex and 2000 iug of vitamin D. When I see him in 4 weeks with the results of more blood work he will be starting me on other medication. I just want this pain gone and my cankles ...aka swollen ankles, hands and shoulders back to normal. Good luck with the neck pain and hopefully it is gone soon for it sure makes life challenging when it is stiff and sore.
I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis at the same time as RD 6 years ago & have to be very careful with my posture & still need to keep it in check even now. Has this ever been mentioned in your Rheumy visits? I have to be particularly aware of how I sit when using the laptop as that can make it even worse & at the mo it's causing rotten headaches. My physio gave me exercises to do but I'm finding them difficult now & relying more on my little electric blanket to try to relax the muscles in my shoulders as I know it's all connected because that makes the specific "T" tension headaches worse. I find rolling up my feather pillow into a barrel shape & placing it in the nape of my neck works as it supports where the pain emanates from.
If it persists I would certainly mention it to your Rheumy.
When my neck becomes too bad I go to my chiropractor. He's brilliant at lining up your body. I know when it's getting too bad as I have headaches as well. It's not cheap and you need to find a good one but it's far better than any physio I've ever had.
I have been suffering for the past 5/6 weeks consistently. Pain killers are ineffective. Mine start in the neck and goes straight through to my fingers. In the ten years I have been diagnosed with Lupus I have never experienced pain like this before. My neck is getting stiff and I have difficulties using my right hand. I never realised people could experience pain non stop.