2nd injection today. Used stomach and definitely didn't hurt very much at all. Leg is still sore from last week slight reaction around site. Haven't got enough strength in finger or thumb to press plunger maybe that will return soon. So far so good on results fingers crossed well one from each hand. Have a great weekend everyone.
Enbrel: 2nd injection today. Used stomach and... - NRAS

Good for you for self-injecting - I'm not at that stage yet with my Enbrel injections (someone does it for me) but hope to be soon. Sounds promising for you so far - I haven't noticed an improvement yet and have to skip the next dose but hope to see a difference soon. All the best, Fran
I did have a nurse who guided my through it but next week I'm on my own or I will get my neighbour to help me. Having been injecting metex for almost a year. As they say you get immune to things!
Good luck and hopefully we will be able to take up pole dancing soon. Have a great weekend.
Thanks, it will probably be a while before I do it myself because I'm having blood tests every week & they want to monitor me closely because of my experiences with other drugs but it's my long-term plan. My nurse injected me at the top part of my arm which wasn't too bad but doubt I'd be able to reach! Have also had injections (when I was on Humira and Methotrexate) in both thighs but never in the stomach, it doesn't sound too bad so might consider that another time. Hope you have a good weekend too.
hi there good on you its not nearly as bad in the stomach, I know what you mean trying to hold the needle in and then having the strength to press the plunger. all the best and hope you feel improved
Great , hope you are an old hand now lol!! It gets easier and then i hope its effects work quickly for you too xxxxxx
I'm the opposite - I couldn't think of doing a Clickpen in my stomach ... I was told it is better to do it in a harder area such as the front top of thigh, as you put quite a bit of pressure on the Clickpen bearing down on it. I was also told it is easier when one hand has problems with fingers etc, to press it down with both thumbs if doing it in the thigh but haven't had to with either Enbrel or Humira pens. I had reactions on my leg lasting all 4-5 days, which started after week five, but was told they can lessen and stop. They didn't but we are all different. Hope injecting your tum stops that reaction an that Enbrel works for you, Grace. Good luck. Neonkitty x