Hercu's Inspirational Quotes, Analogies and... - No Smoking Day

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Hercu's Inspirational Quotes, Analogies and his remarkable journey

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free
47 Replies

Hey all,

This is a pinned post of our wonderful inspirational member, Hercu, for his inspirational quotes and analogies. I told him a while ago, he could publish a book on them, I know I would definitely buy it as they have helped me so much from the early stages of my quit and continue to do so...

I will try and post them the quotes from the beginning of Hercu's journey to the present.

And if there is any I miss please feel free to add to the post ( Hercu )

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47 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Weeks 3 and 4 was the discovery of my weaknesses. The terrible idea to cope with life and the curve balls on my own. Now I realized that life is a reality and not a false euphoria of happiness where I can light a cigarette and every thing is OK......

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

And here I am on the doorstep of month 3...Yes 8 weeks and 6 days totally smoke free and jubilant to be here.

The roller coaster ride up to this stage was actually incredible;

To experience all the stages of quitting was a journey full of surprises which I hope I will never,ever have to do again

Denial, Anger, Bargaining Depression, Acceptance and at last Complacency:

The last stage is that wonderful time where I realized how lovely life is without smoking and that I don't need a cigarette to be happy or able.

All the happiness in the world is here and has been for the 38 years. I just did not recognize it because I depended on a Cigarette to be happy.

Happiness is easy breathing, fresh air, the smell of the earth, the taste of food and fruits, the love of my family, the support on this wonderful forum.

Surely this battle is won but the "WAR" is far from over and I will have to be on full alert for the rest of my smoke free life......

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

One of my favourites...

Today three months ago I said goodbye to a very dear friend and reliable companion. The friendship was so tight that he was always with me. He was there the first thing every morning and gave me guts to take on the day and tonight he tucked me in.

If a difficult day was forecasted a second and third pat on the back from him send me going. My reliable companion was always very close….so close that I could touch him at any time and he would give me comfort to cope with any situation……. and of course, he never minded how many times a day I consulted him. Lately it seemed the more I made use of him the happier he kept me. 

When I was cold he kept me warm, when I was worried he ensured me everything is OK, he kept me calm and make me jump the cliff or take on the waves……

He was a very jealous and demanding friend and if he felt neglected he created a situation which I could not handle on my own and needed his opinion…. Sometimes on the first consultation he was very vague but clearer the second time I used him in 10 minutes……

Up to that dreadful day three months ago when I got inside information that this very dear friend is actually leading me to a very difficult future and was shown frightening images of myself with an oxygen trolley which I could barely handle.

I decided our 38 year friendship must stop and I needed to cope on my own. He did not let go of me without a fight. He cling to me with all his might even stalked me, bewitched me in getting nightmares, made me feel lonely and reduced my energy to zero. He knocked on my door six to ten times a day and I refused him entrance.

As the days go by the knocking got less and I learned to take care of my emotions and feelings. I got stronger day by day and became jubilant as every day pass and I could make my own happiness. Today I am free and in control of my life and can’t wait for tomorrows, next week’s, next months, challenges…..

I know my friend is not dead, he will always be around to offer his friendship and in the meantime might befriend another poor person in need of comfort…..Please be on the lookout and do not allow him into your life………He is hell to get rid of………

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1

Yes Roisen ...definitely the big turning point in my smoke free life !!

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I'm having a little weep here x

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Confucius said “And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.”

I also love Mark Twain, such an inspirational writer with a lovely outlook on life. I really think this quote can be a lesson for us: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

I always believed If you’re not where you want to be right now, take the time to visualize yourself in the place you want to be and take the first step in that direction. You may not be able to change your destination in a day, but you can change your direction right now. Keep moving along this new path and it will eventually lead you to your destination. You are right here, right now, breathing. Enjoy it.

You’ve got nothing to do today except to smile. Happiness is valuing what you have, and enjoying the people, places, objects and events in your life for what they are. It’s not about changing and achieving all the time, it’s about being and appreciating. And you can nearly always enjoy the things happening around you if you make up your mind firmly that you will.

Here I am 4 months smoke free after a lifetime smoking and I am as Happy as can be…Jubilant !!!

Bern Williams said “There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope."

