This is day 62 for me but the last 48 hours for some reason or another I have been constantly craving a cigarette. The cravings are so bad I can actually taste that cigarette. Using the breathing technique and keeping busy, just hope tomorrow will be better.
Nicotine cravings.: This is day 62 for me but... - No Smoking Day
Nicotine cravings.

Hi 2217 - these out of the blue cravings are normal, can knock you for six but being ready to attack at all times and keeping that way of thinking that tomorrow will be a better day, below pinned post of Roisin's maybe helpful....

Hi 2217. That sucks. You and I quit around same time and luckily I haven’t had cravings, knock on wood. But I know all about ideating about something I want. Like a junk food binge. The way I handle it is either distraction or stern talks with myself. Or sometimes I’ll even tell myself “you might do that next month - but not today” and by then it’s passed. Think if there’s anything diff in your circumstances? Or are you under more stress or around certain peeps? If there’s something you can change in your environment DO it. Is tiring to deal with too many cravings. Hoping you can figure it out.
Thanks for your advice, just hoping this all will pass and it’s a new day, 63.
These out of the blue cravings are normal 2217 but can take you by surprise, definitely have a read of the pinned post Jared attached if not already done so. I promise, they will get easier to overcome as you encounter them