WRAG, 1st appointment with Job Centre Advisor coming ... - NRAS


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WRAG, 1st appointment with Job Centre Advisor coming up...

5 Replies

Hi All, I don't usually blog but I'm always reading them.

I had my ATOS assessment in December 2011, I was in pain and suffering with depression and had just started seeing a rheumatologist so I was put in the Work Related Activity Group. I have just had my 1st appointment through for begining of July.

I can't wait to see what job's will be available for someone who....

Struggles to get up in the mornings........so can't say what time they will arrive at work

Constantly feels exhusted/tired........so can't say if I will get there at all

Constantly feels unwell and often weepy..........so may cry a lot when I manage to get there

Can't stand much due to Osteoarthritis in feet

Can't sit much as joints ache if kept in the same postion

Can't type much, or use equipment etc. much as Osteoarthritis in hands.

Will probably fall asleep if left unattended.

Has to take each day as it comes, so will have to work to my own shift pattern!

Oh and I am 52 years young.

Wish me luck:)

I know there are people out there who are much worse than me, and I do have good days.

I do the occasional aqua fit class as suggested by my doctor which I love, but some days I just don't want to get out of bed and I'm so fed up with telling my doctor that "I just don't feel well"

My rheumatologist thought my pain was a lot to do with the deppression so said he'd see me in a year (that was last summer, so waiting for app. sometime soon) although my doctor sent me there because my swollen painful hands, among other things, and my blood test pointed to rheumatoid arthritis.

I'm using Co-codomal and Ibulieve gel for the pain, Sertraline (antidepressent) and amitriptyline to help with sleep and pain.

Oh and I have dangerously high cholesterol so have just started taking Statins (and unfortunately one of the side effects is aching joints)

The word Fibromalayia has been banded about and I know it's hard to diagnose but I'd love someone to just say........You have .....??

Thank you all, for giving me the chance to get this off my chest, appollogises if I've gone on a bit

Love to all and I hope you're having a 'good day' xx

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5 Replies
michywishy profile image

Hi :) all I can say is DONT worry the adviser at the Jobcentre is there to advise and "offer" suggestions as to what where and how you could find work! Be prepared to go through your symptoms etc, I was very "lucky" to have seen a FANTASTIC adviser very recently and came out very happy! By the way did you have a medical with ATOS??

michywishy profile image

Sorry just read that you have had Medical :(

sylvi profile image

Print off what you have written and so your advisor as it will be easier for them to see what they can do for you. Sending hugs to you.xxx

in reply to sylvi

Thank you Sylvi, I wrote it with a little tongue in cheek, although it's all true! I think that's a good idea.

I'll take it with me and let you know how I get on:)

Thanks for the hugs, xxx

miss profile image

Oh what we have to go throw. You well may written with tongue in cheek. Think Sylvi is write it will help your adviser a lot . Good luck x

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