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

And was I waiting for this one........:D:D

0Years 6Months 0Weeks 0Days 0Hours 23Mins 5SecsSince You Quit Smoking

Cravings Phase Progress

100% Complete

Heart Rate Recovery

100% Complete

Blood Pressure Recovery

100% Complete

Carbon Monoxide Removal

100% Complete

Nicotine Removal

100% Complete

Increase Levels Of Energy

100% Complete

Circulation Recovery

100% Complete

You Will Now Live 55 Days, 23 Hours, 0 Minutes Longer

And that is the whole picture from that day six months ago....But I wouldn't have been able to do it without this wonderful forum and friends I have made....

I can only feel the beginners pain, the disappointments for not feeling that good as we should be.... the ugly reality when the original excitement has passed and we are almost on our own again to overcome this terrible addiction.....

But I can assure you it is worth it...there really is life after smoking...!;)

I am happy..I am living...I have had and still have a lot of pressure and curve balls ....But I want this freedom more than anything else... I want and need to make my own happiness.

Dream it.....Believe it.....achieve it ....!!

Harkut profile image
Harkut1 Year Smoke Free

Wow and thank you!! 

I cannot tell you how much I needed all of the inspirational messages today. It's been a rough day "My reliable companion was always very close...so close that I could touch him at any time and he would give me comfort to cope with any situation...

I'd say that is exactly how I feel today but couldn't put it into words. I have been so sad!! 

But...I will not allow him back in! 

I would buy Hercu's book 🙏👍😃

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Harkut

Yeah Harkut , I printed off some of these inspirational posts alright and stuck them around home and work,  just to read when I was struggling and so helped me...hope tomorrow is a better day for you....

vicky_7843 profile image
vicky_78433 Years Smoke Free in reply to Harkut

Really Great Inspirational message by Hercu and these need to be printed or collected in a single post ; will be really helpful to the people who want to quit smoking but failed in their attempts. 

"Great work done "

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to vicky_7843

Hey Vicky,  thanks for the feedback, the best way I tried to do this was to pin the post and add to it as Hercu  journey to 1 year progresses.    

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

After 7 months non smoking I can confirm some stories regarding this whole quit thing...

Yes, I like to call it this quit thing because for me it is a total different “thing” that happened in my life..... Truly there is a huge improvement in taste and smell... there is a huge improvement in breathing and really the coughing almost stopped....There is better blood flow, as a male in my late 50’s I can vouch for that ...... The lungs... I can’t say but yes, they do not feel like brown paper bags set alight with heavy practice anymore.... Surely the colour of my skin improved and smoking definitely damages your teeth and that is why my Dentist told me on Saturday that he need to remove two teeth and replace with implants...(There goes all the money I saved on not smoking)

Yes....... I almost forgot that I ever smoked and the only times I am reminded is when walking around the corner and see the poor souls sucking frantically on their cigarettes to complete it in the allowed smoke break time... I do not reach for my top pocket anymore and even when I needed to light the barbeque fire I did not reach for my own but immediately asked for someone’s lighter.

The most truthful thing about smoking which we never believed is that it definitely messes with our brain...It messed up the way we enjoyed things.... Our brain tells us the only way to be happy is to take up smoking and yes we must be very aware not to try and find the lost happiness in something else like eating, gambling, alcohol and even sex. We must remember we humans are “happy animals” by nature and will always look for something interesting or fascinating.

I am very positive that a huge factor in my success so far is because I took some advice and supplemented with herbal supplements to help with the serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline release. Due to a fair amount of capsules (3 in total) I took every day I decided this year, a new year’s resolution, to ease of on the supplement and what a mistake..... Within 2 days I was feeling down and nothing interested me... This is the point where I believed what I read in some articles where it is claimed that the Dopamine pathways will take many years to heal if ever....after 15 years or longer smoking...Yup I have doubled that time +... Nobody can tell if it is able to be healed.....??

But ..yes after all I am happy....I am smoke free.... I do not smell like a tobacco barn anymore and when I cough it doesn’t sounds like mount Etna erupting.....So Stay strong and enjoy the ride !!!!!

Harkut profile image
Harkut1 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

What are/were the supplements you used? I honestly am SO happy I quit, for so many reasons, all of the above mentioned, to name a few ...but if there is something to help me feel even a little better mentally I'd love to know. If you can't say I understand I could ask a dr or naturalpath. Love your words! Feeling better already ☺️

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Harkut

Hey Hercu  , can you advise Harkut  

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Harkut

Harkut  ...Luckily... If I am not allowed to give names of the products our administrator will cut this post.... 

Hi Hercu  , Roisin here, thank you for replying to Harkut, as community posting guidelines I had to remove the product names but left below...

