Paddison Programme - Anyone tried it?: Hi Has anyone... - NRAS


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Paddison Programme - Anyone tried it?

Janeye profile image
101 Replies


Has anyone tried or heard of the Paddison Programme which has been designed by Clint Paddison? It's about eating plant based food to help improve RA symptoms. I know that there are lots of books out there on this subject but just wondered if anyone had any info on it.

Wishing you all a pain free day.

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Janeye profile image
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101 Replies
Lukaduka profile image

Never heard of it, but funnily enough someone said to me today they knew someone who had managed to control symptoms with diet. Keep us posted. Sx

Sugarblue profile image
Sugarblue in reply to Lukaduka

The Paddison program will help . I could not eat rice and beans but I can eat green vegetables. Grains, dairy, oils and nightshades are out for me. Green veggies will heal and processed foods will kill.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to Sugarblue

I'm on it and it works very well. You have to retrain your way of thinking because during the initial stages many healthy foods will not work for you. I'm not on any medications and chose to start this instead of taking medications. That means I have to follow it strictly and when I don't I have pain and other symptoms. But, it works. When it's not working, it's because I'm not following it precisely. I'm gradually healing. They say that it takes a month for every year you've been ill and you have to include the years before you recognized your symptoms as being part of a disease. It takes a while, but, for many, it's the path to complete remission. That doesn't mean you relapse into bad eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, stressful life and lots of habits and medications that can harm you and take you right back there. You keep it up but you are at the end of the spectrum where you have a wide variety of foods you can eat and you don't get big symptoms when you are not absolutely perfect. Start out being as perfect as you can at following it because you'll slow yourself way down in healing if you aren't. Everyone is a little different so you have to experiment but stay within the guidelines. Some people don't so progress more slowly but they are thrilled. Still, if they did stay within the guidelines, they'd progress much faster and get off medications or greatly reduce them much sooner. I did not buy the program but I know it would be easier and probably faster if I did. I just had to turn down a job when all this started, so my money had been tight. I'm finally getting to the point where i can work more so am making more money. Still not where I need to be so still haven't joined, but I'm extremely good at finding information so I've been able to piece it together. I think most people will benefit by buying the book and joining, but the info is out there if you're a good detective. There are a lot of questions I have that I can't ask and many I can't find answers to right away, honestly. But, I'm still progressing well. So, it works. Sometimes patience is the thing that is missing, so keep that in mind. Also, you may have multiple conditions because the cause is the same so sometimes you have to cover all the bases. If you have rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and gout, you're going to eliminate some foods for one that you might be able to eat if you only had the other conditions. These are not necessarily really separate conditions but they overlap and are labeled according to symptoms and what medical treatments tend to be used. Paddison Program works for a variety of conditions because it heals your gut and reduces inflammation, so it's going to help heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriatic arthritis, gout (but eliminate certain foods for gout), Sjogren's, etc. For diabetes type 1, you'll still take insulin but you might take less and feel better. Coordinate with your doctor but don't expect them to support it. Ask them, "Will it harm me if I do this for a month?" Many are not up to date or well educated in certain topics. They know how to give meds but would have to see results from this for several patients before accepting it or might just say it's the meds and deny diet could ever havev an effect. It can, and it can help a lot super fast but you'll still have to take a long time to actually heal so that your diet can be highly varied. It can take pain down dramatically in 2-3 days but you can't live on what you have to eat for those 2-3 days longterm. So, that's why you have to take a long time. You want your messed up gut to heal so it's robustly healthy. A few months ago, I would be in a lot of pain after writing this and it would take me a long time. I wrote this fast and have no pain. No medication. Lost a dress size or more without trying to. It's a really good program.

helixhelix profile image

As far as I know, it's another one of the "send me money and I'll tell you how to cure RA" programmes, where there's no hard evidence that it does more than being sensible about diet would do. Diet can help some people, and I'm certainly better for having adjusted what I eat (lots colourful veg, and no junk etc). But my RA needs the drugs too, and diet alone wouldn't keep the damage at bay. Polly

hungrypeg profile image
hungrypeg in reply to helixhelix

Yes, it does work, I went onto it and the improvement in my RA was very marked. The reason why doctors don't recommend it is that most people do not have the will power to stick to it, plus there have not been government approved trials. It's not a diet you can trial easily. The idea is that you heal your gut which is what is causing toxins to get into the joints and the immune system cannot tell the difference between your joint and the toxin as they are made up of the same proteins (your immune system doesn't have a brain). I got my RA a few months after taking 3 lots of anti-biotics which wrecked my gut.

The diet means you eat leaves, lentils, water, veg, raw veg. It's a miserable existence, watching others eat luxury foods, cakes, coffee, wine, sweets, etc etc. You can't go to a restaurant, you can't go to parties or mix or socialise, people don't understand, don't want to understand. You have to cook meals for your family whist making buckwheat and rice for yourself, you can't sample the food you cook for others even though you have to look at it. You can't go on holiday without planning your 'stuff', your family get fed up, you get fed up. A consultant at Dryburn Hosp. in Durham said that he could cure me by liquid feeding straight into the blood by-passing the stomach, but he said it was not quality of life and that weight loss was a problem. So some gastroenterologists know about this. Clint Paddison's regime is not a con, he has had this disease badly and he want to share it but he also needs to live, he is not charging a lot it's what, £40 and once you have the info you have it. The man who invented a cure for stomach ulcer's took 15 years to convince people, and this isn't a drug, it's a regime, a way of life and very few people stick to it. plus I live in a cold climate where eating salad's can be really difficult in the winter months. I've done this diet it works, then I've failed, I've done it again, I ate crisps because I was desperate for taste and failed, I fail, I try I fail. But each time I do it, the RA goes down. I got my inflammatory marker down from 18 to 9. It wasn't a coincidence, it work's but at a really big cost to normal life.

in reply to hungrypeg

I followed a similar diet a few years back when my.liver was Inflamed and before I knew of RA. I lost a bunch of weight and felt great but it was super difficult to live with others lol.

cherylanncole profile image
cherylanncole in reply to hungrypeg

I have trouble sticking to it exactly but it is better than the pain. Clint now eats a variety of foods and has no food sensitivities. Heal the gut and you can eat more foods. I'm working on it!

Sugarblue profile image
Sugarblue in reply to hungrypeg

My sed rate went down from 65 to 28 by avoiding grains , dairy , nightshades, most meats. It is tough but I have had my knee aspirated so many times , I feel really stupid eating foods that make my joints swell . Yes still eat those foods sometimes, I am weak and I kinda know what I can get away with , so I won't hurt too bad the next day.

Fiascoe profile image
Fiascoe in reply to hungrypeg

Great response thank you 👌

cherylanncole profile image
cherylanncole in reply to helixhelix

I feel that you shouldn't say negative things without trying. You may discourage those of us that are winning the battle against this terrible disease. No meds for me.

stabledgurly profile image
stabledgurly in reply to helixhelix

I will have to disagree with you . I am doing the Paddison program. He is present and there for you 100 percent. His lifestyle is more then backed up by the science and many people have results. It is not an immediate fix but... drugs are a part of it for now...

bpeal1 profile image

This is an interesting website about diet.

Download the PDF leaflet on the right hand side of the screen.

Hope it is useful.


romi profile image

I started this diet in January last year, I was sceptical, It is not an easy option, but it really works for me. I have gradually been able to add in more food options and am feeling better than I have felt for several years. I still have slight twinges to remind me that I have RA, but rarely need painkillers. Flares are minor and can usually be put down to trying a new food.

matildaa profile image

I have looked at his website and was well tempted to order his book and video. I registered my email address and was getting emails with tips about diet and exercise (yoga) for a couple of weeks always with links to buy his book & video. Then I received an email offering telephone consultation (given advice over the phone and promising results) at $250 dollars for a 1 hour or 90 minute consultation. That's when I decided NOT to buy his book and video. He is not a doctor. Diets work for some people only.

I have been on a mainly vegan diet (plus no wheat or sugar or coffee or tea, no nightshade veg and no citrus) for over 18 months now and it worked brilliant for 6 months. Then all my pains returned and I now take Methotraxate and Hydroxychloroquine but I am still sticking to a mainly vegan diet with some fish which I believe helps me a lot. I also do lots of exercise: I go to the gym 3 times a week and do yoga. Clint says that yoga really helped him and I can see that.

I did buy this book: Diet And Arthritis: A comprehensive guide to controlling arthritis through diet. by Darlington & Gamlin, Gail & Linda. It is quiet old (1996?) and out of print but is written by a doctor . I found it useful. It analyses different diets and explains their successes and shortcomings. It cover alternative medicines and vitamins. I bought it 2nd hand from Amazon I think. Good luck and let me know how you are getting on.

cherylanncole profile image
cherylanncole in reply to matildaa

Well the 50. was worth it for me. No drugs!

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to matildaa

First, you can get all the information by watching the podcasts, so you don't have to spend money to get the benefit.

Second, Clint Paddison does a tremendous amount of work to provide guidance to those who choose it. Why in the world should he not make money? It's not his job to do all that work without making any money for his labor. I really don't understand anyone who thinks it's suspicious to make money for your labor.

Third, I had a sudden flare up after years of symptoms that were vague and troubling but largely ignored by doctors. Within 24 hours, my symptoms were mostly gone, and in one more day, they were even better. It's only been a few weeks and I'm still learning, but the results are dramatic. I even put my adult son on the diet by default because he doesn't like to go shopping or cook. His acne has cleared up dramatically, he has more energy, his mood is greatly improved, and he just looks healthier.

Fourth, I have a strong background in science, particularly in human health. While I'm not a medical professional, I can say that the program that Clint has put together makes sense.

Fifth, it's not a hard diet to go on. It's very simple, actually. However, I understand that it might be emotionally difficult for many people. We tend to think of certain foods as comforting and eating them as taking care of ourselves. I will simply say that I'd much rather be healthy, energetic, pain-free, and feeling great than to have debilitating health symptoms, unable to fully participate in life, have a shortened lifespan, difficulty working, and live a miserable existence.

This is information that almost anyone can access free, but you do have a choice of buying materials and paying for consultations. If you choose to do so, you're still probably spending far less on this than on things you don't need, like cable TV, a late model car, more clothes, and junk food. But, it's your choice.

I don't know Clint and have nothing to gain by saying all this. I simply wanted to say this after reading some of the responses. Based on my rapid results, I've recommended the program to several people suffering from autoimmune diseases.

Let's put it this way. You could do this for a month, lose the weight you'll probably lose, reduce the pain you'll probably reduce, and otherwise benefit. Then, you could quit. I don't know why you would, but it's not a lifetime commitment. No one is holding a gun to your head.

I haven't paid a penny for the info I've used about Clint's program, but I intend to buy the $99 program in order to support his program. For me, it's a much better investment than all the steak, ice cream, lattes, and wine in the world. I hope that others who are suffering from autoimmune issues will give it a try. You have nothing to lose and a great deal to gain.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to SaneJane

$50 or $100 is nothing compared to all the helpful information, and it works. Why would anyone begrudge this person who works hard with his time and money to share the information a bit of cash to compensate for his time and also support his ongoing work. He's a science guy but always mentions that he's not a doctor. He's not trying to fool anyone, but he's sharing what most doctors don't even realize. All my doc said was, "We are omnivores!" She had no interest in the fact that all my pain and redness and swelling went away, my mind cleared, my fatigue lifted, and I would think straight. She prescribed pain meds I didn't ask for and ignored what I told her. If it works and doesn't harm you, do it and don't be selfish. Share some cash to keep it going.

Neesh profile image

I have been tempted to purchase the paddison program, but from reading the free booklet it appears that the Clint Paddison might be using the theory of the mcdougal diet to make money. Can anyone confirm if there is more content provided in the Paddison program which is different from The McDougal diet. The theory and content regarding the McDougal diet is available free of charge. For those looking for a solution to your RA problems, please look into low dose naltrexone, it has shown to be quite effective for a number of people afflicted with RA. I write this message having looked into possible treatments for my father. Best wishes to all : )

cherylanncole profile image
cherylanncole in reply to Neesh

He says right up front that Mcdougall was one of his heros! So hate all this negativity.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to cherylanncole

Why are people so suspicious? All they have to do is go watch his videos, read his info, and see what it is. Maybe actually try it. If you don't know anything about it, don't act like you do.

clintpaddison profile image

Hello! I just stumbled across this post - must have felt my ears burning! Anyways, thought I'd add to the discussion and clear some things up.

Firstly, thanks for showing so much interest in the diet and natural side of healing RA. I genuinely was incapable of walking on my left knee and had crippling elbow, finger, wrist, ankle, chest, jaw and feet pain. It was relentless and I had elbow surgery and was facing a total knee replacement at age 33. I cannot overemphasize enough how important diet was to reverse my desperate state. I was up to 25mg/week of methotrexate when I began doing fasting with alkalizing juices, 8 months on a raw food diet, followed by what I now call the Paddison Program. I haven't touched a drug of any kind in 2.5 years, and because I'm drug free, my wife and I now have our first baby on the way :-)

Romi mentioned earlier in this post that she has followed the program with great success. Indeed, this approach can create the most incredible pain reversal as she has experienced. As she also mentioned, it's not easy. It's not for everyone, since you need time to devote to healing and it requires a mindset of 'taking ownership' of the disease and making healing a must. I describe how limited doctors knowledge is on the area of nutrition. As Matildaa pointed out above I am not a doctor, but I have more of a vested interest in learning about how to heal this disease naturally than any doctor that ever lived. So, since I'm a science graduate, I researched the science and applied what science has found about diet and disease.

Like any treatment, the PP doesn't always get the results that Romi and I have experienced. However, to be frankly honest, dramatic improvements are very common and one should expect to feel noticeably better within even a few weeks. It's about sidestepping the food allergies and healing the gut so that undigested foreign particles (proteins) are no longer entering the blood stream in vast quantities and aggravating the immune process.

