Back to work after 4 months...: Returned to work after... - NRAS


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Back to work after 4 months...

shasmac profile image
8 Replies

Returned to work after being off for 4 months following my first flareup and diagnosis, pretty horrendous. On Mtx, Hydroxy and Declofenic daily with MTX still increasing fortnightly but I was feeling pretty confident about returning. Supposed to be a phased return as instructed by Rhumy, GP and Bupa OH assessment they had paid for but told on my first day back that I had to use my annual leave to facilitate this...not too happy but fine, I was glad to be back...then told on my first day back that they will not give me any holidays in leu when I have been off as it has been over 13 weeks! Really! So I've to now use non existent holidays for my phased return to work...but not to worry, they will allow me to use 2014 holidays! I had already told them that I had planned to use my holidays when I had a flare in the future so that I didn't use any more sick days. They had told me that wasn't acceptable as I should report in sick if I was sick BUT I do not qualify for any more sick pay for over a year. Jeez...feel as though I've fallen down a blinkin rabbit hole and ended up at a mad hatters tea party.

It's been harder than I thought, hands and feet buzzin by the time I get home and getting worse each day. Every one keeps telling me how well I look...feel like giving them some special x-ray specs, lol...but not so lol actually.

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shasmac profile image
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8 Replies

Hi Shasmac....You've been through a tough time and sorry to read that things are not that much better after returning to work! I faced a similar situation to you earlier this year when I took about three weeks off work due to MTX making me ill, a dodgy chest xray and just coming to terms with a diagnosis of a lifelong chronic disease! My Employer was ok...ish but I had to fight my corner every step of the way as they were considering giving me a warning!!!! I never to use to take time off sick and was a hardworking and loyal employee so was a big kick in the teeth. I used my union and the ACAS helpline was brilliant also as we do have certain rights, I didn't get a warning but I'm very wary now and not quite as naive!! It took them 5 months to get the ball rolling on recommendations that OH had made so had them on that also:). Like you I'm planning to keep some leave back for days I feel rough to save any more strife but I really should not have to do that. It makes me concerned that people are being kicked off ESA and told they're fit for work but when they return to work the support is not there, not all Employers are like this I'm sure but I know with mine there is a definite "vibe" to cut down on sick leave, they are on your back from day one. Good luck I hope you find some understanding and that your health the way I got the "you look well etc"....what the heck is that all about????? :) Take Care xx

hi shasmac, that is so unhelpful, you are struggling and you are committed to returning to work and they are trying to make it so difficult for you. There are a few people on here who know a lot about employment law so i do hope that they come along and suggest things for you to do, That leave thing really doesn't sound right to me, i don't understand how they can do that.

But well done to you for managing to get back even though you are still uncontrolled, it is so hard wish your work was more understanding, can you name and shame them?

Someonesmother profile image

wow that is just awful I live in Oz and I can tell you that it is not much different here. I am now required to have a medical certificate even if it just a GP visit during work hours which then has to be sighted and signed by my boss. I have built up huge amount of leave as every time I go off it is on sick leave pretty sure I have none left and keep getting messages from HR about my leave as I want it up my sleeve in case I need a block of time off with an infection or something. There is no understanding at all and I got so jack of the treatment I was getting so I became a union delegate to fight for some rights for people like us at work

mattcass profile image

Hi shasmac I am returning after 9 months off and I have my back to work interview this Tuesday I will have the same problems you are going through, And reading posts like the one you and others put on here gave me a insight what to expect I have won round one by having my union rep present, I believe they are going to try and use my illness against me and go for early retirement No Chance I have worked very hard to get here and I will decide when enough is enough, Good Luck will update you on Tuesday. Matt

summer32 profile image

phased return is meant to be as follows>>> you work the hours that you are recommended/ well enough to work and the balance is made up of sick leave, not annul leave, unless you take it of your own free will, the hours increase in a controlled manner gradually over a period of months as recommended by ot/ occ health etc

summer32 profile image
summer32 in reply to summer32

sorry you said you used up your sick pay?? so this may not apply?? , but there is still ssp and maybe esa?? which could be claimed?, for any hours you are not well enough to work??, I did the same as you use "some" holiday at the beginning to keep total down, but I returned after about six weeks

emma36 profile image

Hi there, so sorry to hear your story, I find it incredible that employers can have so little understanding. You are going through enough already without having to deal with all that stress on top of things. All I can say is that I hope it gets better, it is obvious that there are a lot of people on this site who understand exactly what you are going through, even if your employer chooses not to xxxxxx

Sorry you're having this unhelpful attitude at work. Having looked into this for a patient of mine I found that as Summer says above the phased return has to be just that - it's not like you're attempting some kind of flexi-time and using holidays to do this, you've been sick and have a chronic disease. As this is a disability you are covered by the Equality Act (2010). Occupational Health should recommend that you are given a higher threshold for sickness leave - i.e so that a Disciplinary Action is not brought against you after a 'standard' 3 absences in a year. Keep a record, dated, of all your interactions with managers, supervisors, HR etc - including how their words or actions made you feel, this is very important if you need to bring a complaint or grievance against them in future.

Bullying and harassing behaviour is not ok! Your household insurance policy should include legal cover, this will enable you to get free employment law legal advice. A letter from a solicitor will make them sit up and take notice. If you have a union join it and get representation. Don't attend any meetings unaccompanied and if an 'impromtu' meeting 'occurs' state that you're going to record the meeting on your phone so that you have a record of what was said and don't have to take notes. Don't be bullied into agreeing to anything at a meeting - 'I need some time to think about this and take some advice' is a perfectly reasonable statement to make.

I am so sick of how often people on this site are subjected to this kind of aggressive, unhelpful and bullying behaviour and know from the mental-health field how common this behaviour is:-( When we're not well and inevitably feeling low it is so difficult to stand up for ourselves - and employers take advantage of this, often being ignorant of employment law themselves. That's why I'm saying don't tackle this on your own, have someone with you who is assertive and informed or able to get themselves up to speed on the subject. You are not a nuisance, being difficult, faking it, letting your manager or other employees down. You have a recently diagnosed disabling illness and want to carry on working and are entitled to be supported in doing so.

Will climb awkwardly down from my soap box now! Don't be on your own with this and feel free to PM me:-}

Cece x

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