Has anyone experienced RA spreading to their jaw / neck? The right side of my jaw is stiff and painful every morning, I can’t open it enough to eat breakfast. I also now have pain in the top of my neck everyday (different to pain from sitting at a desk too long or sleeping on it funny!) I was diagnosed with seronegative inflammatory arthritis about 9 weeks ago after my fingers had been very painful and inflamed for a few months. I know RA can spread to any synovial joint, including the jaw, but just wondered if anyone else had it spread this quickly and if they got jaw and neck pain at the same time? Thanks!
rheumatoid in jaw and neck: Has anyone experienced RA... - NRAS
rheumatoid in jaw and neck

I’ve had this before, but it passes. Paracetamol and bed rest is my recommendation. Keeping warm also helps.
Make sure you log your symptoms/ pain so you can tell your Rheumatologist at your next appointment.
Everything will subside once your meds kick in. Be patient and know it will improve…
I was full body everything and was immobile for 2 years 🥺. Mine was severe and rapid onset. Everyone is different.
Keep a notebook and write everything down. You will forget and it’s good practice to keep a record of everything: pain/ movement/ bloods/ meds/ appointments.
Just do it all chronologically.
Day at a time 💐
My (seropositive) RA started in my jaw over 30 years ago. Before I had any other symptoms I was like you - found it very difficult to open my mouth properly, chew or even talk ( my husband was thrilled 🙄) and I was sent to a dentist who hadn’t really got any idea what was going on and it took another 18 months before proper diagnosis. Things have moved on since then I’m glad to say!
As CripLady says as soon as your symptoms are under control this will surely settle. Your jaw is the same as any other joint and can become inflamed, stiff and painful but it will settle with good pain control and whatever your rheumatologist decides you need to keep your disease quiet. It can be trial and error for some time but you will get there. Best of luck and hope everything settles soon.
Absolutely yes
Terrible jaw, side of head, neck all affected by my arthritis being out of control. Its so much better now as I'm on a biologic.
I also wear a night guard as since being diagnosed with RA I tend to grind and clench my teeth/jaw which would exacerbated the problem;I had it made by my dentist.
When my jaw flared I found heat pads helped a little but you have my total sympathy as it's horrible and unrelenting at times x
yes. I find that place the most painful. I get it in my jaw when I flare. As the folk have said warmth & painkillers. For me I use a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. I’m lucky in as much as I only suffer with it in a flare & I haven’t had one in quite awhile 🤞 I sympathise with you.
mine is also affecting my lower jaw, my dentist referred me to a specialist who has diagnosed it as associated with RA, my teeth/ gums are in a shocking mess.
My oral health took a nose dive for a few years. Seems to be ok now. I upped my folic to 6 days a week (not Mtx day).
Your are likely having a flare in those joints, I've definitely had jaw pain at times. Once the dentist was able to recommend exercises to help it...but take plenty of pain killers as well. I keep ones by my bed incase I wake early then they are working by the time I get up.
Yes frequently had both neck and jaw problems, it took me a while to realise it was RA related. Hope it settles soon.
Hi I was originally diagnosed with sero negative inflammatory arthritis 24 years ago. I remember I woke one day & could hardly open my mouth. I had to drink through a straw. I went to A & E & they said it was down to my RA. Luckily it only lasted a few days. It scary at the time. Hopefully yours will pass to. If very painful you could ask if you can have a prescription for Neurofen or similar. I havnt experience the neck issues though. I hope it passes quickly. If not contact your Rheumy nurse for advice x
Hi Joanna sorry to hear about your jaw pain. My RA has affected my jaw which gives often results in face and neck pain. I find the pain tends to make me clench my jaw without realising. So i slow down and am more mindful of it which has almost stopped me clenching it. I find gently massaging the area helps. I use Weleda arnica massage balm on my affected joints. If you put a little in your palm then rub your hands together to warm it up it works even better. It's oily so it's best to put it on before bed. A little bit goes a long way and it's really soothing xx
note my diagnosis is Stills Disease which for me manifests as rheumatoid Disease and yes I experience jaw and neck pain, it makes me feel nauseous and dizzy and faint sometimes. Heat helps somewhat.
Hi Joanna, yes, I've had both neck & jaw painful flares. Usually the jaw is one of the last joints to flare with me, though has occasionally flared with only, say, hands the same time. I've had it one side - not both - on the right, right in the joint immediately in front of the ear, painful to press and jaw very stiff. Like you - very stiff to open mouth & painful! It does pass, like other flares coming & going. I had a long period of a few years of very painful neck. It's improved now the medication (jak-inhibitor) is helping, but has caused awful chronic pain.
So, sorry to say you can have both and more all together, or coming & going! But - if you are now on the right medication, it should really help, once that kicks in properly! Good Luck!
Yes when in a flare even my scalp is painful to touch. As others have said keep a note of it to share with RA Dept team. No harm calling the RD Dept seeking advice about it. I too use paracetamol rest and a warmed wheat bag on the area. It'll pass but mean time be kind to your self. 🤗
Sorry to hear you are having a horrible time.
I do get this but only when I am in a flare and once the flare calms down so does the jaw and neck pain. It's been like this for 15yrs. Rest, take painkillers and be gentle with yourself and hopefully it will pass soon.
Get well soon. 🙂