I'm feeling good this morning and thought I'd take a few moments to write a small update. I had my hysterectomy on Monday at 2.30 as planned. All went well and I was back on the ward by 5 although not entirely with it. I have vague recollections of drifting in and out of sleep, seeing my husband and daughter sitting next to me and asking my husband why he had blue hair?? My blood pressure was low and I was on oxygen and drips overnight but by morning felt much better and was allowed home by lunchtime
The week has passed quite quickly and I'm gradually feeling much better. I'm getting by on paracetamol 6hrly and thankfully my RA has not reared it's ugly head at all. The advice is to stay at home for the first week and do no more than if you're in hospital so that's exactly what I'm doing. The swelly belly is a bit sore if I wear a waistband so it's nighties and robes for comfort, set off beautifully by rather sexy knee high surgical stockings lol
I'm keeping my circulation and joints happy by doing regular walks around the house and garden. When Andy walked the dogs this morning I managed to wear a 30 minute path in the carpet by doing my circuits while chatting to Mum on the phone. Mostly I rest, nap, eat small healthy meals and feel very grateful that it's all over
The lovely messages of support I received from you all made me feel so good and I thank you all. I've never had an op before and was absolutely terrified but your kind words helped enormously. Today I'm going to take advantage of my medically approved laziness and watch some movies on tv.....Thank you Sky for the offer of 3 months half price movies!! This will see me through until I return to the gym.
I hope you are all keeping well and you're pain is eased by some of this warmer weather. Love and hugs
Paula x x