Good afternoon everyone,well here i am in my pjs after the doctor has been to visit me. It all started Saturday night when the room started going round and i was sick. After that episode i settle down to sleep and woke up yesterday morning feeling very weak. Then after a lovely roast lunch the room went round and i had trouble moving across the room to get something to be sick in. Hubby went to clear one bowl away and he gave me another bowl which i was sick again only this time there was blood in it. Hubby did no more than ring for the paramedics who duly came and were lovely with me. I spent the rest if the day resting. Then this morning hubby again rang the doctors this time to inform them of what happened. They then decided i needed a visit from a doctor. Well he has been and he is refferring me to ENT as he thinks i have Menieres disease. I wonder now how much this is due to my ra/fibro and i wonder what next is going to happen to me. It is never ending with me,if it isn't one thing it is another. Thank goodness for my darling hubby who is taking great care of me.
Hugs for all of you who i know your all suffering at the moment.xxxx