Neesh - thanks for asking a wonderful question about this program compared to the McDougall Program. Indeed, Dr McDougall is one of my heroes since I believe his understanding about diet and disease is arguably the greatest in the world. My approach is also low-fat vegan (which is general well-trodden path for an anti-disease diet across heart disease, diabetes, obesity, MS and most chronic ailments) but I also emphasize 1) alkalizing foods 2) tremendous quantities of enzyme-rich foods 3) high potassium 4) high Vitamin D 5) Gluten Free 6) Sugar Free and very importantly, I discuss the role in which exercise matters in resolving problematic joints. I found out the hard way (after losing my cartilage in my left elbow entirely) that exercise - when done correctly - can save a joint that is heavily inflamed. Bikram Yoga is the best, but high levels of cardiovascular activity also alkalizes the body and can offer tremendous relief - if you don't use it you lose it kind of mentality. So, I share my findings with this as well within the program and offer all the customer support personally to help. Some people want to speak with me personally, that's why I offer the paid consulation, but for 99% of people the program covers everything and explains how to do their own troubleshooting :-)

I'm brand new to this forum but if anyone wants to ask me anything about what I did just ask!

Love and light,


in reply to clintpaddison

Just heard about your book --I have RA 12 years now and the meds are not helping much plus I live in a rainy climate. Thinking about buying the book but so many false claims out there will you help me decide I have no life due to this RA 2 knee replacements foot surgery and miserable, constant PAIN

clintpaddison profile image
clintpaddison in reply to

Hi Dandy, I understand. Regarding the rainy climate - this can be a problem. I would immediately get my blood tested for Vitamin D since there is a strong link between Vitamin D levels and autoimmune severity. Usually the 'acceptable' range for Vitamin D is 50-150. However, research is suggesting that if you have an autoimmune condition like RA it seems only beneficial to get the levels up closer to the 150 mark and not just have it sitting anywhere in the 'acceptable' range. You want it in the high range preferably. I took a vegan liquid Vitamin D supplement for many months in addition to getting additional sunlight. The most UV in the light (which aids the Vitamin D production in your skin) is when your shadow is shorter than your body length (as an easy-to-remember guide). So if it does clear in the weather I'd be getting out into the sun on a regular basis.

As for me helping you decide on your next step - that's up to you. My opinion is that when you're suffeering from what I consider to be one of the worst diseases in the world that we should do whatever is in our power to minimize the pain naturally and keep medications to a minimum. That's what I endorse. It's not a walk in the park, but it sure does get results.... Clint

2017 profile image
2017 in reply to clintpaddison

Very interested! Does your books come in regular book form? Would like to purchase. Don't have Internet in my area. Have to go to town to library or use phone.So I don't own a computer. Thanks

Karen77 profile image
Karen77 in reply to clintpaddison

Clint, so glad to read your message. I just stumbled across your Program today and am quite curious. I thought I had nearly "cured" my RA this past year with a combination of fish oil, vitamin D, magnesium and a mostly paleo diet (grain free, quite reduced dairy, sugar, and legumes). In many ways I am trying to emulate the Perfect Health Diet (Paul Jaminet), and make weekly bone & joint broth which I drink as is or in stews. That said, I have been in a flare - or relapse? - since November now. I am not looking for a "quick fix" and realize that it does take a lot of determination and effort, but am not sure about removing all animal products. Prior to adopting a gluten-free lifestyle last January, I had been a vegetarian (when I gave up all gluten containing/processed/refined/fast foods last year, I decided to re-introduce all meats). I felt the best in my life when I started eating meat again, so I just don't know how I could feel full/satisfied/energized without.

clintpaddison profile image
clintpaddison in reply to Karen77

Hi Karen77 - I completely understand the situation you are in. I come from a farm, where meat is breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now my mum and dad have completely turned their meal times on their head after seeing what I went through, and then my recovery, with the changes over several year period. So even cattle farmers can change their ways when they see their son heading towards a wheelchair. There's so much more too it thought then just thinking about having to reduce meat intake. Just simply say hi via my website - I rarely come to these forums since I'm helping people via my customer service line instead. Thanks

TwanaC profile image
TwanaC in reply to clintpaddison

Mr. Clint

I have followed off and on for about a year, I saw you on a TED talk, concerning your diet. I already do a lot of the things you discuss, and have gotten off of all the bad drugs, humaria, and prednisone which I took for over 5 years, off pain meds etc. But I can't seem to be a lecture to stop the Advil, without being unable to walk. Also I am with Karen , love myself a steak, and have issue with anemia as well so need that iron from somewhere beside, I do eat Spiniach and take a prenatal multi everyday. The other think is I need texture when eating, don't mentally do well with juicing. So any suggestions, I will be having a surgery in July where I have to clean my whole system out, so I thought I would do the suggestions then yo see if it will help.

in reply to clintpaddison

Dear all,

I recently met Clint, he was performing on a Cruise ship I was on. He put on a good show, a comedy act, using business jargon, catch phrases etc. On the last day he told us of his journey with RA. I believe every word he said to be true and heart felt. As a corporate speaker or comedian, Clint is both in demand and at the top of his game and can easily earn more than the $250.00 per consultation mentioned in an other entry.

The amount of work done by him to produce the book and program seems immense, i would assume that 1000's or hours of research and work would have gone into producing the program. For that alone the $49.00 asking price seems reasonable.

Once off the cruise i followed up on this dedicated and sincere man and signed up for his newsletter. The information coming out is all reasonable, makes sense, is uplifting and very supportive. This free service, is very important to me. I find it a great support, I only have a mild case, and i find the pain and constant grind of this disease, a challenge to say the least. For persons with worse conditions than mine, it must be mind boggling. I choose to say thank you for your efforts Clint. I wish you and your family all the very best. Enjoy your first child and any subsequent children. Thank you for your support, your grit, that grit that got u through what you went through, and your unselfishness to devote your time and efforts to making a program, supporting others and making a real, measurable and positive difference to peoples lives. In my opinion, outside of your family, this is your greatest achievement to date. However, the best of you is still to come.

May your God bless and look after you.

clintpaddison profile image
clintpaddison in reply to

Dear 124sportz, thanks so much for your kind words. Congrats on your progress so far with your health and I really appreciate the support and the encouragement that you are giving to others too. As you say, there is a ton of free information available on my website if people just want to learn bit by bit, week by week - simply join my free newsletter which can be found via the blog on my website. From there it all gets explained bit by bit! Love and peace to everyone on this forum. Clint

MarshaM profile image
MarshaM in reply to clintpaddison


Before investing in something I may have already tried: I have a few questions: I was diagnosed w/ RA last Sept. Symptoms started suddenly in July 2013, I'm 62. In Sept my RA doc said diet change doesn't help and put me on plaquinel. I set out to prove him wrong. I had already stopped all sugar, salt, wheat in August because I thought those were causing my flares. In Sept I went on a 2 day water fast and then completely Vegan, chard, almonds, sweet potatoes, spinach/fruit smoothies for breakfast and all the vitamins you mention in your video, kept this up thru Jan 1, 2014. And I was dying of pain in joints. Everyday seemed worse than the last. I saw a different RA doc outside my HMO that I paid for, and he mentioned Oxalates and that most veggies, legumes, nuts I was living on were very High in Oxalates and if one has a Leaky Gut, (and I might) the Oxalates were going into parts of the body where they were also causing inflammation. I've lowered my Oxalates and included chicken and fish again. I do not think I could survive a water fast again. I've lost so much weight from 133 to 112 now. Didn't need to lose weight, but suspect much was muscle that I'm trying to gain back now, while more joints were affected so its difficult. I'm only 5'5" and haven't weighed this little since high school. The RA doc outside my HMO added Doxycycline and Methotrexate to the plaquinel. Just started the Metho 4 days ago. Drs say could take months to see any difference. My knees and hands look like yours did in your video. I only dream of playing tennis again, walking, dancing, even riding a bike is impossible because I can't bend my knees that much. My question: Just wondering if your info addresses Oxalates and if your diet includes all these veggies I've already tried that hurt me so severely. Since I've lowered the Ox my flares are not as severe but don't have enough relief to measure.

clintpaddison profile image
clintpaddison in reply to MarshaM

Hi MarshaM, email me from my site and I'll see what I can do. You certainly have been through a lot and I know how frustrating this can be. Before you email me get latest CRP, ESR and Vitamin D bloodwork done and provide a full summary of current meds and from there I'll take a think about some steps forward that could help. Thanks Clint

Sou77 profile image
Sou77 in reply to MarshaM

Hi MarshaM! How's your RA going now? Have you tried the program that mentioned above? I'm 38, a new Rheumie. I was diagnosed with RA last May. I can't barely walk for almost 2 months now. If you ever tried it, I'm curious to know how was the progress after the program. Thanks

Tai-pan profile image
Tai-pan in reply to MarshaM

MarshaM, Please let us know how you have got on.

MarshaM profile image
MarshaM in reply to Tai-pan

I have reduced the meds way down per my RA Dr recommendation, MTX, Play, Humira. Am on a different diet than Paddison. Dr Goldner has a similar vegan program that is free on internet. Not juicing but blending so fiber is ingested and lots of water. My last blood work and ra Levels were way down.

Playing dbls tennis a couple times a week. Volunteering for animal shelter foster kittens, and swing dancing once a week.

I'm not perfect on the diet but green smoothies 5 days a week keeps the inflammation down. I'm doing ok.

Tai-pan profile image
Tai-pan in reply to MarshaM

Nice to hear. There are as many people curing their AI with the vegan approach as there are with a non-vegan approach. I have spent the several months reading about various diets and peoples success with them. It is all very confusing.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to MarshaM

Juicing doesn't necessarily mean removing fiber. I use a "juicer" that is basically a huge, very powerful blender.

Manateepest profile image
Manateepest in reply to clintpaddison

Clint, I'm a 58 year old man who supposedly has RA. First my doctor thought pmr, but my rheumatologist says it is RA. Prednisone for a year, and then 25mg methotrexate for 6 months. I quit the drug in January and went gluten and dairy free- it has helped, but I still have limited movement because of the pain in my hips. I'm going to order your book, because I do believe that the body can heal itself with the right tools. Have you heard of the norton protocol and autoimmunity bible?

Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to Manateepest

Dear Manateepest,

I do believe natural healing will help a lot in reducing pain and swelling. However, I do not believe it will heal the RA disease. We need the drugs to avoid our joints being damaged. Concurrently we can get on with the natural foods to assist our recovering process.

Since you posted here 2 years ago, may I know your situation now?

Jenni_gal profile image
Jenni_gal in reply to clintpaddison

This is all well and good. Today my doctor suggested I give this ago. Sure I said. My problem being is that because of this decease I am unable to work. Because I am unable to work I have very limited funds. So paying the $99 au for this programme is not am option. I understand how much hard work and time you put into this programme. You deserve to make a buck. But for those of us who don't have a buck we now must continue to suffer knowing that there is a possible programe to give us relief but because of our fauna all standing we are

Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to Jenni_gal

Read up and do your own research, you can find a lot of information on what kind of vegetables and fruits that will help to reduce inflammation and pain.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to Jenni_gal

If you take the time to watch his videos and read the transcripts, you'll get on the info free. I am doing that but intend to buy the program soon, only waiting because I lost income at first when I had my first flare up and couldn't write much. Cllnt is not depriving anyone but making a living for his family AND providing a lot of info free. Just do your research and search for "Paddison liver," "Paddison renal," etc. Lots of free info. Very thankful for that.

V2015 profile image
V2015 in reply to clintpaddison

Hi Clint,

In looking at the products in the program - specifically the exercise and yoga and knees portion - I wonder if they apply if I have RA in my fingers, wrists, elbows, feet, ankles. But I have osteoarthritis in my knees, hip and shoulders and neck. I'm not sure if it's safe to do the yoga and exercises due to the osteo piece of it. I'm all for trying the diet piece and would like to do all the exercise and yoga full on, but I feel like I don't know what exercises are "safe" for my osteo joints.

Due to this, I'm not sure if a considerable amount of your package can be applied in my situation.

cherylanncole profile image
cherylanncole in reply to V2015

Bikram Ypga is also good for osteo arthritis!!!!

Richa786 profile image
Richa786 in reply to clintpaddison

Hi Clint ,I have been having seviour pain in my right ankle which gets worse with movement or any's Been 26 days now .and I started to feel pain in my left hand fingers and light pain I .right ha d fingers n pain migrating to elbow,shouldier n rarely in knee..all Rhemtologist said it's not ra but iam very nervous not going g to office also ..pls suggest

Esr 30,rh negative,hlab27 mega, crp .80,cpp <.5

Sarahlouise3 profile image
Sarahlouise3 in reply to clintpaddison

Hi Clint

I have interstitial cystitis (ic) and am interested in trying your diet programme,

My friend who had RA has followed your programme for a year with amazing results.

Do you think the programme would be ok for me? IC is an auto immune condition and I feel there. Is some overlap with RA. I have been following a low alkaline diet which has helped and I know certain foods trigger a flare with me such as berries and carton almond milk.

I feel desperate some days due the pain and urinate urgency and feel like giving up. I would be grateful if you could contact me to let me know if this programme would be suitable for me.

Since a teenager I've suffered constipation and gas and feel that I may have always had leaky gut syndrome

I look forward to hearing your advice


Whateverittakes profile image
Whateverittakes in reply to clintpaddison

Hi Clint! My daughter found you on Facebook and asked me to have a look at your program in order to reduce my RA symptoms and possibly decrease or fully eliminate the use of Celebrex, Metho and Abatacept injections. I was diagnosed in 2010, but figure I have had RA for a very long time. I was a kid on antibiotics for repeated ear infections and strept throat and I was brutal on my joints as a gymnast, runner, skier, climber, hiker, aerobics-high and low impact, etc. I live in Vancouver, Canada.

I am trying to locate a chart or list that describes normal ranges for blood work tests. I am very confused with all the acronyms and numbers and would really appreciate help in understanding this information. Also, I am fairly informed about exercise and diet; I am a selective eater and juicer - no pork, red meats, fish and tons of fruits and veg and recognize that my RA symptoms increase with consumption of certain foods - gluten, lactose and sugars, processed and over-processed foods. However, before I consider purchasing your program, I would like to understand a bit more about how spending my hard earned dollars (I am a teacher of children with Autism) is going to keep me interested in eating after I have been working your program for several months, especially if I am going to be even more limited in my food choices. I have looked at your videos, which give snippets of information, but because I cannot read further into your book, I'm concerned for future support. I realize the program will only work for as long as I work the program, which if I am understanding correctly and not the first time I have realized this, would be for the rest of my life. I realize you are not purporting your program as a cure for RA, but a way to reduce pain, swelling, heat and overcome sleep issues all related to RA and meds. Thanks!

