Nose ulcers?: In my last post I forgot to ask if... - NRAS


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Nose ulcers?

20 Replies

In my last post I forgot to ask if anyone had nasal ulcers? I was told I have these horrid little blighters last year, I was prescribed nasal ointment but they have returned...

More ointment later there still there-

any one else had them?


20 Replies
earthwitch profile image

They could be the same kind of aphthous ulcer that you can get quite frequently in your mouth with flaring autoimmune conditions. Make sure your GP gets to see them, or you tell GP about them, and also tell your rheumatologist or rheumie nurse when you can. If it is that, then its an indication that your RA isn't under good control. I can get them really badly, and I think they are even worse to have than mouth ulcers, and take a lot longer to get rid of.

Your not kidding- hard to shift.

It all started last year when it was terrible, I blew blood all the time and felt my nose was so dry and sore. The GP hasn't seen them only the practice nurse who tried treating them since then I have rung the practice up and requested different ointment cos the previous one didn't work, im on the last resort at present, if this fails which I think it has cos my nose feels the same, its going to be a nose scrape. I was wondering if it was anything to do with the RA

Im glad you have replied many thanks I also did another post about foot changes and wondered if this was also due to the RA.

Maybe its all connected?

MarshaM profile image

I just got one sore and didn't know why? What drugs are you on? Was wondering if its from the mtx or humira? I just took my 2nd dose of humira this week but the sore started just before so don't know if its related to one of the drugs?

in reply to MarshaM

Hi Marsha. I take Leflunomide and Hydroxychloroquinne. Ive been suffering with these ulcers for over a year now.

MarshaM profile image
MarshaM in reply to

I also take Hydroxychloroquin (aka Plaquinel) 200mg every other day. I also take Folic acid for the MTX, which is supposed to help avoid mouth sores, but sometimes forget to take it. So I'm going to make sure I take it everyday except MTX day to see if it helps the nose sore. I also put Campho-Phenique ointment on the sore today (its for cold sores) and it took the pain away so I can stop poking my finger up there!! Ha!

bluetit33 profile image

I too have had same problems, went to an ENT, who checked me for wegners granuloma, but test came back negative, but he did cautorise my nose, and some of the probs. have eased, except in centrally heated places. I have r/d for 42 years and a list of meds so long. but at present it is mtx,10mg, wkly, pred. 5mg dly, and cimzia injection fortnightly, but past meds, could have caused the damage. Must say am always surprised by how many of us have a lot of same problems, apart form the joints. bluetit33

pineapple_head profile image

I have them also! I think it's because my nose is extremely dry. I put Vaseline in my nose but lately I have put Dermol cream which has been described by my GP. This gets a lot worse in the winter with central heating on :-(

in reply to pineapple_head

Mine is the same in the summer too. What does the Dermol do?

pineapple_head profile image
pineapple_head in reply to

It's a cream for eczema and dermatitis for skin that easily gets infected. I put a very small amount inside my nostrils after my bath or shower and it keeps my nostrils hydrated and probably kills any bacteria. Since using it my nose has been ok, although when the central heating comes on again will prove whether it really works!

swarovskifan53 profile image

Hi, I've had nasal sores on and off since I started taking enbrel injections. My doctor gives me bactroban ointment which clears them up in no time. And I seem to get them a lot less now. Have been told by rheum doc that I will have to put up with them or look at other anti tnf jabs. Don't want to do that as enbrel is working really well for me. Have been on it for 7 years now. What meds are you on?

in reply to swarovskifan53

Hi, The Bactroban has helped but I stopped taking it yesterday, my nostrils feel dry and irritated again. My meds are Leflunomide and Hydrxychloroquinne. Do you find your nose needs blowing excessively?

Bettyboop profile image

Omg I'm suffering with this right now last three weeks it was massive scab on my lip refused to go x I just though it was due to being run dwn

allanah profile image

I get them too but also have secondary Sjogrens disease due to RA as it dries up your nasal mucous passages. Best check with docs xx

in reply to allanah

Allanah. is Sjogrens dryness to the eyes? I know im off subject here but as you mention it... I have terribly itchy eyes which are very dry too. My GP's are worse that useless, since we moved house 15 months ago I have had 2 doctors appointments. The rest have been me requesting repeat prescriptions, and ointments from the receptionist with the GPs 'OK' . Cannot wait to move house again and get to a real surgery!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

no sjogrens i s drying up of any membrane in the body so eyes, nose, mouth, and bowel and kidney can all be affected.i use special mouthwash, toothpaste, mouth gel, eye drops and moisturisers to keep control and bactroban in nose as necessary. often caused secondary to RA drugs. xx

earthwitch profile image
earthwitch in reply to

Just remember that eye problems with rheumatic diseases can actually be inflammatory eye problems, and not just sjogrens. Its well worth getting checked out by a proper eye doctor to make sure you don't have scleritis, uveitis, iritis, or one of those nasties before assuming its sjogrens, as inflammatory eye disease can damage your eyesight if left untreated. I've been told that if I ever get a very red or painful eye, or my eyesight changes with pain or redness, to get to an emergency eye clinic and tell them I have an autoimmune condition as they will take it very seriously. If you just want to check whether your eyes are too dry, then I think most ordinary opticians can do a dye test to see what your tear coverage is like.

Hi - I get nasal sores all the time too and mine make my nose bleed heavily as well when I blow it in the night or first thing in the morning. Like Allanah I have secondary Sjogren's and I think the dryness is part of that. Makes no difference to me what the weather is like. I use Naseptin that the GP prescribed and it works really well but I absolutely hate putting it up my nose - hate the feeling of being blocked up and so I don't use it as often as I should for this reason! I've never actually had this checked out but it is very common with primary and secondary Sjogren's I believe. Next time you have an eye check as the optician to do a test to see how fast your tears break up - that's how I found out I had Sicca/ Sjorgren's (dry eyes). Twitchy

Zigzager profile image

I have had nasal polyps & sinus problems, since using Dmards, in particular Humira, I have found the only thing that helps is a sinus wash of saline when required. You can buy the whole kit in the pharmacy & quite easy to do. I tried zillions of meds the sinus wash the best. In my experience that is.

It's funny you should post about your nose, I am in the middle of my 11th cycle of Rituximab and developed sore spots on the inside of my nostril. Very painful when blowing my nose and washing my face. Gp gave me done Naseptin Ointment which is soothing it. I did wonder if it is an immunosuppressed thing?

I got these when I first started mtx and occasionally since but a couple of days treatment with Naseptin sorts it out.

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