Plain green tea extract...and then last but not least Omega..3,6 and 9   Contains amino acids that can cross the blood brain barrier. (Fish oil) (All the vitamin B's)

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Hercu

Totally understood Roisen and thanks...will try and PM Harkut...

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to Hercu

Could you pm me too what they are? Would be wonderful to feel ok again. Am still in the wash cycle phase I guess. Got a chuckle from that part of one pf your posts. Can't seem to find it now.

Harkut profile image
Harkut1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Thank you! Just started taking B12 may try B complex. 

If you could PM me I would appreciate it. 

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

It is a fact for us to reach the finish line we must take the first step. So I took the first step almost 8 months ago to quit smoking and passed so many landmarks and milestones but did not reach the finish line.... or will a smoker that chooses not to smoke ever reach that mark where he/she can say I have completed the race and passed the finish line ??

I don’t know but what I know is that quitting is a very unsettling experience. I may feels like someone dropped a bomb on your life. With that you go through phases:

Pre-contemplation (Big word for me >>> Looked it up)

It is where a person like me is likely to be unaware or under-aware that he is addicted to nicotine and that it is a problem. We can describe this stage as being "in denial."


The second stage, is when a person becomes aware that a problem exists and begins to think seriously about overcoming the habit


Preparation is the stage when a smoker prepares to make changes. Start to look at the advantages of patches, E-cigs, Champix or cold turkey.


The fourth stage is the action stage; this stage involves the most apparent changes in behavior, and a strong commitment is required. A smoker who reaches the action stage believes he has the ability to change. He is likely to be open to offers of help and also to seek support from others.


This is the stage where I am now and need to work at preventing relapse and avoid situations that may entice me to start smoking again.

I have learned to successfully navigate the maintenance stage I must remain aware of my goals and that it will take time to let go of my old habitsand will resist temptation if the thought of smoking arises.

I have learned to know my enemy..... Nicotine is very powerful stuff. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and messes with your dopamine pathways. After years of smoking, those pathways get altered. In other words, smoking physically changes your brain.

I believe that one drag will reopen the still very raw pathways of nicotine and dopamine and send me right back into addiction and that believe helps me on my mission to remain smoke free.

Lucy1255 profile image
Lucy12552 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Great great reading....thank you so much for sharing

Harkut profile image
Harkut1 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Again wow! Wonderful words of encouragement. Is this still hurcu's words or is it you roisoin01?

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Harkut

These are all Hercu  's words.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Yippee Yay...8 Months today !

What a Journey....Exciting...Amazing.....So many times described as a rollercoaster ride but I think that description is Mickey mouse in comparison with the real experience...For me after, a lifetime smoking and not knowing what it is like not to smoke it was an amazing time..That every day new discoveries, the new smells, the taste of food, the smell of my wife, no more coughing and wheezing, all that stuff was none existing while I was falsely happily puffing my life away. 

I am sure I have had my fair share of tests, starting with my sons Motorbike accident (with no medical aid) the passing of my brother in law and now the serious drought and the uncertainty of what the future holds. Thank goodness not once I thought that a cigarette will make it easier... I am so happy knowing that I actually saved my life and I can actually also say “ My worst habit was smoking but I quit “ (Katherine Heigl) 

I am free and I hope for all the friends I have made on this forum and I am really honoured to be called your friend, to feel as free and happy because we are making our own happiness.....

Harkut profile image
Harkut1 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Congrats to you!! AWESOME!!! 

So so thankful I have found this support. 

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Back from heaven.....!!!!

Yes.... my week on the white beaches of northern Mozambique is only a memory now and I am back in reality.... Could paddle at least 10 km a day and caught few nice fish...

In the mean time I have reached my 9 months smoke free milestone and what a lovely 9 months it has been...No huffing and puffing....smelling and tasting good food and nature....Life is good !!!!

To all new quitters out there.....my advice: Know thy enemy...Know what is happening in your brain and you need to battle the emotions.... The physical part is hard but the almost unbearable part is the psychological battle... It is a chemical warfare.....Don't be afraid to supplement with herbal supplements that can be bought over the counter .....Remember nicotine is a very potent drug and our brains are altered to believe that it is only that cigarette that can make us happy.... we need to overcome this and make our own happiness... Stay strong and thank you for this forum and all the wonderful friends... Together we can beat this demon that ruled our lives for to long... Strongs....!!!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Who Says Being A Quitter Is A Bad Thing?