StrongasaMother profile image
StrongasaMother in reply to Whateverittakes

Hey there, I live in Vancouver as well, and am ready to make drastic changes to my diet as well...just wonder if I have the willpower with a husband and son to cook for and eat with! I am 45 years old and have had RA since age 6. I was a journalist for 20 years but after I had my son 7 years ago, stayed home with him until he started school and then opened a store on Granville Island! Since I opened the business I have had a hip replacement, shoulder replacement, ankle fusion and thumb reconstruction, and right now I am also in an aircast as I fractured my midfoot. SIGH!!! Anyway, nice to see a fellow Vancouverite here.

glenb profile image
glenb in reply to Whateverittakes

hey, i am on the program and it is a great way to come off meds. it takes willpower, dedication and a lot of hard graft. YOU have to eat the right foods, not cheat and work your ass off in the gym or buckram yoga if thats an option? i have been on the diet a year and virtually naproxen free now and cutting my methotrexate. had the disease 20 years and feel much better. food and pain correlation is really easy to judge once you stop anti inflammatory drugs. oil is my main reaction food. doctors tell you its good for you but it is not!

scottc05 profile image
scottc05 in reply to clintpaddison

Clint, does your program allow for a glass of wine or mixed drink occasionally?

Zeet123 profile image
Zeet123 in reply to clintpaddison

Hi Clint. Just found your old post and wondered if your still pain free from RA. I am about to start humira and not sure about it

Rheumy45 profile image
Rheumy45 in reply to clintpaddison

I get your emails and would love to try your program, but I'm also allergic to alot of the vegetables suggested. Back in 2013-14, I ended up with a lot of adult onset allergies and intolerances. What can I do besides diet to improve my inflammation?

Grandma56 profile image
Grandma56 in reply to clintpaddison

I have had my thyroid removed due to cancer. I have to take calcium pills every day. Will your diet supply enough calcium without them?

christineem profile image

Hi! I'm breastfeeding my 4 month old daughter, and am interested in trying the Paddison diet. I'm on Hydroxychloroquine and am starting Cimzia after the holidays. Just diagnosed with RA 3 weeks ago. I'm worried my little one won't get enough nutrients if I cleanse to heal.

clintpaddison profile image
clintpaddison in reply to christineem

I completely agree Christine, best to avoid the cleanse component until you finish breastfeeding. In situations like yours I have often suggested the program in reverse. What this means is you begin with the 'end point' which is a wide range of foods that nourish and support you, whilst minimizing damage to the gut and problematic proteins that get in through the gut wall. In a nutshell, you can still implement many positive changes that can keep meds at a reduced level until you have finished nursing your young one, at which point you will be able to do the program in full. Food for thought right? Email me directly if you want to chat more about this. Thanks and congrats again on your little daughter. Clint

Adnaan profile image
Adnaan in reply to clintpaddison

Please answer to my post down below. I'm quite in a hurry.

Thank you Mr.Clint

Adnaan profile image


I am 17 and I am suffering from mild arthritis. I am hesitating whether the paddison program will really work or not.

In fact, I've got knees pain and elbow pain. I'm on drugs actually: Plaquenil, Celedol and Salazopyrin.

I have to know if the paddison program will really help me to cure the arthritis or will only reduce the pain temprarily.

I also want to know if I will get full support personally by Clint himself.

I want to get rid of arthritis quickly because I can still walk, run a bit(with pain) and use my elbows.... But I've got permanent pain and as I am young, I want to live a normal life, be able to go to the gym and play football again.

clintpaddison profile image
clintpaddison in reply to Adnaan

Hi Adnaan, yes I highly recommend this program for you. I can guide you through the process, just contact me through customer service on my website, not here on this social forum, and we can go from there. Thanks and talk soon, Clint

Adnaan profile image
Adnaan in reply to clintpaddison

Ok thanks :)

Tai-pan profile image
Tai-pan in reply to Adnaan

Adnaan, How're you getting on, did you get the program...did it work? Please update, thanks.

choccy1 profile image

I purchased The Paddison Programme 17 days ago and am suitably impressed with not only the results I have had with the programme but also the level of support and encouragement I have received from Clint. Before starting the programme I was on 20mg of Methotrexate weekly and 3x800mg of slow release Ibobrufen daily and I was still struggling from day to day, I am now off all my medication and my CRP levels are exactly the same as when I was on all my medication, my morning pain and stiffness is less pronounced, I am sleeping better, I have more energy and overall I feel that my pain is improving and more manageable. Prior to buying the programme I had already begun to read more and more literature about how autoimmune diseases are linked to diet and had turned vegan about 5 weeks before purchasing the programme but did not see the results I am now seeing, I can only put this down to the specific combination of foods I have been eating that are designed specifically to heal the gut and therefore address my RA.

As for the cost, I would not call $49 or 37 UK pounds expensive or a 'get rich scheme' in fact in two weeks I will have recouped it all back in saved medication and after that Clint and his programme will be making me money!! I am a sceptic by nature and was sceptical about the programme at first but after a while I reasoned that I blindly pay money to my Rheumatologist every month (I live in Bulgaria so have to pay) without questioning it and all she is offering me is a lifetime of toxic medication, with no where else to turn I thought it was worth a shot.

What really impressed me was the aftercare that Clint and his team have given me replying to any of my questions within the space of a few days, obviously he has had my money by then so there was no financial gain to be had.

To anybody thinking about purchasing the programme, I would make the following observations; 1) I received my online programme immediately, the books were easy to understand and well put together and I have had excellent aftercare so in that respect Clint and his team have given me good service; 2) I can only speak for myself but I have managed to get more results through 17 days on this programme than I have with anything else I have tried and I have improved my overall health (Red Blood count/White Blood count/cholesterol/ liver enzyme count) drastically; 3) given the fact that there is growing evidence to suggest RA is linked to diet and the fact that the established medical world is only offering control of the disease through expensive toxic drugs sure it is worth a go.

There is still a long way to go for me and hopefully my improvement continues but for the first time in a long time I feel hope that I can make a recovery and live my life again.

Shelly_69 profile image

Clint, I have seen your videos on YouTube and am determined I am going to buy your ebook. I can so sympathize with your situation at the worst, as I have a knee that is kind of permanently stuck in a bend. Maybe if I follow your program, that will change. You mentioned non-dairy probiotics. What do you take? I always worry that I'm not using the right supplements. In the last 3 years, my CRP and sed rate have gone into the high normal range but we just tested the ANA antibodies and they are off the charts (over 250). I was very disappointed. My anemia is now gone for the first time in 5 plus years and that is wonderful, but I just have to get the rest of the way better. I feel like I'm 80 and I'm only 45. So happy to hear about your baby! Congratulations!

hungrypeg profile image

Yes, it does work, I went onto it and the improvement in my RA was very marked. The reason why doctors don't recommend it is that most people do not have the will power to stick to it, plus there have not been government approved trials. It's not a diet you can trial easily. The idea is that you heal your gut which is what is causing toxins to get into the joints and the immune system cannot tell the difference between your joint and the toxin as they are made up of the same proteins (your immune system doesn't have a brain). I got my RA a few months after taking 3 lots of anti-biotics which wrecked my gut.

