I tried to make an omelete this morning, because I was so hungry. I accidentally added way too much milk, then it wouldn't solidify so that I could turn it over, so I have some weird looking super soft scrambled eggs with red pepper & mushrooms. I realized that I had no cheese after I cracked the eggs.
I made a royal mess & dropped pepper & some mushrooms onto the floor while cutting them. I'm not sure if it was the knife not being sharp enough or my weak hands.
I also tried using a new vacuum that a friend gave me, she says it weighs so little, but I hate it. It is unweildy and heavy and not what I'm used to. It is one that sits low on the floor & you have to drag it everywhere. I like the uprights much better. I may just have to give it back to her. The only thing I like about it is the color & that the cord gets sucked into the machine by itself.
I must get shopping as I have a baby shower for some preemie twins (boy & girl) on Saturday & for food for another Singles party on Saturday night.
At least I'll look good, as I got a quick haircut this morning.
Please overlook my spelling, I've totally lost that in this brain fog.