I will be 6 months smoke free tomorrow and never thought i would be able to say that ever. I used to be one of those out in the rain puffing away wishing i could give up after a good few tries thinking im always gonna stink. Im always gonna be short of breath. Im always gonna be under the nicotines thumb. But no im on the other side now. Im not gonna pretend its easy because it isnt but if you want it enough you will do it. Dead proud of myself
Tomorrow i will be 6 months smoke free - No Smoking Day
Tomorrow i will be 6 months smoke free

Fab positive post. Cant wait to feel like you. You should be so proud of yourself. What treat have you got planned ?
Im gonna smash it at the gym (used it to clear my lungs originally) tomorrow. power lifting is my new addiction and ill treat myself to some new protien. 😃 could never have done it before
Woo hoo you sound very strong. Im pathetic lol. Im a right weed 😄😄 I can just about lift my own arms.
My new addiction is protein. But the wrong type honey roasted cashew nuts 😲😲

Agreed, this is a fab positive post. Congrats on six months of taking your life back!

I am proud of you too. Quitting smoking is definitely not easy and to make it 6 months and still counting is fantastic! Keep going, eventually smoking will be a very distant thing of the past for us all!

Ah melsamoo - what a great positive post to share with our new members and to motivate and inspire them. Huge congratulations on 6 months, that time seems to have flown by, the next 6 will go even quicker and you will be with us in the Penthouse - the gym is fantastic in it
I know i cannot believe it will be 6 months when i wake in the morning time really has flown. Oh yes love the gym i highly recommend it. The chages in my body inside and out are incredible. If only i has done it sooner.

You should be totally proud of yourself and CONGRATS!
Very proud of you❗️I have 10 weeks quit and waiting possibly just beginning to feel better. Saw 6months and wanted to say a big CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is huge and I too stood in rain/snow whatever to smoke & mever thought i could quit. You're ab inspiration to me saying you did same & made it 6months. NTAP OR NOPE FOREVER
I will be able to return the congratulations on 6 months to you soon. But in the meantime congratulations on 10 weeks quit. It does get so much easier the more time that goes on. I had a few struggles in the beginning and i expected i would stumble but thanks to everyone here i somehow managed to get on through. I remember when i was 10 weeks quit i saw many 6 months and it felt a lifetime away but actually came around quite quickly. Im at a stage now where im forgetting about nicotine more often than im thinking about it. Keep strong 💪
That sounds amazing to not be thinking about it so often. Thanks for the encouragement. You are so right about wondering about stumbling. I have no intention while it's still new and i smoked 35 years! All my adult life and half teenage years. Am still adjusting to it all and barely out of the fog. What you wrote. Really encourages me as i look back to people w one week quit, wondering if id make it here. Looking forward to where you are and your words to me back here strengthen my resolve as i just quit the meds that helped me quit smoking yesterday. Thanks so for that kindness. Is exactly what I needed!
Your welcome. I was thinking last night while i was waiting to fall asleep that i used to think i couldn't relax to sleep without that nicotine fix it was obviously just a mind trick because actually i dont have much trouble sleeping. I have my mum and her partner coming for the day today and im sure ill have the smirk on my face while i watch them smoking in the garden because it is absolutely hammering it down today. 😀she has the attitude of i been smoking too long to worry about it now. If only she knew how much better she could feel