The diet means you eat leaves, lentils, water, veg, raw veg. It's a miserable existence, watching others eat luxury foods, cakes, coffee, wine, sweets, etc etc. You can't go to a restaurant, you can't go to parties or mix or socialise, people don't understand, don't want to understand. You have to cook meals for your family whist making buckwheat and rice for yourself, you can't sample the food you cook for others even though you have to look at it. You can't go on holiday without planning your 'stuff', your family get fed up, you get fed up. A consultant at Dryburn Hosp. in Durham said that he could cure me by liquid feeding straight into the blood by-passing the stomach, but he said it was not quality of life and that weight loss was a problem. So some gastroenterologists know about this. Clint Paddison's regime is not a con, he has had this disease badly and he want to share it but he also needs to live, he is not charging a lot it's what, £40 and once you have the info you have it. The man who invented a cure for stomach ulcer's took 15 years to convince people, and this isn't a drug, it's a regime, a way of life and very few people stick to it. plus I live in a cold climate where eating salad's can be really difficult in the winter months. I've done this diet it works, then I've failed, I've done it again, I ate crisps because I was desperate for taste and failed, I fail, I try I fail. But each time I do it, the RA goes down. I got my inflammatory marker down from 18 to 9. It wasn't a coincidence, it work's but at a really big cost to normal life.

hungrypeg profile image

Yes, it does work, I went onto it and the improvement in my RA was very marked. The reason why doctors don't recommend it is that most people do not have the will power to stick to it, plus there have not been government approved trials. It's not a diet you can trial easily. The idea is that you heal your gut which is what is causing toxins to get into the joints and the immune system cannot tell the difference between your joint and the toxin as they are made up of the same proteins (your immune system doesn't have a brain). I got my RA a few months after taking 3 lots of anti-biotics which wrecked my gut.

The diet means you eat leaves, lentils, water, veg, raw veg. It's a miserable existence, watching others eat luxury foods, cakes, coffee, wine, sweets, etc etc. You can't go to a restaurant, you can't go to parties or mix or socialise, people don't understand, don't want to understand. You have to cook meals for your family whist making buckwheat and rice for yourself, you can't sample the food you cook for others even though you have to look at it. You can't go on holiday without planning your 'stuff', your family get fed up, you get fed up. A consultant at Dryburn Hosp. in Durham said that he could cure me by liquid feeding straight into the blood by-passing the stomach, but he said it was not quality of life and that weight loss was a problem. So some gastroenterologists know about this. Clint Paddison's regime is not a con, he has had this disease badly and he want to share it but he also needs to live, he is not charging a lot it's what, £40 and once you have the info you have it. The man who invented a cure for stomach ulcer's took 15 years to convince people, and this isn't a drug, it's a regime, a way of life and very few people stick to it. plus I live in a cold climate where eating salad's can be really difficult in the winter months. I've done this diet it works, then I've failed, I've done it again, I ate crisps because I was desperate for taste and failed, I fail, I try I fail. But each time I do it, the RA goes down. I got my inflammatory marker down from 18 to 9. It wasn't a coincidence, it work's but at a really big cost to normal life.

I've been trawling the net trying to find an objective critique of the Paddison Program and just as I thought I was getting somewhere on this forum the actual author highjacks it. Unbelievable!!

Don122 profile image

Clint, would you be kind enough to post your scientific references on leaky gut and RA? Thanks!

Raging-grace profile image

Notice it's been awhile since there have been more comments here about the Paddington Program....anyone else? I really want a natural way to help myself with awful RA ....other suggestions to examine helpful! Thanks!

mary409 profile image

Thank you!!!  Great information, thanks for the encouragement!  👍

Tizzyliz67 profile image

Hi curious if you tried the program?? I just was reading about it?

kaypiercy profile image


I tried the Paddison diet fasted for 2 days drank cucumber Juice which I hate lost weight which was a positive but unfortunately for me my flare ups got worse, even while I was fasting. Although I think that there is a lot of credibility in the programme and from the testimonials it clearly works for some peopleI I'm not convinced that it works for the majority, excersising is a big part and if you can keep this up and maintain the strict diet I am sure it has great benefit. I spoke to my rheumatology consultant about this and she did say that she had a patient who went in remission by controlling their diet (not the Padddison diet), but it was only one patient of many many, she wasn't very optimistic where I was concerned as I have a very aggressive form of RA and said I should keep taking the pills!

beat wishes


Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to kaypiercy

To me, RA patients need to be treated aggressively at the early stage to avoid joints damaged. We cannot just depend on the program or natural way to cure the disease. However, I do believe we can work on this concurrently. One needs not go for the program but can do your own research, you can find many kinds of vegetables and fruits that help in reducing inflammation and pain.

I do not believe the program will reverse the RA problem. I do not believe RA patients can cope without the drugs and will recover from the disease by just taking the natural ways. Too dangerous a risk to take on our joints. This is my own opinion.

kaypiercy profile image


In my case there is a clear genetic link of RA being in my family, my sisters have RA one sadly died from septicaemia due to RA, my mother didn't have it but my maternal gran suffered very badly with it, it skipped a generation.

In the Paddison program Clint Paddison discloses that his RA was caused by too many antibiotics and that this is likely to have affected the gut, as my Rheumatologists has said it is a very complex disease there is not any one easy answer or any magic bullets. Maybe there are different forms of RA and the big difference for me and maybe others is that mine is genetically based and is not connected to the gut? maybe its a psychotic or stress related disorder which could affect the gut who knows? I don't but would love to be shot of it.

I have found exercising useful and try to maintain an early morning swim which I have found helpful, ironically though being able to exercise is dependant on not having flareups so its difficult to be consistent with this.

I have never eaten dairy and eat little meat, live on fish and salads, drink very little alcohol and I don't smoke so I was already on a good diet when I attempted the Paddison program. I certainly think there is merit in exercising and like Clint Paddison suggest I think there is a better chance of the program working when the disease is under control and this means drugs, if I can control the flare ups then I can do more exercising which I think is the key.

Hope this helps

best wishes


Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to kaypiercy

"like Clint Paddison suggest I think there is a better chance of the program working when the disease is under control and this means drugs"

This is the key, therefore it is very important to advise RA patient upfront not to just depend on the diets to cure the disease. I read some who said that they will go for the diet and drop the drugs, this is so dangerous. I hope they reconsider again....

BrynMum profile image
BrynMum in reply to Amy_Lee

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it." George Bernard Shaw.