 It has been 10 months ago driving the 400 km back from the doctor with a box of Champix in my pocket and a X-Ray in a brown envelope showing my poor lungs in a very bad shape after my 38 years of abusing them with toxins.....that is where I made the best decision of my life: quit or be acquitted !! 

People say you can’t live without love...yes maybe... but I think Oxygen is more important and that life thrills and smoking kills....If you think smoking is cool you are a fool and what a big one I have been ?

When you give up smoking it is a different world....This new world where everything smells the way it should...Yes...Back allies smells bad, KFC still smell horrible... City parks should smell fresh but really does not, they stink !....The sea, the soil, the field flowers, the bush smells the way I remembered it as a child, lovely......The rediscovery of senses...Still amazes me every day !

Muhammed Ali’s wise words: “Don’t count the days, let the days count” served me well throughout my 10 months.. I am not suddenly a 25 year old stud (I wish) but slowly and surely I am getting back there..and it is worth all that initial suffering and emotions.... an American actress after winning an Oscar said: “ I am more proud of myself quitting smoking than anything else I have done in my life including winning an Oscar”

I feel the same and so should everyone on this forum should feel being it 1 day or 1 year smoke free ...Very proud of ourselves !!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

When we originally quit it feels like we are pinned between a rock and a brick wall… but after the first few “hellish” days this rock becomes a stone and we start to carry it around and live with it.. Further along the path we will put our hand in our pocket one day to find this pebble and will recognize it as that rock at the beginning of our quit….. Will it ever become a sand kernel ??? Nobody knows !

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

If you’re not where you want to be right now, take the time to visualize yourself in the place you want to be and take the first step in that direction. You may not be able to change your destination in a day, but you can change your direction right now.

Keep moving along this new path and it will eventually lead you to your destination"

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”Words of a Eastern wise man-

 “Tough times never last, but tough people do.”—Robert H. Schuller

Lucy1255 profile image
Lucy12552 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I can't thank you for sharing these wonderful words and his journey I would not have been able to quit with out all of you......I never thought I could do this smoking seemed like my life.....sad to say......again thanks for your support and making me feel so welcome to this group🙏🏼🙏🏼

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Lucy1255

Lucy ...thank you for reading...and wish I could do more sometimes when I read some peoples suffering...Yes quitting is not easy but possible...There is pain, sadness,rebellion, grieving, happiness, amazement,self investigating and I can carry on and on but the main joy is that I/we are free from the entrapment and slavery and can make our own happiness...Stay well and strongs !!! 

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

I believe our Creator gave us two gifts, one is choice and the other is chance : the choice of a good life and the chance to make it the best..

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to RoisinO1


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” Douglas Pagels

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

It is a known fact that the only person who does not fail is the person not doing anything challenging....Thus you did not fail but did not win this very, very difficult challenge...So take time, get a new date and quit again....I have said it so many times But Mark Twain said: "Quitting is easy I have done it thousands of times''...Even if this is your tenth time quitting there is still 990 times left.... 

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Remember Louis L'Amour said" Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more."

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

My 11 Months Metamorphoses

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ― Maya Angelou

On my 11 th month not smoking I found it so true and so applicable on us quitters... We deny the fact that we have been ugly stinking worms crawling in every corner just to have that half hourly nicotine fix and thought that we are happy and calm..

Then we decided to change and spin ourselves in this pity cocoon and suffer in this little cramping muscle aching space. It is here where you feel like rats gnawed on your muscles and p**sed on your brain. Barely surviving and seriously suffering resisting not to lick a chain smoker just to get that sweet, sweet taste of nicotine. We got dryer and crimped away...we got confused and emotional...is it fight or flight time?

Then we decide to fight and break free from this prison where we have been entrapped to slavery for so long....then you feel your lungs inflate with the onrush of fresh air and new life and at last you know what freedom and happiness is...

Emerging as this butterfly, free to go where it wants to go and fly with the wind....No need to hide away in small cold corners and become aware that our task must be and I quote Albert Einstein “To free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace life and the whole of nature and its beauty”

It is so possible and if we really want it we can do it !!!!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

“The successful possess the courage to walk each day toward something; after coming through everything.”

― Johnnie Dent Jr.

FOCUS : Follow On Course Until Successful.”

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Zig Ziglar said "I move forward in my life every day, even if it's only a tiny step,

because I know that great things are accomplished with tiny moves,

but nothing is accomplished by standing still"

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

“What we want is within reach.”

Back into reality and in time to enjoy my one year smoke free celebrations...!!!

Yes, Back from peacefulness and soul enrichment and wished it could last forever but what I know will last, for the rest of my life, is my decision to live it smoke free.

This past year I have learned that to quit smoking successful is an attitude, a mindset, a decision, a commitment, a promise. I belief that it can be done, should be done and WILL be done. We must always remember who we are and that tomorrow begins with what we do today.

I don’t see a brick wall as an obstacle but a “know how” for achieving success...you have to build your dreams and targets one brick at a time and if you believe in your abilities and you will be amazed of what can be accomplished...!

The most important though is as it is essential to possess the willpower to succeed, it's even more important to have the drive to maintain it after you achieve it and truly there is no better way to annoy the nicodemon than achieving this one year smoke free massive success !!!!!!!!

Criss Jami says: “The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.” Well sorry, I can’t keep my mouth shut on this occasion because I want everyone on this forum who have bitten the bullet with me, before me and after me to know that it is possible and that success is not an activity but a process that influence the rest of our lives....!

Stay strong in your quits and see all of you in the Penthouse .....!!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Iam feeling every second with you and want to leave you with a thought that I took for myself right in the beginning of my quit and on those horrid days read it over and over:

“The chief beauty about time

is that you cannot waste it in advance.

The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you,

as perfect, as unspoiled,

as if you had never wasted or misapplied

a single moment in all your life.

You can turn over a new leaf every hour

if you choose.”

― Arnold Bennett

And we have chosen !!!!!!!!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

The Past, Present and Future

Hercu 400 Days Smoke Free an hour ago 2 Replies

Today...400 Days into my new life I can look back on my journey, That rollercoaster ride, the point where I was dropped into the washing machine...I was soaked, twisted, spun, knocked around but I believe I came out cleaner, brighter and better than the previous 38 years of my life... Dell said that when you start a journey you must “throw away that store bought map and start to draw your own”...Exactly what I did... Face in the right direction and started walking and also remembering that to know the road ahead ask those on their way back... I have learned from people’s failures and successes...Took all that ingredients and drawn my own map....

The caption from the book “The art of War”: “Always attack. Even in defence, attack” became my motto going into this quit with the believe that I cannot recover yesterday but can win tomorrow....The saying that a stream does not cut a canyon by force but by consistency is so valuable on this quit thing...Take it day by day and just continue on the road “forward is forward no matter the speed”

“Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going.” I am sure I will never forget the past 13 months, especially the first four months with the emotions, the lost of my sparkle, zest, mojo and happiness. I acknowledged the fact that it is a chemical war going on in my body and brain. I learned that my brain is rewired to adapt to nicotine as the only thing that can make me comfortable and happy...My dopamine pathways was/is altered. I got a good tip to supplement herbal with over the counter supplements and got the Dopamine flowing again and from then to the present I just wanted to catch every precious moment... I could feel the cleansing from that washing machine taking effect...everything returning...Smell, breathing, taste, happiness, zest, mojo.. life ...!!

The Future...well no one knows but a fact is what you do today will determine your future. I do not know how much damage was done to my brain and body although there are signs of COPD but Mohammed Ali said “don’t count the days, make the days count”

If there is a message for new quitters in this it is that it really is worth your while to quit and start living...There will still be ups and downs...Job losses..Brexit’s droughts, economical difficulties, sick pets, own illnesses but we will not rely on an addiction to live our lives. We escaped the entrapment and slavery and will bare with life’s curve balls on our own strength and prayers....!

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to RoisinO1

I think this and worm to butterfly ones are my favorite. Much wisdom here!!! Thank you so much for writing this. Amid troubles you remain positive.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Just bumping this thread up for our newbies....

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

The Quality of life after 15 months smober...!

Hercu 1 Year Smoke Free an hour ago 2 Replies

1Year 3Months 0Weeks 1Day1Hour 43Mins 42Secs Since Hercu Quit Smoking

It is so nice to live this new quality life and though it necessary to share with all the quitters, should the quit be a few hours or years but this is how I feel life should be...

I started my journey on Champix came down from 60 per day to 3 on day ten and stopped on day 12...I had the nausea and insomnia but pushed through and completed the whole 12 weeks... and Oh Boy the day after I stopped Champix heavens came crushing down on me once again as it was on day 3 to 7 of my quit.. That total Zombification... That feeling of rats gnawing on your muscles and then just to make sure that you suffer enough pisses on your brain... my body felt as if was used as the battering ram to break open the door to my wanted freedom .....That misty feeling.... that floating feeling the moment you get off from a rollercoaster ride...walk around for days where your vision is not following your head turn but lag behind like a cars head lights around a sharp corner... I cried and mourned the loss of my dearest friend , which I have met in the trenches of the border war we were fighting as 18 year old boys...My companion in darkness, my warmth in the cold... my relaxation when tensed...Meu Amigo...Gone.......!

But always in my mind remembering that day staring at my chest X rays and the GP mumbling something of COPD in the back ground and I saw that vision of the old myself sitting on a garden bench kept upright with pillows with a huge oxygen tank besides me .... Me the Dutch basketball player, provincial and National...for twenty five years continuous... The keen Kayak angler ..Paddling 15 km per day on the ocean with 3 meter swells... It can’t and won’t be... So I remained quit....and embraced this quit and decided to attack and not to defend...

On this forum I met an Australian Nurse... Mellie.. and she introduced me to the Dopamine idea and up to this day I believed that it was the biggest contribution to my up to date success .. If I am allowed to call it a success.. For me it is victory !!!! I followed Mellie’s recommendations and supplemented with Herbal supplements and got the Dopamine and Serotonin flowing... I acknowledged the fact that my brain is altered by years of battering with chemicals.. and knew the only way to get out of this entrapment was to supplement correctly...and it worked for me....and believed it to be the main player in my resurrection....

The smoke free life opened itself to me with a passion.. Maybe because I wanted it so much.. The return of taste and smell...Good and bad... I always thought my wife is over excoriating with that comments after my first visit to the bathroom .. But Geepers.. I experienced it first hand...it smells bad !!!!... For a man touching 60 the improved blood flow meant the world....My life quality improved..my bank balance improved ...I bought my jet ski which was a something I always dreamt of...I started hobbies... Completed projects ..Go for long walks in the plantations... Take Sunday afternoon pedals with my Granddaughters on the dam with the little water available between the crocodiles... I live life and wondered if it would be this good should I still be burning away 60 per day... ???? and I answered myself a zillion times....NEVER...!!!!

I never think of a cigarette anymore in a nice way... I hope that I can enjoy this smoke free life forever and belief that it is really worth it and can promise all the starters: believe in yourself and it become true... Life is good..... actually excellent smoke free....NOPE....!!!

“It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.”

― Anthony Robbins

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

NOPE 2 Years, 24 Months, 730 Days, 17531 Hours, 1051898 Minutes, 63113880 Seconds

To quit smoking was certainly one of the most difficult and amazing things I have done in my live…with the biggest continuous reward.......

I have been in a war as a youngster, which was tough but not that bad because I survived…After that I worked in a gold mine underground… 2 km deep.. It was difficult but enjoyed the daily challenges…

and I could pay for my studies....

38 years later I decided to live the life I was granted as a youngster and quit smoking….. and “ BOOM “ back to earth….knocked down to my knees and suddenly know what Zig Zagler meant by saying: “There is no elevator to success , you need to take the stairs”….

Yes, I crawled the first few floors up that steps.. Just making sure that I never slide back one step..Because I knew on step back will be the end and I will never have the energy or guts to reach the top !!!

But I attacked and not only defended...!!

As the saying goes.. “Change is hard in the beginning.. messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end” … In the beginning you crave, your body aches, you morn, you cough black phlegm, lose your mojo…you are moody , kick the dog..get road rage…snap at family…!!

When al that is fairly overcome you get all that messy rediscoveries… like smelling your morning visit to the bathroom …alleys with that overwhelming ammoniac smell….My kayak bait box….the old oil of Kentucky Fried Chicken..I never thought things can smell that bad…!!

And then comes the new life… Tasting food.. breathing without the weezing.....Smelling the soil after rain…. the wild flowers, the sea…My wife…

Not gasping for breath.. not sounding like an erupting Mount Edna when I cough…getting back my energy, sparkle and mojo…….Gorgeous !!!!!

No, I am not on top floor yet.. but strongly on my way…I can almost do double steps taking care not to slip and fall back..but the more steps I take the more balanced I get.

I am climbing daily… whether there is an end I don’t mind…. it is so nice and hope it continues

I am not a quitter but to quit smoking was certainly the best thing I did in my life …I am now the CEO of my own life !!!!

nikkitk123 profile image
nikkitk1231 Year Smoke Free

You are my hero I am really impressed

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