i heard that atos is not assing ppl for pip anymore and they dont no want is going on so therefore i am really confused dont no whats going on with it now xxxxx
pip: i heard that atos is not assing ppl for pip... - NRAS

There is a massive backlog of applications and nobody can give a date for any pip claims, apparently people are told they have to wait even 12 months has been mentioned, bide your time and wait I suppose, not fare or right but these fools in government have messed up good style.
ATOS has withdrawn from their contract and the State is now looking around for alternatives. I have not worked out what the benefit situation is regarding this and now the situation is becoming worse.

My understanding! is ATOS will be doing all they can until 2015 but what month they stop i don't know?

Ah I get it now, thanks to you borderriever. I wasn't clear what the post was about exactly. I should have phoned up again today to chase them up as it's now just over three weeks since I got onto them when I was told the computer had "forgotten" when I first requested them at the beginning of April & still not received the ones from my second request & was informed it would be sent out as a matter of urgency! Brain fog this afternoon & I completely forgot so guess I'll find out tomorrow what the situation is & whether or not I can get through. I'd no idea though as not seen the news today, or had a newspaper. I'd better have a look on line.

Oh no! BBC News report states
"It will also continue with assessments for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - another welfare change introduced by the government - in Scotland, the north of England, London and the south of England."
I live in the north west so it seems I'm stuck with them.
This is on twitter....news.sky.com/story/1285819/....