Twenty years ago, when I was first diagnosed with RA, three separate rheumatologists I visited ALL prescribed poisonous medicines, which I always refused to take due to the side effects. Fortunately for me, I met someone who had already begun controlling their RA with diet, so I began experimenting with foods and reading dozens of books early after my diagnosis. The books had lots of conflicting information, so I had to experiment and journal for quite some time. One of my best friends was also diagnosed with RA soon after I was, and because she worked at a major medical center, her doctor 'friends' there prescribed numerous medicines for her. She died of cancer caused by those RA medicines within two years. After my own years of experimentation, I finally found the foods I can have to keep my RA in remission. I feel wonderful, don't miss the 'dangerous' foods at all, and I am often told I look ten years younger. Who wouldn't like that? How I wish I had had access to Clint's program 20 years ago when this horrible RA was first diagnosed! His information would have saved me years of trial and error. So, to you, Amy Lee, I say, please step aside with your nay saying and allow those of us -- who understand the wisdom of a healthy diet to cure the body -- to continue our work.

TammyM profile image

YES YES YES - I tried the program. I believed Clint's own story and was in so much pain I thought that I had nothing to lose except the $50 to buy the information. It was more than worth it. My RA marker was at 39 when I started the program, 6 weeks later it was a 23.3. I followed Clint's program for 12 days then moved over to John McDougall's program which is on-line and free. After 3 days on the Paddison program I could open a water bottle, walk up stairs, it didn't hurt to hold my husband's hand. This program gave me my life back. It is hard to be Vegan in a small Texas town where I live, but I would not trade how I feel in comparison to how I felt 3 months ago for any food I can't have now. My health is so much more important. Since then I have shared my success with friends and family and have 7 others who have moved to a Vegan diet and are reaping rewards. There is no medical cure for RA, only diet will make a difference. Blessings to you on your journey!

Bluemoon1 profile image

Hi all, has anyone tried ArthritisProtocol dot com ? It seems similar to this but it's free and has lots of links to studies on RA and diet. Thanks.

2017 profile image

Does the books come in regular book form? I don't have Internet in my area. So, I do own a computer. All I have is my phone or public library. Thanks

hannahwoodhouse profile image

The Paddison Programme works, just the juicing alone saw marked improvements for me, without the other radical dietary changes. This man has worked it out - ie. the connection between a damaged gut and inflammation. I have several auto-immune diseases and I have managed to reduce (dramatically) all my symptoms, by transforming my diet and having an exercise programme. I have never done the Paddison diet 100% as I still eat animal protein but despite this, what I have incorporated into my life of the programme, has transformed my health. A very clever man, but if you do the diet 100% it must be a pretty harrowing/depressing lifestyle...I have managed to improve my life, doing it around 70% which is a real bonus! REMEMBER also that exercise (all) is anti-inflammatory so that is also key to reducing symptoms it is not only about diet.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to hannahwoodhouse

It's not harrowing or depressing. People who say that are expressing their fear without experience. When you eat healthily and feel great, that's not depressing or harrowing. You just have to learn how to do it. Yes, you may lose weight. If you can't afford to lose weight, he tells you how to avoid that.

JaggedPill profile image

Do you guys have root canal treated teeth? I've been wondering if my tooth is the reason for my RA symptoms... I read that the bacteria and toxins from the tooth can create systemic health problems.

LinalbinNutrition profile image
LinalbinNutrition in reply to JaggedPill

Hi JaggedPill there is indeed a very interesting link between root canal work and especially unexplained joint pain and inflammation, fatigue and other immune system issues. This work has been more highlighted in other European countries. Interestingly enough, a client of mine recently had a bone scan for another reason and low and behold, her results highlighted dental disease in the location where she had a root canal! I had another client who's very debilitating joint pains started when she got gum disease 35years ago. The link to RA specifically I think is less explored, but we do know about the gut health link and RA. Saying that, disease generally has to have the right environment to manifest in more than one way (say you have an inappropriate diet, then you take excessive antibiotics AND you have a chronic infection or genetic predisposition). It would certainly be worth exploring with your dentist. But I wouldn't expect them to know anything about it unless they are a wholistic dentist so maybe chose alternative words in your discussion. :)

Best of Luck

Richard96816 profile image

Was going to look into this for a friend until I saw the price.

Congrats to Clint on turning his medical condition into a very lucrative business.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Richard96816


Fortunately 🙏 , the information is freely available, Richard96816:

🆓 FREE Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet/ Lifestyle (WFP-BD/L) Info for Interested Autoimmuners/ RAers:

🆓 Paddison Program (PP): Clinical Trial, Rheumatologist Contacting Clint Paddison, 'Guide for Rheumatologists', TEDtalk, etc.:


Maybe your friend would find it useful? 🤔 😌

Best wishes to you & your friend, Richard96816. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Richard96816 profile image
Richard96816 in reply to Kai--


I checked out some of Clint's videos on Youtube. He seems a bit behind the times on a few things anyway. He advocates juicing. And suggests that eating too much fruit can cause a sugar-spike. Of course we now know that removing the fiber (juicing) is what causes the sugar spike.

The fiber in fruits and veggies is important. And juicers are a bad idea. Especially if you're trying to heal a leaky gut! Gut bacteria thrives on fiber.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to Richard96816

You don't have to remove the fiber when you juice. It's just terminology. Plus, you're assuming that you use a bunch of sweet fruits, but you use greens, celery, and cucumbers. How is that going to cause a sugar spike? Do your research please.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Richard96816


😂 😂 😂

Think you might want to re-look 👀 at the program ('in total', 'in context') to get a bit better/ fuller understanding of the process 'as a whole', Richard96816. 🤔

Anyone who truly understands/ experiences the process — in total — would be a bit more precise; accurate in their assessments, which would reveal a fuller, deeper understanding of the actual process. 😌

Sorry, Richard96816 🙏 😌 , said with a kind-hearted 💓 wink & a smile. ☺️


PP is a long-term process for genuinely motivated, committed life-timers — not 'dabblers 'n dilettantes' (of which there are many, many) who walk away with a superficial understanding after watching a few videos, skimming a few texts, then 'dismissing it out of hand'. 😄 😁 🙃

"Throwing the baby out with the bath water" 👶 🛁 seems to be an all too frequent occurrence — perhaps even an 'entertaining pastime' for some. 😁 🤦‍♂️ 😆

(Somewhere, there's an awful of babies floating about. 🌊 👶 👶 👶 🌊 )


😳 😯 😂


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Richard96816


If your friend is truly interested/ motivated in researching 🕵️‍♀️ 🔎 a dietary/ lifestyle (d/l) process, they'll figure out 🤔 what they need to do as they 'think through'/ 'work through' the process for themselves — over time. ⏳⌛️

They'll gain the knowledge 🤓 they need through their own 'experiential learning' 👨‍🏫 process — over time. 🕰

🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


They'll learn & come to understand the reasonings, subtleties, etc. & will be able to grasp some of the finer details — escaping common misunderstandings, misconceptions, misinformation . . . unwittingly perpetuated by the partially informed (or, all to common, ill-informed). 😌

For example: what is juiced 🥒 🌱 , why it is juiced 🍹 , the place of fibre (at different phases), re-populating the microbiome 🔬 with 'good' gut bacteria ⚗️, yada yada yada . . .

It's all clearly, logically, methodically explained 🗣 💬 for those who wish to take the time to discover 🔎 & learn 📝.

🙏 😌


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Richard96816


Genuinely interested individuals need merely patiently listen 👂, fully learn 🤓 , & understand 🤔 along the way. 🙏

Kindly allow your friend to do their own homework 🤓 📚 / research 🕵️‍♀️ 🔎 — if they're so inclined.

