When will my health ever get better.......: Well it has... - NRAS


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When will my health ever get better.......

sylvi profile image
29 Replies

Well it has not been a good weekend for me one way or another. Friday i was at the drs as i had a chest infection. That meant no cimzia today and i can't have it for another two weeks. Then yesterday i was in a friends house when i started sweating and the room goes round. They got me in their car and they had to give me a bowl as i started to be sick and they brought me round the corner,but i couldn't move as i was being so sick. Hubby was got back from the allotment and he managed to get to the bathroom where i was sick again and my bowels went into over drive( you get what i mean). The paramedics were called and they did all the tests and then they decided a doctor needed calling which they did. By the time the doctor got here i was in bed. I was so exhausted. The doctor seems to think that i have meneires disease,he gave me some tablets to suck to ease the dizziness off. Hubby got the tablets and i stayed in bed all day. I have a doctors appointment this morning and i am at the hospital for e.n.t. on saturday so hopefully by the weekend i will have some idea what is wrong with me once and for all.

So no Cimzia and MTX for me this week at all. With my RA/Fibro both playing up what more can my body take. I am sooooo fed up with things at the moment. Hope your all not suffering too much.xxxx

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sylvi profile image
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29 Replies

Hi Sylvie.I can't believe you're going through so much at the moment. My thoughts are with you.

I kind of thought earlier that your symptoms,re sickness etc, sounded much like my mother who was diagnosed with Menieres some years ago. With correct medication her attacks petered off almost completely, so hopefully you may feel better shortly.

Carolyn x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you Carolyn.Its no fun is it.xx

Caza profile image

I'm sorry Sylvi that your having such an awful time. My husband has Menieres & the symptoms you described are exactly what he had. It took awhile to get it under control but once the meds kicked in he never had any more problems. That was a few years ago,he now no longer takes pills & fingers crossed he's been fine. The attacks he had were really awful & frightening he would quite often passed out with them to. Really feel for you take care xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Caza

It is awful feeling like your drunk and the room is spinning non-stop. I have the added problem of tinnitus as well..I have hospital on saturday so hopefully they will sort me out.xxx

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to sylvi

Yep he has that to apparently the two go hand in hand. The good thing is they can treat it. xx

in reply to sylvi

Hi Sylvi, hate to tell you however tinnitus is a symptom of Meniere,s disease...hope you get sorted out soon

mattcass profile image

Hi Sylvie, I'm sorry you are having a bad time hope you feel better soon me and Fran are thinking of you. mattcass

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to mattcass

How are you getting on? xxx

mattcass profile image
mattcass in reply to sylvi

Hi Sylvie, Between steroids 30mgs daily, hydroxy, diclofenics, this is the only meds I can receive for my RA, I am 5 weeks into the12 week course it takes to kick in after that there is nothing else to treat the RA, the lung side has been brilliant I am walking 3 miles every day with Fran, Hope you feel better soon, mattcass

Barrister profile image

Hi Sylvi, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time. Were you prescribed antibiotics for your chest infection? If so it's possible that they have caused your sickness and diarrhoea. I know that Menieres causes vomiting but I would have thought that it was unlikely to cause diarrhoea and antibiotics can certainly cause the symptoms that you describe, even if you have taken those particular ones before with no problems. Of course, if you haven't taken antibiotics then I'll shut up apart from to say that I hope that you feel better soon. Clemmie

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Barrister

I have had this problem before i was on the antibiotics,so it isn't the drugs,though they might have added to the problem. Clemmie you don't have to shut up as i know you care so keep talking my friend.xx

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to sylvi

My husband had loose bowels when he had a'funny turn' rather than diarrhoea as such. He was also told it could be caused by stress & you certainly had more than your fair share. xx

francherry profile image

Hi Sylvie,

That sounds horrendous. I really hope you start to feel better soon.

