Ah, got in from work and I was so close, so close, thoughts of 'shall I have a cigarette when I get home' filled my head throughout the journey. I have not smoked. Instead I have spent the last half an hour reading posts on here and various other sites from people who are giving up smoking. Distraction works. Sites such as this one are invaluable. All of you who post here should know that you help others. Hope you are all doing well.
Day 6....: Ah, got in from work and I was so... - No Smoking Day
Day 6....

Hummm.... Yes distraction works but then it will come back eventually.
I'll share one sad episode of my life that was key on my quit. I was raised by my granny although my parents are both alive and well. When my nana passed away 18 years ago, I buried with her the best part of me, it took me a good 5 years to keep going normally. Now a days, I still miss her dearly but I know now that I just cannot have her again. I still have the memories and the thoughts, that's all I have.
My cigarettes were with me since I was 12 years old, I am 40. I chose not to smoke. I know from reading a lot that it is going to be difficult but I made the decision of stopping no one made me stop. I am stopping for myself. Smoking is not coming back. I just have to move on.
Spend time looking for ways to easy the process and make less painful such as natural supplements, hydration, breathing techniques
..but accept the fact that smoking is not an option. It's just NOT AN OPTION. Only then, you'll find a way to deal with the situation.
Stay strong xxx you can do this 😥
Thank you. You are right. I am 45 and I am stopping because I cannot bear the thought of still smoking years into the future. It frightens me because I know what it will cost.
Accept the fact that smoking is not an option...Good advice, really good.
Thank you. I hope you are doing well.
How far are you gone musheen?
.....just saw it, day 6! Jaysus! The first 10 days might as well just tie hands and legs with a rope and lock myself in a room I thought! It is not easy!
Do you know what? You can do it! If I can, anyone can!
One hour at the time, stop the coffee, go to bed earlier, sleep it off, drink loads and loads of water, actually... Water is a very good topic.
Did you know that a dehydrated body tends to be full of moods, attitude, headaches, shakes,... And whatever... You name it? A lot of the symptoms associated with quit smoking can easily be eliminated by overdosing on clear water.
I am heading for the tap in the kitchen as we speak! Thank you. You advice is good advice and I appreciate it.
I used water a lot to reduce the cravings on the early days. Also magnesium powder supplements to stay calm, I'm bit of an explosive personality off the fags, and lay off the sugars and chocolates they actually increase the cravings by thousands. That would be my advice. Proper sleep is extremely important. Take your own time, this is probably the most difficult thing you'll ever do in your life, take your time to do it properly so that you'll never have to do it again 😀
Didn't know that about sugars - interesting. Thank you.
The exact same reason why there food addictions...the gabba neurotransmitters are in tge centre of all the hand to mouth addictions. A gabba natural supplement will do you wonders for the first 40 days. Do some research, one of our members here in the forum brought this to my attention and I am forever grateful for that, I really believe that was the key to stay sane.
Going to look it up!
Today you fought it and you you won, you didn't just get distracted, you spend your time filling yourself with knowledge... Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you acquire the most likely you are to succeed xxx well done! Nite nite! Stay strong tomorrow is party time one week in the bag 😀
Water really has been a savior in my quit Mushen, in January I started using a water juicer bottle (all the rage these days) at work, chop up lemon, cucumber and mint, put in the bottom of the juicer bottle and top up ice cold water throughout the day, tastes very refreshing but may not be to everyones taste but you can put whatever fruit you like in it, beats the snacking on sugary foods too....
I got one of those for me too in lidl around the same time, anything goes on it, I don't particularly enjoy water... I need some teasing to it.

Well done Mushen, you were right to distract yourself to get by the craving especially at this early stage in your quit where the cravings are more frequent and severe.
mmaya is right but its early days and mmaya, myself and everyone who quits would have done the exact same to distract ourselves at this stage, your brain is still being re-wired and will be for a few weeks yet to get to that way of thinking that smoking is not an option, alot of focus, determination and knowledge is key now.
I posted some helpful tips there a while ago on coping with craving.
PS 1 week milestone tomorrow, so plan to celebrate this huge achievement and treat yourself!
nice one for not succumbing. another day down.

Well done Mushen - keep it going

It is so hard to understand why when we are so determined to quit these thoughts jump into our minds. You are not alone i have them and I guess so do the majority of other quitters, one day we shall be comfortable as non smokers till that time comes we must win these battles. Distraction works for me and reading about withdrawal helps a lot as does this forum. Do whatever it takes to win and stay strong.

You are so right. I am hanging onto the fact that this will lessen over time. Thank you for taking the time to reply and I hope you are doing well.

Hey mushen , how are you getting on?
Hello. Not too bad. Am back using my e-cig so am plodding on. I hope you are well.