I've slipped up. Been awake since 4:40 and smoked two cigarettes. Plus we have a function this weekend, hubby said he will give me his full support on Monday. At least I have his support aswell. Monday I will stop. This weekend will be my last weekend to stop. I will cut down though!
Oops!: I've slipped up. Been awake since 4:4... - No Smoking Day

This weekend will be my last to smoke!

Mecs.... It will become easier....Yes.. set a new date and stick to it... !!!

Sometimes the fear of quitting is worse than actually quitting. Yes the first few days can be difficult but it does get easier and the benefits are well worth the struggle. Good luck for Monday

I wouldn't bother cutting down at the weekend - somehow trying to do that just makes you more aware of smoking and wanting a cigarette. It is good that your husband is supporting you - don't know whether he also smokes - but ultimately only you can make the decision and stick to it. You have to be so determined. I remember sitting ticking off the hours I hadn't smoked. Found it hard to concentrate on doing anything that first day, just had to focus on getting through it. On my calendar I marked every day I didn't smoke and the money I had saved, ie 1 day = £6 etc. I kept that up for months, in fact can't remember when I stopped doing it. I haven't smoked for almost 18 months. I didn't set a date: I smoked last 2 in packet and then when I went to buy milk I managed to not buy any more. I know that if I had bought a packet and decided to just cut down (as I had in past) I would have soon been up to smoking as many as previously. This has been the hardest thing I've ever done! I logged on so many times each day, just writing posts and reading other posts. I am disgusted at the amount of money I have wasted over the years and what I could have done with it. My garage no longer stinks of cigarettes, nor do my clothes or breath. I occasionally used an ecigarette in the beginning - needed something in my mouth as much as anything else - and ate for England! You can do it but it takes so much strength and determination. No good trying to do it for any other reason but that you want to be smoke free. Have I been tempted ... yes, many times. Would I like one now with my coffee - you bet. It does get easier, I promise, and the cravings do subside but I think you always have to be mindful of the fact that you could slip up. 'I'll just smoke today whilst at such and such'. Doesn't work, you'll soon slip back into old pattern. I've had 2 emergency ops in last 8 weeks - and to hear chap in next bed coughing and coughing when he came round, and still wanting a cigarette, was frightening, and that's what I would have been like. Sorry for long post. Guess what I'm trying to say is that it's a very hard journey but you can make it as long as you really want to. No easy fix, just be determined. Just to add, I had been smoke free for about 15 yrs and all it took for me to start again was a time of pressure and the offer of 1 cigarette! Be aware, be on your guard, be proud of yourself.
Thank you chickweed for your long post i have enjoyed it. And took everything to heart. Unfortunately I Cant reply with such a long email it throws me off the side then i have to start all over again! Haha xx doing it from my phone! But thank you. I will be on guard! And yes hubby smokes as well. If i stop i know he will stop to!
Welcome Chickweed1 to our community and for your very inspirational post. Perhaps, create a separate individual post with your story and how long you have been quit as will be great encouragement for our newbies and members preparing to stop that may miss this post.
I joined no smoking forum way back in Feb 2015 when I started my quit. I used to post a lot, from good days to other days when I wanted to throw the washing line and contents into the dustbin ... but I don't know what happened to that forum, very confusing. Anyway, here I am!
Wow, a year and a half quit, well done Chickweed1 ! I am almost 11 months quit.
No Smoking Day forum merged here with Health Unlocked back in March 2016. I joined it in September 2015 and it was very quiet, it is slowly but surely starting to grow again. Your experience here would be much appreciated to post whenever you get a chance.
Mecs take some time through this weekend and read, learn about this addiction. See through the lies that smoking has taught you.
If you still see smoking as benefiting you there is a danger that you will go back to it or not be able to pull away from it.

Been there, done that! Don't worry about it, all is not lost. This journey is never straightforward so on Monday, start over 🙄