Thinking of you and take care,


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to francherry

Thank you Francherry.xxx

sylvi profile image

What with ra/fibro and tinnitus and a possibility of menieres as well i am not doing very well. I thank you all as your so understanding and knowledgable about my ears.xxxx

helixhelix profile image

How awful, no wonder you feel down. Not really fair to get something else on top, but a friend has Meniere's and once it was controlled she could manage fine. But she did say it was truly awful to start with, so poor you. Polly

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to helixhelix

Thanks Polly.xxx

summer32 profile image

My poor sylvi.. gosh how terrible, those tablets should help.. have the given your prochloperazine do you know?.

You need some good luck!! I had a bad weekeend with severe hand pain.. nothing compared with what you love.. sending you my very best wishes for getting better quickly!!

Alison x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to summer32

Oh alison what a right pair we are. Lets get together and suffer together.xxxx

Neverwell profile image

Hope you feel better soon xx

miss profile image

Oh my lovely so sorry that you are suffering so badly.Hope your sorted very soon sending you a big hug love Christine xxx

Dandan profile image

Sylvi I hope you are feeling better soon. Wishing you lots of love and gentle hugs love from Karen x

Ginsing profile image

Hi Sylvi so sorry you are having such a rough time at the moment. I do hope they manage to sort you out stop the sickness and at least help with the meniers if that is the prob. Rotten luck for you hope it gradually eases xgins

Sorry I've come to this so late in the day Sylvi but only just arrived home after two and a half weeks away. How horrible this sounds - poor you. I had a bout of what they thought was Mennieres when I was pregnant with my first son and it was truly horrible much as you describe. Hope it is sorted out very soon for you. Tilda x

Luthien66 profile image

Oh Sylvie, I'm so sorry you're having to suffer like this.....my heart goes out to you. I pray that you get some good luck with your health very soon....take care & big hugs. xxxx

shirlthegirl profile image

Hope you get better soon sylvi, sending lots of hugs xx

Sylvie, I so feel for you, one thing after another, and menieres is the pits! Before we came here, my old neighbour was struck down with this a bit like you, out of the blue, and my, she was so poorly, had a couple of days in hospital actually, and when she came home She had rapid response carers for six weeks, and after that I used to go and sit with her, do her hair and things like that. It took about three months before she recovered properly, but then after that she went berserck!! Took up ballroom dancing, met a new man and remarried at age 78, amazing. I also suffer from tinnitus, came on very suddenly and consultant explained that the RA had caused inflammation to nerves of ears and this was the cause. It drives me mad, specially when its quiet, so i try and surround myself with noise when i can, always got radio on or wear my little ipod (not too loud) Andre Rieu or Michael Buble playing away in my ears much better than dreaded tinnitus. At the audio clinic recently however i was given a wonderful device called a tinnitus masker, looks like tiny hearing aid, you pop in ear and it gives out a soothing little noise which can be adjusted and it really does mask the pesky tinnitus with its calming sounds, they also gave me a special one to wear in bed because i find it so hard to drop off to sleep with the pounding in my ears. So far this has been a resounding success, only problem is I find it lot harder to hear with masker in ear so i am about to start lip reading course soon. I hope you feel bit better soon so that you can get back on your drugs etc. life is such a battle isn't it? When you go to ENT, ask about tinnitus masker, its certainly been a revelation to me. Best wishes Lynda

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Lynda i already have the hearing aid,as i have had tinnitus on and off all my married live. which is 30yrs next month. My hearing has dropped in two years since my last hearing test,hence why i am being sent to ent. Now this its not what i need i feel as though i am going crazy. Saturday will soon be here and i hope to get some answers.xxx

Ronnie63 profile image

Hi Sylvi

That's awful. I had Labrynthitis several years ago and was scanned for Menieires but confirmed Labrynthitis (they have the same symptoms), it took a while to get sorted with the meds, I found Cinnarazine to be the best (stronger and quicker than Stemetil and Beta-Histine) Periodically it flared up but touch wood nothing for a few years.I still have tinitus but it doesn't bother me much. Lots of rest and avoiding sudden movements, turning slowly in bed helped me manage the spin and hanging onto the headboard!!

I do so feel for you what with everything else and send you a big hug


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