I do have RA, saw Very nice Consultant yesterday as Two years ago it was thought I had a TIA, even the consultant this morning says it is in doubt as to whether I had one or not. Just slurred speech for a few moments and I was drinking cocoa, that I have each morning. Nothing found on MRI, CT etc He feels now it was a migraine aura without the headache.
Now I know my BP [189/96] is up yesterday at the hospital...typical as I get nervous. Now they cannot give me any drugs for BP nor arthritis etc cos of allergies/intolerances. Aspirin/lactose and pineapple gives anaphylaxis attacks and could kill. He said that yesterday. But he did say to find a therapist who would make me relax and meditate, as I must get more in control of myself. My IQ is still over 180 according to the psychiatrist who tests me every two years. [Don't know why they bother but I like the tests it's fun]
Suggestion he made this morning was to have or find an herb etc that would calm me down or something similar. Most have salicylates in them.
Do you know of anything that would help me? Or any thoughts on what I can do? Will be 74 on Friday. I live on the East coast of England in a sleep little town.