At the age of 40 life was good i had been working since i was 15 and all was well, now i 45 am clapped out!
3 years ago i fell down the stairs and hurt the top of my leg well my hip but there was always a slight pain there it never left, after a year of nagging my doc and severel blood tests i was advised i had really bad diabetes and was given the choice of tablets or injections naturally i chose tablets! The pain still nagged and after a further year it became so bad my doc gave me stronger pain killers still no referral to rheumy doc then my back started to nagg and my right foot was starting to give me jip at last you might say a referral no not quite. Further blood tests at my gp's and was advised my imflamatry markers were raised (excuse the spellings) and was atlast reffered had to wait 3 months but got there the doc took one look and said why wernt you reffered sooner DOH! Well what more can i say i am now taking m/txate,sulphasalzine, neproxin tramadol diabetic tablets and lots of others lol. i am now at my wits end with esa that place where you have youre medicals is a joke shop but dont get me started its my gripe.
Does anyone else oh i have sero negative arthritis still not sure what it means but i can feel the pain most days does anyone else have problems with side effects of other meds that dont agree with methtoxate and sulpha salizine and the constant feeling of wanting to be sick!
At 45 i diddnt envision myself having arthrhitis let alone not working because of it.
Well its off to court next week for my esa appeal fingers crossed all goes well but from what i have heard no-one is winning this is my third time at court winning the last 2 has anyone got a miracle they would like to share to make us all pain free haha.........