Where do i start.I ache in just about every joint in my body. My achilles heels are being a right pain in the butt. They are swollen as well. Both hands are sore. My neck and shoulders are tender as well. I try and keep upbeat all the time,but at the moment it is not working. I went to bedworth this morning and saw my optician and he has booked me in for moinday first thing and then i have drs in the afternoon,full day. Then wednesday my rheumy nurse is giving me a steroid injection. So here's hoping that i will feel brighter for my holiday next weekend.
I came home and i have done nothing since i came home,but sit in the sun and topping up my tan. I am feeling old before my time,at this rate rate i will 90 before i reach 60!!!!!!
I do try and make you all laugh.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx