HI, Does anyone else suffer with head and neck sweating which looks like I have just came out the shower!!! I can be sitting still and off it starts where I literally drip!! I have noticed that if my pain is bad then the sweating is too. This has only started since I got RD. I am on morphine and wondered is that why it gets me down can start when out and about, I get some odd looks!! I hope you all have a good Bank Holiday weekend and a pain free one would be fab. Thanks M
Head and Neck Sweating!!: HI, Does anyone else suffer... - NRAS
Head and Neck Sweating!!
Yes the inflammation is like a internal hot water Boyle so you sweat a lot when it's high! That's why some people apparently lose weight to from the sweAting I have heard. Mine improved as the inflammation went down x
Hi uist51,
I attended an educational event last week for people living with arthritis. It was a question raised at the event by someone who had rheumatoid arthritis. The lady asking the question was having profuse sweating problems and actually several other people at the event also said that they too also were experiencing similar. Apparently excessive sweating can be a symptom of the rheumatoid arthritis itself as well as a side effective of certain medications.
I have had a look at the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) for morphine for you and unfortunately it is listed as a possible side effect.
It sounds like it is really troublesome uist51, so it might be worth having a word with your GP or rheumatology team to see what they might suggest.
Thanks Sally, it's good to know it's just not me!! I will have a word with my GP and see what she says. You feel kinds daft saying your suffering with sweating. Thank you so much for your help. Enjoy your weekend, take care M.
My pleasure M. Hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend too....
I also have these 4 or 5 times a day (& night) & whilst not profuse a damned pain. My RA is not fully under control at the moment & was blaming it on that. Went to GP as been having problems following steroid withdrawal & reduction in taking NSAID & he reinstated the steroids. Whilst there I mentioned the sweats. Long story short had bloods to check FSH & was through the roof. Resisting HRT so won't find out whether it's just the menopause or not till RA back under control.
Love the name 'no more heels' My RA is not controlled at the moment, long story with Humira etc etc. Sweating a recent issue for me particularly on my hairline , could be side effect of any if the many meds or the RA not sure.
I also suffer the sweaty ness too the head neck, not fun. Good to know a few things I have learnt from your post.
Yes! Yes! Yes
Thank You so much, its not just me. Enjoy your weekend M x
I do get sweaty when I'm unwell with RA as well. Also my GP and a nurse have commented how much heat my body generates. I feel also very tired and tearful when I'm like that. It's time for me to call for help and get a kenalog!
Thank you for all your replies. Going to mention the sweating to my GP!!! Not sure what can really be done but it has helped to know it's not just me!! Take care M
This has been a horrible side affect for me for years.
It makes me feel so unattractive and I constantly worry that I may smell. The sweating is always from the head too which makes my fine hair soaking wet within minutes (not a good look)
Please let us know if you have any luck with the GP it would be amazing to find something to reduce it.
Hi Judy, Been to see my GP and I now have a roll on called Driclor. I use it before I go to bed, roll it along my forehead, nape of my neck and behind my ears each night. It is really helping. My GP said I will be able to do it weekly eventually. Certainly I am not dripping, so far so good!. Have a good weekend M.
Wow! I've just looked it up on-line. It certainly looks promising. Thank you so much for remembering me. Judy

Thanks Judy for the advice. I have problems with soaking hair and dripping sweat on my face. Wasn't too sure if I could put it on my forehead but you have answered my query. Hope Driclor solves this terrible problem.
Hi Judy,Well the the deod is working and I am no more dripping from my head!! My GP is really pleased and hopes to have me down to weekly putting on within months. Take care Michelle.

Any side effects from the Driclor? I have the sweaty head/neck/chest syndrome too! I hate it. I put a load of clothes in to wash and sweep the floor and I'm sopping wet