They can assess ⚖️ what makes sense 🤔 for themselves — whatever d/l path they determine suits their needs.


[If PP is not their 'cup of tea' ☕️ , there are abundant other d/l processes to explore. 👍 Merely searching HU forums will reveal many d/l options & actual (knowledgeable) practitioners of those processes. 👍 ]


More Dr. Michael Greger for your friend:

👨‍⚕️ Dr Greger talks Rheumatoid Arthritis:

👨‍⚕️ Dr. Michael Greger ('Sense & Sensibility') Shares "How Not to Die":


Good luck 🍀 & best wishes 🙏 to both of you, Richard96816. ☺️ 🌺 🌞


Loura profile image

During arthritis the drug free way by Margaret Hill is pretty much the British version. I think it's a definite worthy read. There may be opinions that it is time served. However, some very useful advice and evidence all the same.

Sugarblue profile image

I have found the Paddison program to be Very helpful. If you are a foodie it will be hard but if your sick of playing Russian roulette with RA meds and tired of the pain being an 8 out of ten, try it. Eat greens and stay away from other foods until you know what bothers your body.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to Sugarblue

A foodie to me is someone who is knowledgeable and skilled in working with food, not just someone who likes to eat a lot of different things. There are many things you can eat on the program, eventually. You just have to change your mindset and habits.

Has anyone just used this and no meds at all? I am having tests so as yet undiagnosed (but my GP thinks it’s highly likely I have RA). I really don’t want to take a bunch of toxic meds, but when I read all these inspiring stories, including Paddison’s, one thing stands out - they all had the meds at the beginning, often for a year or more. My GP worried me when she said “The rheumatologist get annoyed if you get referred late, so I’m referring you urgently”. I asked why and she said “Joints get destroyed if treatment is delayed”.

SaneJane profile image
SaneJane in reply to

He doesn't say NOT to go on meds. This is for healing so that you can at the right time go OFF meds. However, some of his guest on his video blogs have chosen not to go on the meds and do to this program instead and did it successfully. That's when you are very careful, do all that is recommended, and don't do what is not recommended.

ragurl profile image

Going to try it..... see if I can do it and if it will work for me? High hopes but skeptical as I have had RA almost 30 years now on on medications the whole time, which has caused gastritis...... more will be revealed 🙏🏽

TitoNoiro profile image
TitoNoiro in reply to ragurl

Hi.. I was just curious if you re seeing any difference with the Paddison Program.

I,too, am skeptical but willing to give it a shot.

Thank you.


ragurl profile image
ragurl in reply to TitoNoiro

I am still on a lot of medication Humira every week, leflunomide 10 mg a day, prednisone 6 mg a day, and Celebrex 200 mg 2x a day. There was a time I was on this regime and fully controlled then I got sick and tried Xeljanz did not work for me. Back on this regime and I still have swelling in ankles and elbows. My hands are a bit swollen and just don't function as well. So I started Paddison 37 days ago and pain has subsided but still have to much swelling . What I have found is I feel better energy but by the end of day my ankles hurt and fatigue can set in. I am giving Paddison Program a year. It's not easy but I am doing it. I am hoping to get off prednisone and Celebrex... We will see. Some days I believe I will get there other days I can't see getting off medication if I am not controlled now with all the swelling - overall eating healthier is always good for anybody.

gibbo61 profile image

My sister sent me info on it a couple of years ago. I joined it and receive regular emails from him but haven't started the programme yet. I'm a vegetarian, bordering on being a vegan but until I feel strong enough in myself to go down this route I'm holding off . It doesn't cost anything to receive the information or get emails (I get 2/3 every week), and from what I have gleaned, it's not a take your money scam.

VeronicaF profile image

for anyone who is doing this program, can you give us the tips he gives, I watched a video on youtube on knees he put up and he said when you join he gives lots of tips,can you lot who are on it help us by giving us these tips, from a RA suffer to another

if I joined I would share all tips I know to everyone I know that has RA if it helped me

,I would be screaming it from the roof top for free, even if I had paid for it myself

so come on, its xmas, give us all a present :O))))

I would like to know tips for joints.

I got two tips from him on youtube, the knees and papaya fruit, eat every morning to help break down proteins please excuse spelling

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to VeronicaF

Veronica if you look up a member called Kai-- you will find loads of tips, links and so on.

Coco54 profile image

I just wanted to add to this post that I have just started something called 'Eat right for your blood type' after hearing from others who adhere to it with great results. I came across this from some people I know on FB and after looking it to me it makes sense. It basically is the same as cutting out all the inflammatory causing foods but also explains that not all of us can take certain types of vitamins and also medications (which we know are not good for us anyway even though for some they may relieve the pain....sadly for me they hardly touch my pain:(. So for anyone who has taken the route of cutting out the known inflammatory stuff and find it is not working 100% maybe the vitamins and meds are causing the pain too. As an 'O Positive' I shouldn't be eating any of the usual suspects....wheat, gluten, especially dairy as I was born lactose intolerant and even though I know longer look like someone out of the exorcist when eating dairy there are occasions that I itch like mad when I do. The book is not expensive either:)

Maria2008 profile image

i was on a whole food vegan diet for 3 month before my cavitation urgery last year and my RA was worse. But I shall try again now. However we are all different and therefore not all foods cause the same to all people. i reacted today to onions which I never did. Quinoa is considered a seed and therefore you need to soak it. But the day I eat it, I lost 1.5 kilos and the RA was subtancially better. I react to milk and beef but not to tomatoes -nightshades- so it is difficult to believe that his program fits all. I would try it definately but I would still have my list of reactive food, just in case.

SaneJane profile image

I've been on it for four months without joining. It's taken a great deal of time finding free info on the internet and reading and rereading it as well as finding and researching medical study reports to refine what I'm specifically doing as each person is different. I still don't have a diagnosis but have symptoms that could be attributed to RA, gout, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, and kidney problems. I tend to think it's RA due to it being most consistent with what I read, without any fevers, though I thought I had one early on before reading about fevers being associated with it.

It takes a while to really absorb all the info and figure out how to do it for yourself. Despite that, I've made progress. I've seen many health improvements.

Last night I went outside the program to add fresh mackerel for the Omega 3 fats, not knowing if that would set me back big time or help. I woke up feeling no pain or stiffness. Oddly, after moving my hands a bit, I felt a little bit of it come back. I've been writing a lot on the computer so it's not surprising that there is still some pain and stiffness. But, it's not worse and is a little better. Part of the improvement might be due to stopping my experiment of adding a tiny bit of avocado and coconut oil. I had had no oil for almost four months and had read that going too low fat for too long could affect your nervous system. At any rate, I'll wait a few days before drawing any conclusions about whether the mackerel was a good or bad choice. Studies show that consuming cold water fish can help prevent RA and also reduce the symptoms.

Inflammation and gut healing are closely related but not exactly the same issue. So, while the cold water fish as a source of Omega 3s that can help RA, will it cause problems for the gut or the kidneys if they are damaged? I don't know. I am doing this without medical support because my insurance is so bad that it's difficult to get a good doctor to take it. It would help if I stopped using my keyboard so much but I'm going to look into voice-to-text instead of typing so much.

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