Have any of you put on weight rather than lost it due to RA?
Weight: Have any of you put on weight rather than lost... - NRAS

Oh yes...I have...I think it may be due to lack of mobility..I've put on about one and half stone...it's horrible isn't it.xxxmary
and me. Same reason - lack of mobility and also after having steroid injection want to eat more as well. x
I'm the biggest I've ever been but I'm also the least mobile I've ever been. Depressing ontop of all this pain!
It's my 30th in Aug and I can't wear heels anymore and I also feel huge urghhhhh moan over
Hiya Dolly. I just get a little thick round my tummy. Never have put weight on easily & it makes it easier to grab the flesh for my MTX injection!
With you about heels - hence the name!!
Yes! Lots, probably because I can't do much activity. I know other people lose a lot of weight in spite of their lack of mobility, and I've often wondered if the difference is whether the disease is sero negative or sero positive. While I know that weight loss is distressing when it's unintentional, it's the one symptom I would put up with.
I'm waiting on diagnosis atm with rhumy so not sure what that means lol! All I know is I'm alot bigger than I was last year but I'm half as mobile xx
Yes I've put weight on aswell really fed up, dr told me to do some exercise, it's ok for him but when your hurting all over and your so tired all the time it just isn't easy, it's all I can do running my house doing normal house chores, and it really don't help when your RA nurse says, oh well your bloods are fine,
Oh yes. About 3 stone over the last year as have been on steroids whilst they find the right drug for me. My mobility is significantly reduced and my GP says it is pointless trying to exercise whilst my joints are inflamed. I keep trying intermittently but just end up walking slower and slower and then end up with everything hot and throbbing. Have decided that people still love me and that is the most important thing. The only plus side about the methotrexate injections thus far is that over the last five weeks I have lost half a stone! Otherwise I have felt awful. We are between a rock and a hard place I am afraid but you are still you and those who love you will not care what you look like. Humour is the way forward!
I found that before the RA was controlled I didn't want to eat much, no appetite, due to pain and feeling miserable, but then started to gain weight due to lack of mobility and a bit of comfort eating. I really puffed up when on steroids, typical moon face, this subsided when I changed medication. Over the time I've had RA, 10yrs or more, I gained over 3 stone. 15months ago I started having really sharp pain in one of my hips. Again I was advised that weight loss would help my hips knees and feet/ankle joints. I had tried to do something about my weight over the years but not easy when not very mobile. After the hip problem I joined one of the well known weight loss organisations and with good support I have managed to get back down to a more healthy (BMI) weight. It took 15 months. This has had lots of positive benefits, my hips and lower leg joints are less painful and I am more active now.
Although it's difficult, your joints, mobility and general health will benefit if you can keep your weight at a reasonable level. I will never have the toned slim figure of my pre RA days and it does help to have a bit of tummy fat for those injections. I have stopped thinking of extra weight in terms of appearance and think of it as extra pressure on my joints, which they dont need. This is yet one more challenge that comes with having this disease.
oh yes , about 2 stone , gone from having a physically demanding job and running , to hobbling about the house , plus steroids , so depressing , don't recognise myself , trying to lose it at the moment but it's not easy , you are not alone ! x
Any suggestions of filling, low calorie, healthy, easy prep recipes that all the family can eat gratefully received ...
Yes, I have put on two stone in the last two years. I believe this is due to lack of mobility, constant oral steroids and six steroid depo injections and three steroid infusions.
It is hard to exercise when your RA is bad and although I worry about the extra weight it is now stable and hopefully when I can start exercising more it will come off.
Yes in 71/2 years about 15kg
Yes! Comfort eating + lack of exercise. Strangely enough since I've been off all meds and quite ill, I have lost weight. Mainly because I was so depressed I found it hard to eat. Fruit, oatcakes and soup. I think the main thing is what you eat to be honset
Yes sadly Lack of exercise due to pain and low mobility, steroids making me want to eat everything in sight and comfort eating from boredom.
Still awaiting official diagnosis myself, but the locum Rheumy I saw last month said my problems are because I am overweight! Wha-a-a-at? I'm overweight because of the problems fool! Read my notes!!!
Have started using a therapy pool once a week now, so hoping the resistive exercises I am doing there will help, once I see even a little bit of weight come off hopefully it will motivate me to slow down on the comfort eating.....well maybe....let me just eat a biscuit whilst I think about that.....
Omg have I... I'm not very mobile at the moment, haven't been for a fee years now. I used to be a nurse and believe it or not walking up and down the ward and around the hospital we used to walk miles every day. I was on orthopedic wards and out patients, since I had to stop work 6yrs ago I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Now I'm in the vicious circle, not mobile, can't exersise much and weight on joints not good.......
Wishing you all the best Judy
when i first got sick before i was diagnoised i was attending slimming world.....i thought it was the greatest thing i had ever goined, the weight was falling off me. i went fro a size 16/18 down to a 10/12.......even when i was diagnoised it was another 9 months before i was put on bio's and i lost even more weigh. people were passing by me and not knowing me. anyhow, now i have found a bio that works for me and i am up now to 12/14. i have stayed at this weight, inspite of my lack of activity. i have two dogs and they have to be walked everyday, weather permitting. i also turned vegaterian. this is a healthy diet and helps to keep my weight steady. i don't have scales in the house. i have a pair of trousers and when they are tight i know to take a few pounds off. if they are comfortable then i know i'm doing alright. i eat very healthy monday to friday......on a sat i buy some sweets and have a pizzia for tea.....life can be hard enough! lack of activity adds weight so i had to find other ways of exercising......there are loads of site online for people with limited ability. hope this helps. jean.
I'm sero negative and have put on about 2 stone in the last year. Saw photo of myself at my sister's wedding last weekend. It disgusts me. I work full time and live on my own so have to do a certain amount at home as well. However, I've also had an underactive thyroid for about 10 years and that doesn't help. Just feel I have to do something but don't know what as I'm not a big eater and don't particularly like sweets, cakes etc. I know how you feel!
yes i have put on nearly 3 stone over the last few years and cant seem to lose it
I have put on 5 stone in the last 3 years and had a horrible consultation with my new RA consultant who didnt really look at my hands or knees much or really even my notes just went on about my weight and how i really must lose a lot and exercise, comments like cut your meals in half and have you ever seen a gym? didnt go down too well as he doesnt even know me or my history! I started to try and tell him how it is hard to do anything with how bad i feel and basically just had a melt down and just cried and blabbed through my whole history of problems and how i am sick of people like him just seeing me as a fat person rather than a person with a lot of medical problems they should be helping!!
He was a lot nicer after that and discussed my condition a bit and ended up saying well basically theres not a lot you can do but just try and maintain a healthy lifestyle and see what happens!!
I have since with the help of my husband looked up rapid weight gain as i have put so much on so quickly which is a lot for just be immobile and found Cushings Syndrome. It could be why so i have asked my GP for a test. It may not be the answer but i'd like to rule that out so i can then go on to see what i can do next rather than have to go through this ever time i see a consultant. I dont get the treatment i need i just get a lecture on my weight!
I have lost 3 stone in 6 months with ra better save my large clothes if the meds put it on not got them sorted yet