Feeling lost: I apologise if I appear dense, but I am... - NRAS


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Feeling lost

candyangel profile image
15 Replies

I apologise if I appear dense, but I am in a very difficult position at the moment and feeling a bit lost and out of my depth. Apart from 3 years when I lived abroad, I have worked since I was 16, and I am now 44, I have been off work sick since end of Sept/start of Oct, when I was in severe pain with my back and hands, finally got my RA diagnosis in March just before lockdown, so still only 3 months into my RA journey, I have mentioned in previous posts about the side effects I am having, so hoping it all settles down and eventually I find a way to deal with it, also hoping to work again, but need to wait till I have my symptoms and side effects under control.

Unfortunately my SSP has finished, and I am not sure what I am supposed to do next, I have decided I won't be returning to my current job, even though I have been with the company 10 years, around a year ago we had a new manager, he made a lot of changes, most of them very detrimental, and he removed me from a position I had held for nearly 7 years, it was a role I really enjoyed, and placed me in a completely different role where I was very unhappy and stressed out, I dreaded going to work, I think this was what caused the flare up in my (at the time undiagnosed) RA.

So we have been living off our savings, which are obviously not going to last too long, my hubby is on furlough, but again not sure how long that will last, and even if he will have a job in a few months as he is in the hospitality trade, my dad keeps telling me to look into disability allowance, but I have no idea where to start to find out what I am entitled to, this is all new to me, as I have been lucky enough never to have been out of work from age 16 (apart from 3 years abroad).

Is there anyone who has any advice on what I need to do? Any help would be gratefully appreciated, thanks, sorry for the long post!!

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candyangel profile image
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15 Replies

Ajay has given good advice. Are you hoping to return to work? I applied for Pip it is not means tested and you can still get it if you work. It’s a long process some people have had a difficult time ( I did) but you are entitled. If you do go for Pip ask for lots of advice when you fill out the form. Base it on your WORST DAYS. Good luck

candyangel profile image

Hi both, thanks for the replies, I am sorry I don't know what the abbreviations mean apart for CAB, which I think is citizens advice bureau, we had one in our library but it is shut at the moment, will try to find a phone number for them, not sure what PIP and ESA are, sorry but this is all new to me the benefit thing so sorry if I appear dense! Is universal credit like tax credits?

I am hoping to eventually work again once the medication and side effects have stabilised a bit more! But like I said not to my current job so would need to look for something else.

oldtimer profile image

You might find it helpful to look up what you might be entitled to:


and contacting the citizens advice bureau.

Their advice pages are here: citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits

and as they are not doing face to face interviews:


I was about to give the same advice as Oldtimer. Be aware that if you give up your job without good reason it can effect your benefit payments for a few months. Just don't do anything hasty. Fighting early ra as well and dealing with the worry of covid is very stressful. Walking away from your job of 10yrs may not be the right thing to do at this time. Perhaps have a chat to your GP about this before making any decisions. All the best x

Evaflo10s profile image

Apply for ESA ( employment and support allowance ) and PIP ( personal independence payments) straight away . Do it ASAP whilst they’re not doing f2f ( face to face ) assessments as it’s far less stressful .

Do research your answers before filing the form in though to make sure you phrase them correctly . It can make a big difference to what they decide .

Good luck 😉

Mmrr profile image

As paulywoo says, do not give up your job as you may bar yourself from claiming benefits. Sit tight with being off sick until you have a plan.

It sounds as if you might be eligible for employment support allowance (ESA), since you have been working for a long time, it is certainly worth looking into. PIP too.

CAB and the DWP online pages will give you a good starting point, and NRAS too, worth a call.

It can be a long process , but hang in there help is at hand.

medway-lady profile image

I think I'd explore the possibility of ill health retirement before handing in notice. RA is treatable so it can take time but life can and mostly does continue normally. So it might mean you'll never qualify for PIP so please don't base any decision on something which it is far from certain you'll qualify for. I'd pursue getting out of your job on good terms and in these difficult times long term sick might be preferable and a precursor to retirement which does not mean you'll never work again either. I did this but was a Government employee however its the same for everyone. So best of luck and don't do anything in haste as there is no need and a deep recession might mean jobs are going to be very hard to find. There is a lot of information on Direct Gov and your union can help too.

Kerensa21 profile image


NRAS do really helpful clear hard copy booklets on benefits and PIP, see above, as well as ones on work for employees and employers, sorry couldn’t post 2 links but in same page, scroll down to publications. PIP is not means tested and like Eva says I’d apply asap.They also have a great phone help line on their web page. All specifically for people with RA.

Have you thought about ill health retirement if necessary.? You do have rights under equalities act for disabled. I don’t think they can just get rid of you after 10 years, Do you have a union, mine were great for advice, e.g. half pay & ESA after SSP stopped? I know how stressful it all seems when you’re ill as well but totally worth it in long run

Not dense! I knew nothing about above when first diagnosed and it’s all a bit of a minefield when just diagnosed. Good luck, hope it’s some help 👍😉

PS nras.org.uk/speak-to-someon...

All free

happytulip profile image

I get a pension from ill health retirement but if I had resigned I wouldn't have got anything.

Do you have a union rep? It might be worth joining a union if not. Also, if you resign you can't get benefit help for at least 3 months.

Biofreak profile image

You aren't dense. If your SSP has now stopped but you are still employed and still sick I think ESA (employment support allowance) is the benefit to apply for . But I'm not an expert. Previous responders to your post has given links to places and organisations that can give advice on appropriate benefits. It can be a long process but don't give up. You are entitled to financial help. Good luck.

candyangel profile image

Thanks all for taking the time to reply, will look at all the links provided and contact citizens advice

Evaflo10s profile image

Just whilst I’m thinking of it , it’s a good idea to start scanning / photocopying every single piece of paperwork you receive to do with your condition and/or how it affects you . You’ll end up with so much paperwork as time goes on .

This will save you a lot of time later when you have to send all of this to the DWP . Always keep a copy of everything and send it all recorded delivery so no one can say they didn’t receive it .

in reply to Evaflo10s

Good tip

AgedCrone profile image

I think your best bet would be to make an appointment & go the CAB to discuss what options are available. They have specialists who know their way around, because Benefits are a mine field, & you don’t want to sign up to something before you know what you are legally entitled to.

I should imagine they are really busy right now....so get in touch ASAP.

Good Luck...it must be a very trying time for you.

wholenut profile image

Citizens Advice are currently providing advice on benefits by phone, email and webchat. Google your local CAs website, to find out how best to contact them.

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