Weight problems : Afternoon all, hope you're all... - NRAS


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Weight problems

12 Replies

Afternoon all, hope you're all enjoying the sunshine. Just a quickie. Anyone else put on loads of weight through steroid injections throughout the years? I didn't know they made you gain weight. I've put on 3 stone in the last 2 years!! Does methotrexate make you loose the weight or make you put it on? X

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12 Replies
Crazyjo profile image

Hi all I can say is I have out weight on since lost my mobility not sure if the drugs made any difference x

allanah profile image

Yes yes yes! The docs say you only do cos they make you hungry so you eat more, but I get a chipmunk face and puffy too so fluid retention.

Also as I'm not running around or hillwalking lol I wish, I put on weight due to that. Yes I should diet ha ha but just have too much owing on!

Also I rely more on convenience food than I ever did as its hard to do cooking so that oesnt help either!

Oh well roll on new infusion ! Xx

Barrister profile image

MTX hasn't made me lose weight yet, although I was hoping it would! Clemmie

helixhelix profile image

Oral steroids gave me the classic moon face, but injections don't seem to have much effect. And drugs if anything make me lose weight, particularly weird stomach sensations at the start & diarrhoea put me off food - although I've plenty spare weight so didn't really matter. I think it's quite individual.

mccpain profile image

Every time I weigh I have put another kilo on!!

Deejojo profile image

Haven't had any yet so couldn't say but having them in my knees when they don't cancel AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Titchyj profile image

HiLou30x, I have been on varying dosages of oral prednisolone for the last 2/3 years and have had 3 steroid injections over the last 8/9 months.

I have also put on approx. 3 1/2 stone, I also take steroid inhaler and MTX and have diabetes and a few other ailments.

So I think there is a connection between steroids and weight gain.

bluetit33 profile image


Hi Lou30x Yes steroids will make you ravenous and so increase your weight,I did the same, I was only a 7st puny, but with prenisone, ballooned to 14st, have strictly dieted (less that 900 cals dly) and am now coming down to 11 st. do have another stone to lose. You can also get what they call "moon face" fun innit? regards bluetit33

dmc12 profile image


Yes, yes, yes ! I have put on two stone in the last year through steroid injections and I simply cannot loose it despite a stomach bug for over two weeks when I have hardly eaten and been sick a lot. I am on daily constant steroids too. It is a double edged sword as weight gain is bad for our joints but they treat us with steroids that makes us put on weight as do some of the biologic treatments. I hate the sight of myself with my big puffy face and am determined now I will not have any more!

Here's hoping we get back to our usual selves soon. x

nannydeb profile image

Hi Lou30x. I have certainly gained weight, whether it be from the steroids or the other meds. Like yourself 3 stones but my gain is since October last year. Hopefully I can start to shed a few I am trying the 12week diet plan with the nhs, and the removal of mertazapine too.

Rosie_rabbit profile image

Ok I'm gonna be the odd one out here ... from August last year til my last one at the end of Jan I've had 4 intramuscular steroid injections and they actually made me lose weight!! In the first week after having one I could lose 5-6lbs! This then levelled out but I could eat what I want and I only put weight on when the injection wore off and then it would go on as quickly as it came off .. 5lbs over a weekend! Over all I'm about 10lbs lighter, and I need to be as I'm overweight. I always have been overweight and have never been able to eat what I want without gaining weight.

Weirdly, I never gained much weight with pregnancy either and with each baby, straight after delivery I was lighter than pre pregnancy!! I lost about 1 and half stone having my children haha!!

Anyway, I started prednisalone last Monday and I'm waiting to see what happens. So far I'm not gaining and I'm eating what I want ...so hopefully I won't put on with these either, although I'm only on a really low dose of 5mg.

There's always someone who has to be different!!!


cathie profile image

I'm on pred. My knees are so painful that getting up and down is agony. So I decided that it would be easier not to go to the loo so often. Not drinking isn't an option, but eating much less is. I have lost some weight which is good for my knees though they dont week to notice. But pain can (sometimes) help with diet. It can also make you need the comfort too!

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