I have RA and OA and a diet [coeliac and no dairy, a... - NRAS


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I have RA and OA and a diet [coeliac and no dairy, alcohol, spices, onions and so on also low fat etc] Blood Pressure question

beauty96 profile image
18 Replies

Has anyone else had hypertension from allergies?

I do not see any consultant cos of allergies and intolerances and they cannot prescibe any medication. I do get hypertension and rapid heart beat from the wrong foods being eaten or if a food suddenly does nto like me. As soon as it passes through the body I am OK after about 30 minutes and it all settles till the next time. The episode can last as long as 15 hours and I am shakym pouring sweat etc. The GP has taken a lot of blood tests and 24 hour urine to test the adrenal glands. But he said he does nto think this will prove anything. I feel so alone and often scared to eat in case I am upset. I am 71 and been in trouble with various alergies, jaundice etc till 1994 when it was foudn at long last to be coeliac disease and before that from 1980 to 1994 when I could not walk at all and it was dairy foods and undigested milk fat burning my bottom as it came out. I do have an ND and also PhD for immunology but cannot find this in my books.

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beauty96 profile image
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18 Replies
fastball profile image

my grandson is allergic to dairy produce, he cant have any part of milk. Its the milk as a whole, not just lactose.The protein and whey and all parts there of.You have to check all the ingredients of all the food you buy, as a lot of food has some part of milk in it. I have Crohns and can sympathise with you as i have to watch how much fiber i eat. I dont drink as i am on MTX and i dont like strong hot spicey things either. I do eat onions but not very often . I also have high blood preasure which i have tablet for. I dont know if i have helped so i hope you get answers soon .


beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to fastball

Thank you, I do get wysoy on prescription cos of the allergy. I had an anaphilaxis attack on half a tablet that had lactose round it. I wondered if the BP you have was also to do with what you have wrong. If it is it might be reassurance. Do you know?

fastball profile image
fastball in reply to beauty96

my BP started when i had HRT. The Doc was going to give me a fourth tablet and i said no i will come of HRT, it worked for a time but back upto three again now.

hope you are getting sorted gentle hugs


Hey Skeggy so sorry to hear what you are going through, does not sound nice, I can't really help but just to say i am thinking about you.

earthwitch profile image

Yes, I get that poundy heart and shaky feeling if I eat "wrong" foods. I'm coeliac too, and wasn't diagnosed until probably at least 20 years of symptoms. I have also become very sensitive to maize/corn in all its forms, and now find that maize will give me more of a reaction that gluten will. One thing I have discovered is that taking over the counter antihistamines (I take cetirizine, and my GP knows about it) has really reduced the effect of these reactions. I also try to avoid maize in any obvious form, though because its so hard to identify I do get traces and small amounts quite often. The cetirizine deals with that pretty well.

Interestingly, before I stopped eating maize, I was becoming more and more "allergic" to a whole lot of foods, and food diaries were a nightmare because I just couldn't find anything to eat that I didn't seem to develop a reaction to. Once I stopped the maize, and started the antihistamine, I've really not had problems with other foods, apart from avocado, which is a much more longstanding sensitivity, and I don't eat shellfish since childhood either. My biggest problems in avoiding maize is to find medication that doesn't have it in - means I often end up with soluble forms, or liquid meds rather than tablets where maize starch is used as a filler.

I actually don't take antihistamine every day, but kind of do it in bursts. Will stay off it for a while, but if I find myself having reactions, then I will take it for a while. Also, if I get a really bad gut reaction, then I take cetirizine, metoclopramide (helps empty my stomach, so gets rid of it from my gut faster) and a voltarol suppository (to deal with any inflammation reaction) all at once, and go lie down for a few hours, and that usually does it.

I was also very sensitive to dairy pre-coeliac diagnosis, but thats come right since my severe villous atrophy (at the time of diagnosis) has healed up on the GF diet.

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to earthwitch

Thank you so much for this, one feels so alone. Since 1980 to 1994 I had hot acid coming out of my backside and in a period made my skin peel as if planning wood. They gave me steroid creams and said “it was something I was putting on”. It wasn’t but in the end could not walk at all anywhere. I made a food diary when I was so fed up with being alone as my husband was working in London some 60 miles away by train that I found a day centre. It was there that they suggested I wrote down all I had and it was coeliac, dairy etc and I knew of alcohol, spices, herbs, and since then have h dot add latex, bananas, pineapple and this year onions. This has all caused me to have more RA and OA etc as I had Schumann’s disease when 2 and Rheumatic fever also peanut butter sandwich and all that started all this off.

I have my Thyroxin made for me by the NHS but know it costs a lot as I cannot have lactose which most pills have round the outside. The Rheumy in Colchester tried all sorts of things and had me in hospital. Up here he tried and I can’t have even a pain kiler. I eventually went to the Czech Republic to friends and Ostrava hospital to find the cause of 50 years of illness [steatorrhoea and recurrent jaundice] and they found after four weeks in hospital that it was coeliac and dairy and the etc and yes I have had to add foods.

I will look at corn…stamps used to have glue made by corn and I know of a few allergic to corn who could not lick a stamp.

It is nice to hear from you. Please keep in touch for you are a fount of help and reassurance,

Glennis in Skegness UK

earthwitch profile image
earthwitch in reply to beauty96

Thats shocking that it took so long to get a coeliac diagnosis, but I'm also not surprised. It only too, me about 3 years from when I first started complaining about the major tiredness and asking why I kept being low in B12 and folate, though I'd had symptoms for 20 years before that. At least my GP was very apologetic about missing it for so long, so it did teach them a lot about it.

