Methotrexate injection: Evening all. Hope you're all... - NRAS


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Methotrexate injection

18 Replies

Evening all. Hope you're all okay. I've got an appointment tomorrow morning with the RA nurse.. She's going to show me how to inject.. Eeeekkkk!!! I'm so nervous.... Where do you normally inject? Is it in the stomach? x

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18 Replies
allanah profile image

Good luck Lou, don't be nervous sweetie , they are very nice normally. They won't leave you do it until you are comfortable x hope it goes well and the drug held you xx

Thank you honey. Will I start tomorrow, if I do feel comfortable? Does it get delivered or do I pick it up from the pharmacy? Sorry for all the questions xx

Trulyfedup profile image

Hi, I've been injecting now for two years...I put it in the stomach..don't worry they will show you and as Allanah said the nurses won't leave you to do it until you are really isn't as bad as you think...I'm sure you will be fine honey..I was very nervous to begin with that is quite normal..wishing you well.xxxmary

in reply to Trulyfedup

Thank you. I'll let you know how I get on xx

helixhelix profile image

I was a complete wreck for my first injection as totally terrified of needles. But I managed and it really, really is ok. Honest!

For the first one the nurse will probably already have the drug, and she'll tell you about how you get them afterwards. I ended up with the nurse showing me the first time in the hospital. And then the week after a nurse came to the house to check that I could do it all properly, and he was great and said that he would keep coming back every week if he had to until I was comfortable doing it by myself. But I didn't need it.

You'll be fine...

nomoreheels profile image

Hiya Lou. I've been injecting MTX for 7 years. My Rheumy nurse explained how to do it then watched over me whilst I did it & it was absolutely fine. I inject into my stomach to the left of my tummy button one week & to the right the next week. I collect my prescription monthly from my GP & get them filled myself, but health authorities do differ & this may not be the case for you. Your Rheumy nurse will tell you how you get yours. When I get mine I write on the box which side (L or R) it is for that week & pile the boxes one on top of the other as I used to forget which side I did the previous week. Now & again you may hit a vein & it could make a bruise about the size of a 10p but don't panic, you've not done any damage it is just a bruise. Some people do inject into the thigh but I've never tried that as I find it fine in my tum.

I'm sure you'll manage fine & hope you see the benefits soon.

Vandf profile image

Hello. I had my first injection of Methotrexate yesterday and I did it my self! I too was anxious but the nurse was lovely, explained everything and it was over with in a flash. I injected into my tummy which sounds awful but it really was so easy and the needle is so tiny that you hardly feel it at all. The medication and everything you need gets delivered but I was told that it could also be delivered to a local pharmacy if that was better for me. It does save you having to be at home for the delivery. Please don't be nervous or concerned. I was surprised at how straightforward and simple it was.

julie_warwick profile image

I felt exactly the same last week when I started cimzia , the nurse was lovely , I managed to do it and it was really scary , I was shaking like a leaf , but it was fine , not as bad as I expected , she stayed to make sure I was ok , she's coming next time , in 2 weeks then I will do it on my own , but if I wasn't happy I wouldn't be left to it till I was confident. I did mine in my tummy ( plenty of spare tyre to get hold of ! ) but she said I could also inject the top of my leg if I wanted. you will be fine honestly. good luck x

dillie profile image

i had my lesson last week and am due to inject myself this friday with the nurse! reading such positive comments has made me feel far more confident about it! ( i love this website for the support!) the nurse was lovely and really took her time - i'm sure you will be fine and remember you are not alone in feeling nervous ;-)

pawsed profile image

its big and scary and stressful.....but that's just the thought of injecting yourself lol. The actual injection is a very fine needle and since I'm quite well 'padded' I don't find it hurts. Supposed to inject alternately in thighs and tummy, I usually just do my legs as I find it easier (to be honest, my boobs get in the way and I can't easily see my tummy). Have to say I've been delighted at the relief from nausea since doing this injection. I only a couple of months into this regime and sometimes I really have to psych myself up to do it, but that comes from a needle phobia and nothing else. Truly, if I can do it anyone can. Would be interested to hear how others cope with getting their purple sharps bin, bit of a mission down here in dusty old Cornwall.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to pawsed

Morning pawsed. Were you not given one when you were shown how to inject? When I need a new sharps bin I ask my Phlebotomist at my practice when I have my monthly bloods taken & she issues a prescription for me (foc). I get it from the chemist & they take my full one. If you don't have one yet ask at your GP practice, they should be able to give you a script for one.

pawsed profile image
pawsed in reply to nomoreheels

The first bin I was given when I had my injection lesson, had to bully my local pharmacy to take it back when full and was then sent to my doctors to get a new one. Ordered from the doctors, no, they don't order the purple topped ones, sent back to the pharmacy and sent back then to the doctors who apparently should be able to get them,no, but then sent to the hospital, who also said no,go to the doctors. Slightly 'miffed' at this stage, drew myself up to my full 5ft and got a little basic with them. Just before I expected the security team to turn up and escort me away, the Rheumy team decided that possibly having used sharps around in the house with a 3 yr old granddaughter probably wasn't wise and of course I could have another. I have no idea what will happen when this one is full..........ain't RA fun???

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to pawsed

What a faff! It's as if they're handing out gold bars. Not only are we dealing with sharps but a very dangerous cytotoxic drug which could possibly get into the inquisitive hands of your 3 year old granddaughter. You might find the info I've copied & pasted below from under the heading Healthcare Waste interesting reading.

" Sharps bins can be obtained on prescription (FP10 prescription form) and can be returned to your doctor for disposal when full."

Pipe & smoke it springs to mind!

I'd have another word with your GP practice. It seems they'e not fully clued up on waste guidance.

Fyi I return my full sharps box to my chemist as the pharmacist said it would be easier to give it to them when collecting my prescriptions rather than having to take up an appointment with the nurse just to return a sharps box, which I think is common sense.

Hope this helps.

Thanks all. I'll keep you posted ☺️ xx

denvajade profile image

hi there as everyone says it is much easier than you would think and it does not hurt much at all. I was taught to work my way around my stomach clockwise each week,a few inches out from my stomach button. wishing you well.

Susiej38 profile image

When I first started I was scared to death. I inject 10mg, 2 times a week, for a total of 20 mg weekly. I also inject in the stomach, alternating left side one week and right the next week. It gets easier as you learn to do it. Good luck to you and I hope you the shots help.

I was on 25mls methotrexate injections. They gave me a chart to mark off each one. Week 1, Left thigh. Week 2 right thigh. Week 3 left abdomen, Week 4 right abdomen. Then start all over again.

Patsy-57 profile image

The first time you do it is the hardest. I usually do it in my stomach but I have also injected into my thigh but go back to my stomach it's what you feel comfortable doing. You will find what works for you.

Good luck.


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