The corn allergy is incredibly difficult as you are right about corn being in absolutely everything. Its not a food any more - its an industrial product the way they process it and use it for everything - sugars, starches, binders, etc. I do find though that as long as I only get traces of it, and I take the antihistamines fairly often, I can keep on top of it.

Re: the medications with lactose - yes, pills tend to either have lactose or corn, or both in them. I have found though that many of the liquid meds are fine for me, and some of the soluble ones are too. Its annoying to always have to read labels for everything, but you kind of get used to it.

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to earthwitch

Yes and thanks. Have a look at the web sites as there is my profile on the Healers site. You can see why I learnt medicine. I looked up the antihistamine you spoke about and there is lactose in all pills. It is cheap. To be quite fair I had not associated the shakes etc as being histamine related. I have learnt a lot. My GP said "you will know the link by the time I see you. There is also an adrenal gland disease that can give it to you and I want to rule that out. So I am glad he is testing me. Yes 50 years of illness.

mitzymoo profile image

Hi Angel

I was so shocked at the way you have suffered over the years with your health, and the way foods effect you, that I wondered if you had ever heard of the blood group diet?

It tells you what foods is toxic to your body, what are medicine and what to eat in general.


It may still list alot that may not suit you, but I hope it might help in some way as you deserve as much help as possible, after being let down in ways you shouldn't have!

I'm a big believer in angels and I have asked them to watch over you and I am giving you my special poem that I give to people who are in need of some comfort and support.

When angels sense you need them

And angels always do

They come unseen from everywhere

To help and comfort you

They hover close beside you

Till all your cares are gone

Till they can see you're ready

Once again to carry on

Then some of them fly away

And take their gentle touch

To other hearts that need the love

Of angels very much

But one at least stays with you

As your constant friend and guide

For guardian angels never leave you

They are always by your side!

Take care and angel blessings xx

beauty96 profile image

Mitzymoo, love your name. Yes I loved your verse. Great and thanks. When I studied medicine I also said "I would allow no one to be like me and so offered anyone a response if I could help them". I am not a GP and would never take their palce nor a consultant. But I meant what I said. That is why I teach Healing, Aromatherapy etc and Counsellling at 20p to pay for tea or coffee. I have great fun.

mitzymoo profile image
mitzymoo in reply to beauty96


My very special cat was called mitzy who got her angel wings 5yrs ago, and she was a real diva, lady Gaga has nothing on the blingy things she had and even wore her tiara for a few seconds for a photo the night before she got her wings.

She's always here now as I have a tree with lights at the end of the branches with clear flower shades over them, that I have hung angel charms on and the special box I have her ashes in is under it with her tiara on a black velvet cushion.

Some of the charms have bells on and ring quite often, and the cats I have now let me know when she's here as they were kittens when we lost her and she ruled them with an iron paw!! They huddle together shaking till I calm them down. That's where the moo came from as she was a real moo to them!!!

I make the angel charms as therapy, I lost the feeling to the right side of my body after choking on some food 9yrs ago, 3 days before I'd had a laughing fit and started coughing and the right side of my face went numb, which gp thought was neuralgia but after the rest happened all scans were done and all came back clear.

After alot of anger and frustration I made myself use my hand even though couldn't feel it as at 35 I didn't want my 13yr old twins boy or girl looking after me when they had just learnt to do most things by choice!

Till I put chips in hot fat still in my fingers and didn't realise, now banned from cooking (shame not) I vowed I wasn't going down without a fight!

The angel charms are on the tree till they go to people as presents or if the can't be sent for whatever reason I keep them safe for them on the angel tree as it's now known a dear send them the poem.

I am so sorry I didn't mean to drone on I hope I haven't traumatised you with my excessively long reply!

Take care and angel blessings xx

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to mitzymoo

No you have not droned on. Can I suggest you have a look at healers2006.co.uk

mitzymoo profile image
mitzymoo in reply to beauty96

Thanx so very much, I really appreciate your help.

My daughter always wanted to learn reiki, crystal therapy and auras as we've been drawn to it when my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus.

She bought a big angel statue and each night she prayed to her, and told her all her worries and fears. We bought her everything we could angel themed, for every occasion.

When she goes her own fabulous wings, her collection came to means is added to on every occasion, and my daughter and I have been interested in finding out more ever since.

She is a carer in a dementia nursing home now, as she wanted to go into caring with everything she's experienced growing up. She will be so pleased when I show her your site.

Thank you so much, take care and angel blessings xx

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to mitzymoo

It does not matter where you are,just click the contact button. Join if you wish.

mitzymoo profile image
mitzymoo in reply to beauty96

I've just shown your site to my daughter and she is very interested in a few courses.

She is doing a very in depth dementia course through the home she's working at and it is an apprenticeship placement, so she's doing level 2 for that as well.

She's going to wait till she's finished that so she can give it her full concentration.

I'm thinking about doing one but I'm not sure what yet.

Thanks again, you've given me a real lift, and believe me at the moment I really need it.

You are a true angel, take care xx

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to mitzymoo

I have edited in case I upset anyone. Thank you for your help. Send you another message tomorrow.

mitzymoo profile image
mitzymoo in reply to beauty96

I will thanks so much

beauty96 profile image

Where and I will see if it is on the TV replayer.

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